Wild Wednesday!

Marvelous Day here in Portland! Beautiful weather, wonderful events and marvelous news from my friend Ed.

Life is sweet, even in the heart of winter. I hope this finds you well!

Bright Blessings,



On The Menu

The Links

Poetry at the Red & Black (Rowan’s first reading!)

Good News from Ed Bennett!

The Three Wishes

Poetry: Further On With Rumi

Art: Mark Henson – The Spiritual Side…


The Links:

Read and Weep: Distortions in the Media…

Abductions and Blue Trolls

Boy`s screaming kills chickens, for crying out loud

Flying dinos had bi-plane design


Poetry Reading: Rowan reads at The Red & Black

Poetry at the Red & Black

Rowan took part in a student/teacher reading at the Red and Black Cafe (Our local Wobbly Hang-Out) last night. Part of an arts project, some 35 students and teachers got up and did there thing in Bohemian S.E. Portland.

A very excited audience, and a great opportunity for the students to polish their licks so to speak.

Rowan Reading – “Ode To Tea’

Ode To Tea

Oh tea

Oh tea

Oh tea

You smell of fabulous moon kissed flowers

Your steam is like dragons breath over the morning downs

You look like a still sound of honey

Your kettle sings like a spectacular whistling bear

Your taste varies like thousands of sun dripped paints.

You’re as wise as a mad Alchemists third eye

You dance in me like royal crickets at a ball

You warm me like the wing of a new born phoenix

Not to mention you go well with Honey and cookies too

Oh tea

Oh tea

Oh tea


This is a great program for students; allowing them to find their poetic voices, and to work with older poets. I like the fact that they have a performance at the end of the session. This is all done through Literary Arts: Writers in the Schools. They teach in 16 high schools, in 80 various classrooms and serve 3000 students. Truly a great work. I talked to Jessica Lamb, who was one of the Writers-in-Residence at Cleveland High. A bright, enthusiastic Poetess who along with Karen Margolis worked with teachers and students to bring this whole affair to fruition. Good on them! Check out their website: Literary Arts.org It was a marvelous evening!


Good News from my friend Ed Bennett:

This morning, daughter Megan had a 6 lb 5 oz girl, as

of yet un-named, at NYU Medical Center. . .

Grandparents Ed & Janice are so excited it will be

hard to wait for our visit next week.

Most Excellent!(G)


The Three Wishes

Once upon a time, and be sure ’twas a long time ago, there lived a poor woodman in a great forest, and every day of his life he went out to fell timber. So one day he started out, and the goodwife filled his wallet and slung his bottle on his back, that he might have meat and drink in the forest. He had marked out a huge old oak, which, thought he, would furnish many and many a good plank. And when he was come to it, he took his axe in his hand and swung it round his head as though he were minded to fell the tree at one stroke. But he hadn’t given one blow, when what should he hear but the pitifullest entreating, and there stood before him a fairy who prayed and beseeched him to spare the tree. He was dazed, as you may fancy, with wonderment and affright, and he couldn’t open his mouth to utter a word. But he found his tongue at last, and, ‘Well,’ said he, ‘I’ll e’en do as thou wishest.’

‘You’ve done better for yourself than you know,’ answered the fairy, ‘and to show I’m not ungrateful, I’ll grant you your next three wishes, be they what they may.’ And therewith the fairy was no more to be seen, and the woodman slung his wallet over his shoulder and his bottle at his side, and off he started home.

But the way was long, and the poor man was regularly dazed with the wonderful thing that had befallen him, and when he got home there was nothing in his noddle but the wish to sit down and rest. Maybe, too, ’twas a trick of the fairy’s. Who can tell? Anyhow, down he sat by the blazing fire, and as he sat he waxed hungry, though it was a long way off supper-time yet.

‘Hasn’t thou naught for supper, dame?’ said he to his wife.

‘Nay, not for a couple of hours yet,’ said she.

‘Ah!’ groaned the woodman, ‘I wish I’d a good link of black pudding here before me.’

No sooner had he said the word, when clatter, clatter, rustle, rustle, what should come down the chimney but a link of the finest black pudding the heart of man could wish for.

If the woodman stared, the goodwife stared three times as much. ‘What’s all this?’ says she.

Then all the morning’s work came back to the woodman, and he told his tale right out, from beginning to end, and as he told it the goodwife glowered and glowered, and when he had made an end of it she burst out, ‘Thou bee’st but a fool, Jan, thou bee’st but a fool; and I wish the pudding were at thy nose, I do indeed.’

And before you could say Jack Robinson, there the Goodman sat and his nose was the longer for a noble link of black pudding.

He gave a pull, but it stuck, and she gave a pull, but it stuck, and they both pulled till they had nigh pulled the nose off, but it stuck and stuck.

‘What’s to be done now?’ said he.

“Tisn’t so very unsightly,’ said she, looking hard at him.

Then the woodman saw that if he wished, he must need wish in a hurry; and wish he did, that the black pudding might come off his nose. Well! there it lay in a dish on the table, and if the goodman and goodwife didn’t ride in a golden coach, or dress in silk and satin, why, they had at least as fine a black pudding for their supper as the heart of man could desire.


Poetry: Further On With Rumi


Love has taken away my practices

and filled me with poetry.

I tried to keep quietly repeating,

No strength but yours,

but I couldn’t.

I had to clap and sing.

I used to be respectable and chaste and stable,

but who can stand in this strong wind

and remember those things?

A mountain keeps an echo deep inside itself.

That’s how I hold your voice.

I am scrap wood thrown in your fire,

and quickly reduced to smoke.

I saw you and became empty.

This emptiness, more beautiful than existence,

it obliterates existence, and yet when it comes,

existence thrives and creates more existence!

The sky is blue. The world is a blind man

squatting on the road.

But whoever sees your emptiness

sees beyond blue and beyond the blind man.

A great soul hides like Muhammad, or Jesus,

moving through a crowd in a city

where no one knows him.

To praise is to praise

how one surrenders

to the emptiness.

To praise the sun is to praise your own eyes.

Praise, the ocean. What we say, a little ship.

So the sea-journey goes on, and who knows where!

Just to be held by the ocean is the best luck

we could have. It’s a total waking up!

Why should we grieve that we’ve been sleeping?

It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been unconscious.

We’re groggy, but let the guilt go.

Feel the motions of tenderness

around you, the buoyancy.


A naked man jumps in the river, hornets swarming

above him. The water is the zikr, remembering,

There is no reality but God. There is only God.

The hornets are his sexual remembering, this woman,

that woman. Or if a woman, this man, that.

The head comes up. They sting.

Breathe water. Become river head to foot.

Hornets leave you alone then. Even if you’re far

from the river, they pay no attention.

No one looks for stars when the sun’s out.

A person blended into God does not disappear. He, or she,

is just completely soaked in God’s qualities.

Do you need a quote from the Qur’an?

All shall be brought into our Presence.

Join those travelers. The lamps we burn go out,

some quickly. Some last till daybreak.

Some are dim, some intense, all fed with fuel.

If a light goes out in one house, that doesn’t affect

the next house. This is the story of the animal soul,

not the divine soul. The sun shines on every house.

When it goes down, all houses get dark.

Light is the image of your teacher. Your enemies

love the dark. A spider weaves a web over a light,

out of himself, or herself, makes a veil.

Don’t try to control a wild horse by grabbing its leg.

Take hold the neck. Use a bridle. Be sensible.

Then ride! There is a need for self-denial.

Don’t be contemptuous of old obediences. They help.

Love Dogs

One night a man was crying,

Allah! Allah!

His lips grew sweet with the praising,

until a cynic said,

“So! I have heard you

calling out, but have you ever

gotten any response?”

The man had no answer to that.

He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep.

He dreamed he saw Khidr, the guide of souls,

in a thick, green foliage.

“Why did you stop praising?”

“Because I’ve never heard anything back.”

“This longing

you express is the return message.”

The grief you cry out from

draws you toward union.

Your pure sadness

that wants help

is the secret cup.

Listen to the moan of a dog for its master.

That whining is the connection.

There are love dogs

no one knows the names of.

Give your life

to be one of them.


Borrow the beloved’s eyes.

Look through them and you’ll see the beloved’s face

everywhere. No tiredness, no jaded boredom.

“I shall be your eye and your hand and your loving.”

Let that happen, and things

you have hated will become helpers.

A certain preacher always prays long and with enthusiasm

for thieves and muggers that attack people

on the street. “Let your mercy, O Lord,

cover their insolence.”

He doesn’t pray for the good,

but only for the blatantly cruel.

Why is this? his congregation asks.

“Because they have done me such generous favors.

Every time I turn back toward the things they want,

I run into them, they beat me, and leave me nearly dead

in the road, and I understand, again, that what they want

is not what I want. They keep me on the spiritual path.

That’s why I honor them and pray for them.”

Those that make you return, for whatever reason,

to God’s solitude, be grateful to them.

Worry about the others, who give you

delicious comforts that keep you from prayer.

Friends are enemies sometimes,

and enemies friends.

There is an animal called an ushghur, a porcupine.

If you hit it with a stick, it extends its quills

and gets bigger. The soul is a porcupine,

made strong by stick-beating.

So a prophet’s soul is especially afflicted,

because it has to become so powerful.

A hide is soaked in tanning liquor and becomes leather.

If the tanner did not rub in the acid,

the hide would get foul-smelling and rotten.

The soul is a newly skinned hide, bloody and gross.

Work on it with manual discipline,

and the bitter tanning acid of grief,

and you’ll become lovely, and very strong.

If you can’t do this work yourself, don’t worry.

You don’t even have to make a decision,

one way or another. The Friend, who knows

a lot more than you do, will bring difficulties,

and grief, and sickness,

as medicine, as happiness,

as the essence of the moment when you’re beaten,

when you hear Checkmate, and can finally say,

with Hallaj’s voice,

I trust you to kill me.


Celebrating The Day….

I met Mark Henson a few times over the years at various gatherings. I have long admired his works, and I stumbled across some of his political stuff recently, which brought him back in focus in my life. Really, he is a genuine and sweet person. His art ranges wildly, and on many subjects. He truly is a treasure, and we should celebrate him.

We have some nice stuff today, be sure to hit the links, and check out that film! Exciting stuff.

All the best to you on Tuesday.

Something interesting will soon show up here….



On The Menu

The Links

The Quotes

Simorgh – An Ancient Persian Fairy Tale

The Poetry of Rumi

The Erotic Art of Mark Henson


The Links:

Day Glo Is Back!

Down Load This!

Montreal woman seeks compensation in ’50s brainwashing case

Bill would make pot legal in New Hampshire


The Quotes:

“We do not write because we want to; we write because we have to.”

“The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.”

“Laws are like sausages. It’s better not to see them being made.”

“A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.”

“We are here and it is now. Further than that all human knowledge is moonshine.”

“Humans are not proud of their ancestors, and rarely invite them round to dinner.”

“It’s a small world, but I wouldn’t want to paint it.”


Simorgh – An Ancient Persian Fairy Tale

By Homa A. Ghahremani

“Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced-even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it.”


There was being and nonbeing, there was none but God [1], who had three sons: Prince Jamshid (King of the golden age of Iranian epics), Prince Q-mars, and the youngest, Prince Khorshid (Sun, light, divine wisdom., who was self-born — an initiate), who had no mother. He was the king’s favorite because he was the bravest of all.

In the garden of the palace there grew a pomegranate tree [2] with only three pomegranates; their seeds were fabulous gems that shone like lamps by night. When ripe, the pomegranates would turn into three beautiful girls who were to become the wives of the three princes. Every night, by the king’s order, one of his sons guarded the tree lest anyone should steal the pomegranates.

One night when Prince Jamshid was guarding the tree he fell asleep and, in the morning, one pomegranate was missing. The next night Prince Q-mars was on guard, but he also fell asleep and the next morning another pomegranate was missing. When it came Prince Khorshid’s turn, he cut one of his fingers and rubbed salt on it so the burning would keep him awake. Shortly after midnight a cloud appeared above the tree and a hand, coming out of it, picked the last pomegranate. Prince Khorshid drew his sword and cut off one of the fingers. The hand and the cloud hurriedly disappeared.

In the morning when the king saw drops of blood on the ground he ordered his sons to track them, find the thief, and bring back the stolen pomegranates. The three princes followed the blood drops over mountains and deserts until they reached a deep well where the trail ended. Prince Jamshid offered to be lowered down the well with a rope to investigate. Less than halfway down he screamed: “Pull me up, pull me up, I am burning.” His brothers pulled him up. Next, Prince Q-mars went down and soon he also cried out that he was burning. When Prince Khorshid decided to go down he told his brothers that no matter how loudly he shouted, they should not pull him up but let the rope down farther; and they were then to wait for him only until dark. If there was no sign of him, they could go home.

Prince Khorshid entered the well and, in spite of unbearable heat, went all the way down to the bottom where he found a young girl, beautiful as a full moon. On her lap lay the head of a sleeping deav/div [3], whose thunderous snores filled the air with heat and smoke. “Prince Khorshid,” she whispered, “what are you doing here? If this deav wakes up, he will surely kill you as he has killed many others. Go back while there is still time.”

Prince Khorshid, who loved her at first glance, refused. He asked her who she was and what she was doing there.

“My two sisters and I are captives of this deav and his two brothers. My sisters are imprisoned in two separate wells where the deavs have hidden the stolen wealth of almost all the world.”

Prince Khorshid said: “I am going to kill the deav and free you and your sisters. But I will wake him first; I do not wish to kill him in his sleep.” The prince scratched the soles of the deav’s feet until he opened his eyes and stood up. Roaring, the deav picked up a millstone and threw it at the prince, who quickly stepped aside, drew his sword, and in the name of God cut the deav in half. Thereafter he went to the other two wells, finished off the deavs and rescued the sisters of his beloved. He also collected the treasure.

As it was not yet dark, his brothers were still waiting for him and when he called them they started to pull up the rope. The girl whom Prince Khorshid loved wanted him to go up before her, because she knew that when his brothers saw the jewels they would be jealous and would not pull him up. But the prince insisted she go up first. When she saw that she could not change his mind she said: “If your brothers do not pull you up and leave you here, there are two things you should know: first, there are in this land a golden cock [4] and a golden lantern [5] that can lead you to me. The cock is in a chest and when you open it, he will sing for you. And when he sings, all kinds of gems will pour from his beak. The golden lantern is self-illuminated, and it burns forever. The second thing you should know is this: later in the night there will come two oxen that will fight with each other. One is black, [6] the other white. [7] If you jump on the white ox it will take you out of the well, but if, by mistake, you jump on the black one, it will take you seven floors farther down.”

As she had predicted, when the princes Jamshid and Q-mars saw the girls and the boxes of gold and silver, they became jealous of their brother’s achievements. Knowing that their father would surely give him the kingdom, they cut the rope and let him fall to the bottom of the well. Then they went home and told their father that they were the ones who had rescued the girls, killed the deavs, and brought all the treasure, and that Prince Khorshid had not come back.

Prince Khorshid was heartbroken. He saw two oxen approaching and stood up as they started to fight. In his excitement he jumped on the back of the black ox and dropped with it seven floors down. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a green pasture with a view of a city in the distance. He started walking toward it when he saw a peasant plowing. Being hungry and thirsty he asked him for bread and water. The man told him to be very careful and not to talk out loud because there were two lions nearby; if they heard him they would come out and eat the oxen. Then he said: “You take over the plowing and I will get you something to eat.”

Prince Khorshid started to plow, commanding the oxen in a loud voice. Two roaring lions came charging toward him, but the prince captured the lions, turned the oxen loose and hitched the lions to the plow. When the peasant returned, he was very much taken aback. Prince Khorshid said: “Don’t be afraid. The lions are harmless now and will not hurt you or your oxen. But if you are not comfortable with them, I will let them go.” When he saw that the farmer was still reluctant to approach the lions, he unfastened them and they went back where they had come from.

The man had brought food but no water. He explained: “There is no water in the city because a dragon is sleeping in front of the spring. Every Saturday a girl is taken to the spring so that, when the dragon moves to devour her, some water runs through the city’s streams and people can collect enough for the following week. This Saturday the king’s daughter is to be offered to the dragon.”

Prince Khorshid had the peasant take him to the king: “What will be my reward if I kill the dragon and save your daughters life?” The king replied: “Whatever you wish within my power.”

Saturday came and the prince went with the girl to the spring. The moment the dragon moved aside to devour her, Prince Khorshid called the name of God and slew the monster. There was joy and celebration in the city. When Prince Khorshid, asked to name his reward, announced that his one wish was to return to his homeland, the king said: “The only one who could take you up seven floors is Simorgh (In New Persian literature Simorgh and in Pahlavi or Middle-Persian: Sen-Murv), who has many manifestations; besides divine wisdom, it may symbolize the perfected human being. According to some Pahlavi texts, Simorgh is a bird whose abode is in the middle of a sea in a tree which contains all the seeds of the vegetable world. Whenever Simorgh flies up from the tree one thousand branches grow, and whenever she sits on it, one thousand branches break and the seeds fall into the water.

In Ferdowsi’s Shah Nameh (Book of Kings) — originally called Khoday Nameh (Book of God) — Simorghs abode is on top of the mountain Ghaph, by which is meant Alborz mountain.). She lives nearby in a jungle. Every year she lays three eggs and each year her chicks are eaten by a serpent. If you could kill the serpent, she surely would take you home.”

Prince Khorshid went to the jungle and found the tree in which Simorgh had her nest. While he was watching, he saw a serpent climbing up the tree to eat the frightened chicks. In the name of God he cut the serpent into small pieces and fed some to the hungry chicks who were waiting for their mother to bring them food. He saved the rest for later and went to sleep under the tree. When Simorgh flew over the nest and saw Prince Khorshid, she thought he was the one who each year ate up all her chicks. She was ready to kill him, when her chicks shouted that he was the one who had saved them from the enemy. Realizing that he had killed the serpent, she stretched her wings over Prince Khorshid’s head to make shade for him while he slept.

When he awoke, the prince told Simorgh his story and asked whether she could help him. Simorgh urged him to go back to the king and ask him for the meat of seven bulls. “Make seven leather bags out of their hides and fill them with water. These will be my provisions for the journey; I need them to be able to take you home. Whenever I say I am hungry you must give me a bag of water, and when I say I am thirsty you must give me the carcass of a bull.” On their way up to the ground Prince Khorshid did exactly as Simorgh had instructed him until only one bag of water was left. When, instead of saying she was hungry Simorgh said she was thirsty, Prince Khorshid cut off some flesh from his thigh and put it in Simorgh’s beak. Simorgh immediately realized it was human flesh. She held it gently until they reached their destination. As soon as he dismounted, the prince urged Simorgh to fly back at once but, knowing he could not walk without limping, she refused and with her saliva restored the piece of his flesh to his thigh. Having learned how brave and unselfish the prince was, she gave him three of her feathers, saying that if he were ever in need of her he should burn one of them, and she would instantly come to his aid. With that she flew away.

Entering the town, Prince Khorshid learned that three royal weddings were about to take place: for Prince Jamshid, and Prince Q-mars, and the third for the Vizier’s son, because the youngest son of the king, Prince Khorshid, had never returned. One day some men came to the shop where Prince Khorshid was apprenticed, saying they had been to all the jewelry stores in town but no one would undertake to make what the king had ordered. Prince Khorshid asked them what it was and was told: “The girl who is to marry the Viziers son has put forward one condition to the marriage! She will only marry one who can bring her a golden cock from whose bill gems will pour when it sings; she also wants a golden lantern which is self-illuminated and burns for ever. But so far no jeweler can build such things.”

Prince Khorshid, recognizing the signs, spoke up: “With my master’s permission I can build you a chest with such a golden cock and also the golden lantern by tomorrow. The men gave him the jewels needed to build those items and left. Prince Khorshid gave them all to his master for, he said, he did not need them.

That night Prince Khorshid left the town and burned one of the feathers. When Simorgh came, he asked her to bring him what the girl had demanded, and she did so. In the morning, the astounded men took the precious items to the king, who at once summoned the young man to the court and was overjoyed to discover it was none other than his favorite son. Prince Khorshid told his story but he begged the king not to punish his brothers for the wrong they had done him.

The whole town celebrated his return and there were three weddings indeed. The king made Prince Khorshid his successor to the throne and all lived happily every after.



[1] The duality of light and darkness has always existed in the fundamental belief of Iranians; light representing the essence of life which is consciousness, and darkness representing non life which is form. All Persian fairy tales begin with the sentence “There was being and nonbeing, there was none but God.”). In the old, old times there was a king (The guardian of the throne of wisdom

[2] The treasure of secret knowledge

[3] Giant: tyranny of human ignorance and weakness

[4] This represents Saroush (Sarousha in Pahlavi). Sarousha is a godlike bird who is the most powerful of the gods, since he is the manifestation of righteousness, honesty, and striving. He fights the diev of frailty and weakness. In some versions of this story, the golden cock in a chest is a golden nightingale in a golden cage.

[5] The light of wisdom. In some versions, Prince Khorshid must bring back a golden lantern, in others a golden hand-mill which represents the wheel of destiny (or civilization and culture).

[6] Terrestrial life leading to darkness.

[7] Terrestrial life leading to light.


The Poetry of Rumi

I Have Five Things To Say

The wakened lover speaks directly to the beloved,

“You are the sky my spirit circles in,

the love inside love, the resurrection-place.

Let this window be your ear.

I have lost consciousness many times

with longing for your listening silence,

and your life-quickening smile.

You give attention to the smallest matters,

my suspicious doubts, and to the greatest.

You know my coins are counterfeit,

but you accept them anyway,

my impudence and my pretending!

I have five things to say,

five fingers to give

into your grace.

First, when I was apart from you,

this world did not exist,

nor any other.

Second, whatever I was looking for

was always you.

Third, why did I ever learn to count to three?

Fourth, my cornfield is burning!

Fifth, this finger stands for Rabia,

and this is for someone else.

Is there a difference?

Arc these words or tears?

Is weeping speech?

What shall I do, my love?”

So he speaks, and everyone around

begins to cry with him, laughing crazily,

moaning in the spreading union

of lover and beloved.

This is the true religion. All others

are thrown-away bandages beside it.

This is the sema of slavery and mastery

dancing together. This is not-being.

Neither words, nor any natural fact

can express this.

I know these dancers.

Day and night I sing their songs

in this phenomenal cage.

My soul, don’t try to answer now!

Find a friend, and hide.

But what can stay hidden?

Love’s secret is always lifting its head

out from under the covers,

“Here I am!”

A Community Of The Spirit

There is a community of the spirit.

Join it, and feel the delight

of walking in the noisy street,

and being the noise.

Drink all your passion,

and be a disgrace.

Close both eyes

to see with the other eye.

Open your hands,

if you want to be held.

Sit down in this circle.

Quit acting like a wolf, and feel

the shepherd’s love filling you.

At night, your beloved wanders.

Don’t accept consolations.

Close your mouth against food.

Taste the lover’s mouth in yours.

You moan, “She left me.” “He left me.”

Twenty more will come.

Be empty of worrying.

Think of who created thought!

Why do you stay in prison

when the door is so wide open?

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.

Live in silence.

Flow down and down in always

widening rings of being.

Where Everything is Music

Don’t worry about saving these songs!

And if one of our instruments breaks,

it doesn’t matter.

We have fallen into the place

where everything is music.

The strumming and the flute notes

rise into the atmosphere,

and even if the whole world’s harp

should burn up, there will still be

hidden instruments playing.

So the candle flickers and goes out.

We have a piece of flint, and a spark.

This singing art is sea foam.

The graceful movements come from a pearl

somewhere on the ocean floor.

Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge

of driftwood along the beach, wanting!

They derive

from a slow and powerful root

that we can’t see.

Stop the words now.

Open the window in the center of your chest,

and let the spirits fly in and out.

The Phrasing Must Change

Learn about your inner self from those who know such things,

but don’t repeat verbatim what they say.

Zuleikha let everything be the name of Joseph, from celery seed

to aloes wood. She loved him so much she concealed his name

in many different phrases, the inner meanings

known only to her. When she said, The wax is softening

near the fire, she meant, My love is wanting me.

Or if she said, Look, the moon is up or The willow has new leaves

or The branches are trembling or The coriander seeds

have caught fire or The roses are opening

or The king is in a good mood today or Isn’t that lucky?

or The furniture needs dusting or

The water carrier is here or It’s almost daylight or

These vegetables are perfect or The bread needs more salt

or The clouds seem to be moving against the wind

or My head hurts or My headache’s better,

anything she praises, it’s Joseph’s touch she means,

any complaint, it’s his being away.

When she’s hungry, it’s for him. Thirsty, his name is a sherbet.

Cold, he’s a fur. This is what the Friend can do

when one is in such love. Sensual people use the holy names

often, but they don’t work for them.

The miracle Jesus did by being the name of God,

Zuleikha felt in the name of Joseph.

When one is united to the core of another, to speak of that

is to breathe the name Hu, empty of self and filled

with love. As the saying goes, The pot drips what is in it.

The saffron spice of connecting, laughter.

The onion smell of separation, crying.

Others have many things and people they love.

This is not the way of Friend and friend.

Rabi’a al-Adawiyya

I spun some yarn to sell for food

And sold it for two silver coins.

I put a coin in each hand

Because I was afraid

That if I put both together in one hand

This great pile of wealth might hold me back.

– Rabi’a al-Adawiyya

Hellos – Farewells…

Said hello to friends this week end at a gathering at Miss Cymon’s. Old friends, new friends, life path friends. I got to spend some time with the young poet Cliff Anderson as well. Nice young man.

I said farewell to our dear friend Tom Charlesworth yesterday as he left to Sedona Arizona. Ah, that was hard. I have known him most of my life. It isn’t easy to see him go, but his life has taken another direction for awhile. Bless Ya Tom. Miss you already.

We deal with the very human side of things today, in the writings, poetry, and pictures.

I hope this Monday treats you well.




On the Menu:

The Links

Three Tales From Idries Shah

Animals And Albert Schweitzer

The Poetry Of Rabi’a al-Adawiyya


The Links

Baby mind reader rises to the challenge

Vishnu Idol Found In Russian Town

World is running out of water, says UN adviser

Search on for ‘feral man’ as mystery deepens over woman lost in jungle for 19 years


Three Tales From Idries Shah

There was once a small boy who banged a drum all day and loved every moment of it. He would not be quiet, no matter what anyone else said or did. Various people who called themselves Sufis, and other well-wishers, were called in by neighbors and asked to do something about the child.

The first so-called Sufi told the boy that he would, if he continued to make so much noise, perforate his eardrums; this reasoning was too advanced for the child, who was neither a scientist nor a scholar. The second told him that drum beating was a sacred activity and should be carried out only on special occasions. The third offered the neighbors plugs for their ears; the fourth gave the boy a book; the fifth gave the neighbors books that described a method of controlling anger through biofeedback; the sixth gave the boy meditation exercises to make him placid and explained that all reality was imagination. Like all placebos, each of these remedies worked for a short while, but none worked for very long.

Eventually, a real Sufi came along. He looked at the situation, handed the boy a hammer and chisel, and said, “I wonder what is INSIDE the drum?”

There was once a miserly man from Aberdeen who was learning golf. His teacher suggested that his initials be put on the ball, so that anyone who found it could return the ball to the clubhouse where he might later claim it. The Aberdonian was interested. “Yes,’ he said, “please scratch my initials, A.M.T., for Angus McTavish, on the ball. Oh, and if there is room, add M.D., as I am a physician.” The instructor did this. Then McTavish scratched his head. “While you are about it,” he said, “you might as well add, ‘Hours,11:30 to 4′ “

Two mothers talk about their sons.

One says, “And how is your boy getting on as a guru?”

“Just fine,” replies the second. “He has so many pupils that he can afford to get rid of some of the old ones.”

“That’s great,” says the first. “My son is getting on so well that he can afford NOT to take on everyone who applies to him!”


Animals And Albert Schweitzer

By Ingrid E. Newkirk

January marks the 131st anniversary of the birth of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a giant of a man whose legacy of kindness has trickled down through the years and still touches us today. Equally important to the poor people he served in equatorial Africa and to the wounded and orphaned animals he took in, from pelicans to pigs to baby gorillas, he worked to stop everyone’s pain and suffering. He still found time to author many books, including the ambitious The Philosophy of Civilization, a guide to ways in which our ethical beliefs can be the driving force in our lives.

A dose of Schweitzer’s philosophy would do us a world of good in today’s complex society.

Schweitzer believed that our obligation to be ethical should never be abstract. He suggested that that we consciously decide what we believe to be right and good conduct—in his case, a reverence for all life—and that, rather than wandering through life robotically, we should truly live it by being active participants.

Underlying this was his belief that our principles should compel us to effect the changes in conduct that we know we should and to persuade others to make them, too, even if it meant sacrifice and self-discipline. In other words, we shouldn’t simply ponder our lives and observe others around us, but rather, we should take actions that will help make the world better for our having passed through it.

Schweitzer, although himself a scientist, thought that laypeople were far more important in the world than scientists. Laypeople, he argued, are more in touch with life than those who feel the compulsion to examine and dissect it bit by bit. So Schweitzer believed, as did Lin Yu Tang, the Chinese philosopher, that “to comprehend the organs of the horse is not to comprehend the horse itself.”

Put another way, to smell the flower and appreciate it is superior to plucking it and taking apart its petals. And to know a gentle cow’s personality is preferable to eating her.

Schweitzer, a vegetarian, believed that it is only possible to be truly ethical when we “obey the compunction to help all life . . . and shrink from injuring anything that lives.” He looked out for others because he felt it his obligation.

Schweitzer’s philosophy is similar to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ belief that we must stand up, speak out and give of ourselves to stop unthinking and deliberate acts of cruelty to all those around us.

“We need a boundless ethics that includes the animals also,” he said. It is important, he believed, to give sympathy based on how much someone else—animal or human—suffers, rather than on some arbitrary measure of value. A worm was no less valuable for being “lowly” and Schweitzer was not afraid to be thought sentimental for moving a stranded earthworm from the pavement into the grass.

Just imagine what our world could be—think of the suffering we could stop—if everyone, from the lowly to the most exalted, were valued and treated as though they mattered.

Ingrid Newkirk is president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510; www.peta2.com. Her latest book is 50 Awesome Ways Kids Can Help Animals (Warner 2006).


And now… another visit with the

Poetry of Rabi’a al-Adawiyya

With My Beloved Alone

With my Beloved I alone have been,

When secrets tenderer than evening airs

Passed, and the Vision blest

Was granted to my prayers,

That crowned me, else obscure, with endless fame;

The while amazed between

His Beauty and His Majesty

I stood in silent ecstasy

Revealing that which o’er my spirit went and came.

Lo, in His face commingled

Is every charm and grace;

The whole of Beauty singled

Into a perfect face

Beholding Him would cry,

‘There is no God but He, and He is the most High.’


I have loved Thee with two loves –

a selfish love and a love that is worthy of Thee.

As for the love which is selfish,

Therein I occupy myself with Thee,

to the exclusion of all others.

But in the love which is worthy of Thee,

Thou dost raise the veil that I may see Thee.

Yet is the praise not mine in this or that,

But the praise is to Thee in both that and this.

Translator unknown

O God, Whenever I listen to the voice of anything

You have made—

The rustling of the trees

The trickling of water

The cries of birds

The flickering of shadow

The roar of the wind

The song of the thunder, I hear it saying:

“God is One! Nothing can be compared with God!”

In love, nothing exists between heart and heart.

Speech is born out of longing,

True description from the real taste.

The one who tastes, knows;

the one who explains, lies.

How can you describe the true form of Something

In whose presence you are blotted out?

And in whose being you still exist?

And who lives as a sign for your journey?

Rabia al-Adawiyya

I have two ways of loving You:

A selfish one

And another way that is worthy of You.

In my selfish love, I remember You and You alone.

In that other love, You lift the veil

And let me feast my eyes on Your Living Face.

The source of my suffering and loneliness is deep in my heart.

This is a disease no doctor can cure.

Only Union with the Friend can cure it.

I have made You the Companion of my heart.

But my body is available to those who desire its company,

And my body is friendly toward its guest,

But the Beloved of my heart is the guest of my soul.

Brothers, my peace is in my aloneness.

My Beloved is alone with me there, always.

I have found nothing in all the worlds

That could match His love,

This love that harrows the sands of my desert.

If I come to die of desire

And my Beloved is still not satisfied,

I would live in eternal despair.

To abandon all that He has fashioned

And hold in the palm of my hand

Certain proof that He loves me—

That is the name and the goal of my search.

O Lord,

If tomorrow on Judgment Day

You send me to Hell,

I will tell such a secret

That Hell will race from me

Until it is a thousand years away.

O Lord,

Whatever share of this world

You could give to me,

Give it to Your enemies;

Whatever share of the next world

You want to give to me,

Give it to Your friends.

You are enough for me.

O Lord,

If I worship You

From fear of Hell, burn me in Hell.

O Lord,

If I worship You

From hope of Paradise, bar me from its gates.

But if I worship You for Yourself alone

Then grace me forever the splendor of Your Face.


Rabi’a al-’Adawiyya (717 – 801 AD) was born in Basra. As a child, after the death of her parents, Rabi’a was sold into slavery. After years of service to her slavemaster, Rabi’a began to serve only the Beloved with her actions and thoughts. Since she was no longer useful to the slaveowner, Rabi’a was then set free to continue her devotion to the Beloved.

Rabi’a held that the true lover, whose consciousness is unwaveringly centered on the Beloved, is unattached to conditions such as pleasure or pain, not from sensory dullness but from ceaseless rapture in Divine Love.

Rabia was once asked, “How did you attain that which you have attained?”

“By often praying, ‘I take refuge in You, O God, from everything that distracts me from You, and from every obstacle that prevents me from reaching You.”

(Circe – Wright Barker 1900)

The Ocean Of Mist

—As the light increased I discovered around me an ocean of mist, which by chance reached up exactly to the base of the tower, and shut out every vestige of the earth, while I was left floating on this fragment of the wreck of a world, on my carved plank, in cloudland; a situation which required no aid from the imagination to render it impressive. As the light in the east steadily increased, it revealed to me more clearly the new world into which I had risen in the night, the new terra firma perchance of my future life.

– Henry David Thoreau

Friday at last….

On The Menu

The Links

Three Irish Tales

Poetry: Henry David Thoreau




The Links:

I Really Hope They Know What They’re Doing

Anomalous ruins found in Peruvian jungle

A Neurobiology of Sensitivity? Sentience as the Foundation for Unusual Conscious Perception

‘Mona Lisa’ died in 1542, buried in Florence

The Universe As Magic Roundabout


Three Irish Tales…

The Poet’s Malediction

The imprecations of the poets had often also a mysterious and fatal effect.

King Breas, the pagan monarch, was a fierce, cruel, and niggardly man, who was therefore very unpopular with the people, who hate the cold heart and the grudging hand.

Amongst others who suffered by the king’s inhospitality, was the renowned Carbury the poet, son of Eodain, the great poetess of the Tuatha-de-Danann race; she who chanted the song of victory when her people conquered the Firbolgs, on the plains of Moytura; and the stone that she stood on, during the battle, in sight of all the warriors, is still existing, and is pointed out as the stone of Eodain the poetess, with great reverence, even to this day.

It was her son, Carburv the poet, who was held in such high honour by the nation, that King Breas invited him to his court, in order that he might pronounce a powerful malediction over the enemy with whom he was then at war.

Carbury came on the royal summons, but. in place of being treated with the distinction due to his high rank, he was lodged and fed so meanly that the soul of the poet raged with wrath for the king gave him for lodgement only a small stone cell with-out fire or a bed; and for food he had only three cakes of meal without any flesh meat or sauce, and no wine was given him, such wine as is fit to light up the poet’s soul before the divine mystic spirit of song can awake in its power within him. So very early the next morning, the poet rose up and departed, with much rage in his heart. But as he passed the king’s house he stopped, and in place of a blessing, pronounced a terrible malediction over Breas and his race, which can still be found in the ancient books of Ireland, commencing thus–

“Without fire, without bed, on the surface of the floor!

Without meat, without fowl, on the surface of the dish.

Three little dishes and no flesh thereon,

A cell without bed, a dish without meat, a cup without wine,

Are these fit offerings from a king to a poet?

May the king and his race be three times accursed for ever and for ever!”

Immediately three large blisters rose on the king’s forehead, and remained there as a sign and mark of the poet’s vengeance.

And from that day forth to his death, which happened not long after, the reign of Breas was a time of sore trouble and disaster, for he was three times defeated by his enemies, and from care and sorrow a grievous disease fell on him; for though hungry he could not swallow any food; and though all the meat and wine of the best was set before him, yet his throat seemed closed, and though raging with hunger yet not a morsel could pass his lips; and so he died miserably, starved in the midst of plenty, and accursed in all things by the power and malediction of the angry poet.


The Dance of the Dead

It is especially dangerous to be out late on the last, night of November, for it is the closing scene of the revels–the last night when the dead have leave to dance on the hill with the fairies, and after that they must all go back to their graves and lie in the chill, cold earth, without music or wine till the next November comes round, when they all spring up again in their shrouds and rush out into the moonlight with mad laughter.

One November night, a woman of Shark island, coming home late at the hour of the dead, grew tired and sat down to rest, when presently a young man came up and talked to her.

“Wait a bit,” he said, “and you will see the most beautiful dancing you ever looked on there by the side of the hill.”

And she looked at him steadily. He was very pale, and seemed sad.

“Why are you so sad?” she asked, “and as pale as if you were dead?”

“Look well at me,” he answered. “Do you not know me?”

“Yes, I know you now,” she said. “You are young Brien that was drowned last year when out fishing. What are you here for?”

“Look,” he said, “at the side of the hill and you will see why I am here.”

And she looked, and saw a great company dancing to sweet music; and amongst them were all the dead who had died as long as she could remember–men, women, and children, all in white, and their faces were pale as the moonlight.

“Now,” said the young man, “run for your life; for if once the fairies bring you into the dance you will never be able to leave them any more.”

But while they were talking, the fairies came up and danced round her in a circle, joining their hands. And she fell to the ground in a faint, and knew no more till she woke up in the morning in her own bed at home. And they all saw that her face was pale as the dead, and they knew that she had got the fairy-stroke. So the herb doctor was sent for, and every measure tried to save her, but without avail, for just as the moon rose that night, soft, low music was heard round the house, and when they looked at the woman she was dead.

It is a custom amongst the people, when throwing away water at night, to cry out in a loud voice, “Take care of the water;” or, literally from the Irish, “Away with yourself from the water “—for they say the spirits of the dead last buried are then wandering about, and it would be dangerous if the water fell on them.

One dark winter’s night a woman suddenly threw out a pail of boiling water without thinking of the warning words. Instantly a cry was heard as of a person in pain, but no one was seen. However, the next night a black lamb entered the house, having the back all fresh scalded, and it lay down moaning by time hearth and died. Then they all knew this was the spirit that had been scalded by the woman. And they carried the dead lamb out reverently and buried it deep in the earth. Yet every night at the same hour it walked again into the house and lay down and moaned and died. And after this had happened many times, the priest was sent for, and finally, by the strength of his exorcism, the spirit of the dead was laid to rest, and the black lamb appeared no more. Neither was the body of the dead lamb found in the grave when they searched for it, though it had been laid by their own hands deep in the earth and covered with the clay.

Before an accident happens to a boat, or a death by drowning, low music is often heard, as if under the water, along with harmonious lamentations, and then every one in the boat knows that some young man or beautiful young girl is wanted by the fairies, and is doomed to die. The best safeguard is to have music and singing in the boat, for the fairies are so enamoured of the mortal voices and music that they forget to weave the spell till the fatal moment has passed, and then all in the boat are safe from harm.

The Fairies as Fallen Angels

The islanders, like all the Irish, believe that the fairies are the fallen angels who were cast down by the Lord God out of heaven for their sinful pride. And some fell into the sea, and some on the dry land, and some fell deep down into hell, and the devil gives to these knowledge and power, and sends them on earth where they work much evil. But the fairies of the earth and the sea are mostly gentle and beautiful creatures, who will do no harm if they are let alone, and allowed to dance on the fairy raths in the moonlight to their own sweet music, undisturbed by the presence of mortals. As a rule, the people look on fire as the great preservative against witchcraft, for the devil has no power except in the dark. So they put a live coal under the churn, and they wave a lighted wisp of straw above the cow’s head if the beast seems sickly. But as to the pigs, they take no trouble, for they say the devil has no longer any power over them now. When they light a candle they cross themselves, because the evil spirits are then clearing out of the house in fear of the light. Fire and Holy Water they hold to be sacred, and are powerful; and the best safeguard against all things evil, and the surest test in case of suspected witchcraft.

Poetry: Henry David Thoreau

Pray to What Earth Does This Sweet Cold Belong

Pray to what earth does this sweet cold belong,

Which asks no duties and no conscience?

The moon goes up by leaps, her cheerful path

In some far summer stratum of the sky,

While stars with their cold shine bedot her way.

The fields gleam mildly back upon the sky,

And far and near upon the leafless shrubs

The snow dust still emits a silver light.

Under the hedge, where drift banks are their screen,

The titmice now pursue their downy dreams,

As often in the sweltering summer nights

The bee doth drop asleep in the flower cup,

When evening overtakes him with his load.

By the brooksides, in the still, genial night,

The more adventurous wanderer may hear

The crystals shoot and form, and winter slow

Increase his rule by gentlest summer means.

The Inward Morning

Packed in my mind lie all the clothes

Which outward nature wears,

And in its fashion’s hourly change

It all things else repairs.

In vain I look for change abroad,

And can no difference find,

Till some new ray of peace uncalled

Illumes my inmost mind.

What is it gilds the trees and clouds,

And paints the heavens so gay,

But yonder fast-abiding light

With its unchanging ray?

Lo, when the sun streams through the wood,

Upon a winter’s morn,

Where’er his silent beams intrude,

The murky night is gone.

How could the patient pine have known

The morning breeze would come,

Or humble flowers anticipate

The insect’s noonday hum–

Till the new light with morning cheer

From far streamed through the aisles,

And nimbly told the forest trees

For many stretching miles?

I’ve heard within my inmost soul

Such cheerful morning news,

In the horizon of my mind

Have seen such orient hues,

As in the twilight of the dawn,

When the first birds awake,

Are heard within some silent wood,

Where they the small twigs break,

Or in the eastern skies are seen,

Before the sun appears,

The harbingers of summer heats

Which from afar he bears.

Winter Memories

Within the circuit of this plodding life

There enter moments of an azure hue,

Untarnished fair as is the violet

Or anemone, when the spring stew them

By some meandering rivulet, which make

The best philosophy untrue that aims

But to console man for his grievences.

I have remembered when the winter came,

High in my chamber in the frosty nights,

When in the still light of the cheerful moon,

On the every twig and rail and jutting spout,

The icy spears were adding to their length

Against the arrows of the coming sun,

How in the shimmering noon of winter past

Some unrecorded beam slanted across

The upland pastures where the Johnwort grew;

Or heard, amid the verdure of my mind,

The bee’s long smothered hum, on the blue flag

Loitering amidst the mead; or busy rill,

Which now through all its course stands still and dumb

Its own memorial, – purling at its play

Along the slopes, and through the meadows next,

Until its youthful sound was hushed at last

In the staid current of the lowland stream;

Or seen the furrows shine but late upturned,

And where the fieldfare followed in the rear,

When all the fields around lay bound and hoar

Beneath a thick integument of snow.

So by God’s cheap economy made rich

To go upon my winter’s task again. <

Fiona MacLeod Pt2

On The Music Box: Pitch Black- Future Proof(Dub Obscura)

Dim face of Beauty haunting all the world,

Fair face of Beauty all too fair to see,

Where the lost stars adown the heavens are hurled,

There, there alone for thee

May white peace be.

For here where all the dreams of men are whirled

Like sere torn leaves of autumn to and fro,

There is no place for thee in all the world,

Who driftest as a star,

Beyond, afar.

Beauty, sad face of Beauty, Mystery, Wonder,

What are these dreams to foolish babbling men —

Who cry with little noises ‘neath the thunder

Of ages ground to sand,

To a little sand.

-Fiona MacLeod

So I awoke out of a flying dream this morning, realizing that I used my arms like wings, only not so quickly as a birds; Flying in Lucid Time is much like swimming, only when you sink….

This event was so real, I had to ask Rowan if he remembered being involved in it. Nothing like a bewildered face to bring you back to here and now… 8o)

Mary sez I should keep my realities a bit better sorted out. This still doesn’t explain why my arms are sore today…

We finish up the Fiona MacLeod focus today. I think you will enjoy the articles (2) and the poetry.

Have a nice one!


The Links

The Wind, Silence, and Love

The Poetry of Fiona MacLeod

The True Face of Fiona MacLeod

Art: John Duncan


The Links:

Goodbye Hillary…

A crowded womb

Ancient Weapons Discovered in Syrian Ruins

On the surface of it, UFOs could lurk


The Wind, Silence, and Love

Fiona MacLeod

I know one who, asked by a friend desiring more intimate knowledge as to what influences had shaped her inward life, answered at once, with that sudden vision of insight which reveals more than the vision of thought, ‘The Wind, Silence, and Love.’

The answer was characteristic, for, with her who made it, the influences that shape have always seemed more significant than the things that are shapen. None can know for another the mysteries of spiritual companionship. What is an abstraction to one is a reality to another: what to one has the proved familiar face, to another is illusion.

I can well understand the one of whom I write. With most of us the shaping influences are the common sweet influences of motherhood and fatherhood, the airs of home, the place and manner of childhood. But these are not for all, and may be adverse, and in some degree absent. Even when a child is fortunate in love and home, it may be spiritually alien from these: it may dimly discern love rather as a mystery dwelling in sunlight and moonlight, or in the light that lies on quiet meadows, woods, quiet shores: may find a more initmate sound of home in the wind whispering in the grass, or when a sighing travels through the wilderness of leaves, or when an unseen wave moans in the pine.

When we consider, could any influences be deeper than these three elemental powers, for ever young, yet older than age, beautiful immortalities that whisper continuously against our mortal ear. The Wind, Silence, and Love: yes, I think of them as comrades, nobly ministrant, priests of the hidden way.

To go into the solitary places, or among trees which await dusk and storm, or by a dark shore: to be a nerve there,to listen to, inwardly to hear, to be at one with, to be as a grass filled with, or as reeds shaken by, as a wave lifted before, the wind: this is to know what cannot otherwise be known; to hear the intimate, dread voice; to listen to what long ago went away, and to what now is going and coming, coming and going, and to what august airs of sorrow prevail in that dim empire of shadow where the falling leaf rests unfallen, where Sound, of all else forgotten and forgetting, live in the pale hyacinth, the moonwhite pansy, and the cloudy amaranth that gathers dew.

And, in the wood: by the grey stone on the hill; where the heron waits; where the plover wails; on the pillow; in the room filled with flame-warmed twilight; is there any comrade that is as Silence is? Can she not whisper the white secrecies which words discolour? Can she not say, when we would forget, forget; when we would remember, remember? Is it not she also who says, Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest? Is it not she who has a lute into which all loveliness of sound has passed, so that when she breathes upon it life is audible? Is it not she who will close many doors, and shut away cries and tumults, and will lead you to a green garden and a fountain in it, and say, ‘This is your heart, and that is your soul: listen.’

The third one, is he a Spirit, alone, uncompanioned? I think sometimes that these three are one, and that Silence is his inward voice and the Wind the sound of his unwearying feet. Does he not come in wind, whether his footfall be on the wild rose, or on the bitter wave, or in the tempest shaken with noises and rains that are cries and tears, sighs, prayers and tears?

He has many ways, many hopes, many faces. He bends above those who meet in twilight, above the cradle, above dwellers by the hearth, above the sorrowful, above the joyous children of the sun, above the grave. Must he not be divine, who is worshipped of all men? Does not the wild-dove take the rainbow upon its breast because of him, and the salmon leave the sea for inland pools, and the creeping thing become winged and radiant?


The Poetry of Fiona Macleod

The Prayer of Women

O Spirit, that broods upon the hills

And moves upon the face of the deep,

And is heard in the wind,

Save us from the desire of men’s eyes,

And the cruel lust of them,

And the springing of the cruel seed

In that narrow house which is as the grave

For darkness and loneliness . . .

That women carry with them with shame, and weariness,

and long pain,

Only for the laughter of man’s heart,

And the joy that triumphs therein,

And the sport that is in his heart,

Wherewith he mocketh us,

Wherewith he playeth with us,

Wherewith he trampleth upon us

Us, who conceive and bear him;

Us, who bring him forth;

Who feed him in the womb, and at the breast, and at

the knee:

Whom he calleth mother and wife,

And mother again of his children and his children’s


Ah, hour of the hours,

When he looks at our hair and sees it is grey;

And at our eyes and sees they are dim;

And at our lips straightened out with long pain

And at our breasts, fallen and seared as a barren hill

And at our hands, worn with toil!

Ah, hour of the hours,

When, seeing, he seeth all the bitter ruin and wreck of


All save the violated womb that curses him–

All save the heart that forbeareth . . . for pity–

All save the living brain that condemneth him–

All save the spirit that shall not mate with him

All save the soul he shall never see

Till he be one with it, and equal;

He who hath the bridle, but guideth not;

He who hath the whip, yet is driven;

He who as a shepherd calleth upon us,

But is himself a lost sheep, crying among the hills!

O Spirit, and the Nine Angels who watch us,

And Thy Son, and Mary Virgin,

Heal us of the wrong of man:

We, whose breasts are weary with milk

Cry, cry to Thee, O Compassionate!

The Rune of Age

O Thou that on the hills and wastes of Night art


Whose folds are flameless moons and icy planets,

Whose darkling way is groomed with ancient sorrows:

Whose breath lies white as snow upon the olden,

Whose sigh it is that furrows breasts grown milkless,

Whose weariness is in the loins of man

And is the barren stillness of the woman:

O thou whom all would ‘scape, and all must meet,

Thou that the Shadow art of Youth Eternal,

The gloom that is the hush’d air of the Grave,

The sigh that is between last parted love,

The light for aye withdrawing from weary eyes,

The tide from stricken hearts forever ebbing!

O thou the Elder Brother whom none loveth,

Whom all men hail with reverence or mocking,

Who broodest on the brows of frozen summits

Yet deamest in the eyes of babes and children:

Thou, Shadow of the Heart, the Brain, the Life,

Who art that dusk What-is that is already Has-Been,

To thee this rune of the fathers-to-the-sons

And of the sons to the sons, and mothers to new


To thee who art Aois,

To thee who art Age!

Breathe thy frosty breath upon my hair, for I am weary!

Lay thy frozen hand upon my bones that they support not,

Put thy chill upon the blood that it sustain not

Place the crown of thy fulfilling on my forehead;

Throw the silence of thy spirit on my spirit,

Lay the balm and benediction of thy mercy

On the brain-throb and the heart-pulse and the life


For thy child that bows his head is weary,

For thy child that bows his head is weary.

I the shadow am that seeks the Darkness.

Age, that hath the face of Night unstarr’d and moonless,

Age, that doth extinguish star and planet,

Moon and sun and all the fiery worlds,

Give me now thy darkness and thy silence!

A Milking Song

O sweet St Bride of the

Yellow, yellow hair:

Paul said, and Peter said,

And all the saints alive or dead

Vowed she had the sweetest head,

Bonnie, sweet St Bride of the

Yellow, yellow hair.

White may my milking be,

White as thee:

Thy face is white, thy neck is white,

Thy hands are white, thy feet are white,

For thy sweet soul is shining bright–

O dear to me,

O dear to see

St Bridget white!

Yellow may my butter be,

Soft, and round:

Thy breasts are sweet,

Soft, round and sweet,

So may my butter be:

So may my butter be O

Bridget sweet!

Safe thy way is, safe, O

Safe, St Bride:

May my kye come home at even,

None be fallin’ none be leavin’,

Dusky even, breath-sweet even,

Here, as there, where O

St Bride thou

Keepest tryst with God in heav’n,

Seest the angels bow

And souls be shriven-

Here, as there, ’tis breath-sweet even

Far and wide–

Singeth thy little maid

Safe in thy shade

Bridget, Bride!


The True Face of Fiona MacLeod: A Short Article on Fiona Macleod/William Sharp

-RJ Stewart

William Sharp And The Esoteric Orders

(William Sharp, iow’s – Fiona MacLeod)

Fiona Macleod/William Sharp was one of the early exponents of some of our inner work. He/she was a member of an esoteric group along with Frederick Bligh Bond (the man who excavated Glastonbury Abbey according to spirit instructions…but that is another story), John Foulds (a remarkable composer), Maud McCarthy (married to Foulds, and protege of Annie Besant) and others. It seems likely that J.A. Goodchild, an expert on British manuscripts and traditions, was a mentor of Bligh Bond, and also involved in magical work.

It is likely, but not proven by “official” records, that William Sharp was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and was certainly in some similar group involving Golden Dawn members, but it is his link to this more obscure esoteric group (dedicated to the goddess Brigit), based in Glastonbury and London, that passes down to our work.

Lest anyone scream for evidence, I have Bligh Bond’s private notes describing several visionary events involving Sharp and others, and I also have the original documents describing some of the work done by the group or order in Glastonbury and London, around 1911. (I have also lodged some of these papers with the musicologist and composer Malcolm MacDonald, who is the biographer of John Foulds).

The group members were involved with spiritual music, the faery realm, the idea of the divine feminine, and work with sacred space and sacred geometry.

None of this evidence has passed into the hands of popular biographers or journalists, thus it does not appear in the endless trendy re-hashing books on magical groups such as the Golden Dawn.

William Sharp and Celtic Tradition

I do not think that Sharp worked with Celtic tradition in a folkloric sense. Thus, he is not a good exponent of tradition if you are looking for root information and source material. Instead he took material from his sources, both inner and outer, within Gaelic consciousness, and he then transformed this into a literary vehicle for his time and place. Nowadays we may find some of his work overblown or dull, yet in places it shines with a profound inspiration and beauty. I think that his time has come again as a writer and prophet, and there are some extract reprints of his work available, as well as original editions.

William and Fiona

William Sharp was inspired by an inner feminine consciousness, Fiona Macleod. He described her sometimes as an ancestral seeress. Today we would call her, perhaps, an inner contact, and at a deeper level, the goddess within. In this sense he embodied in person many of the deep changes of sexuality towards androgyny that are occurring today. It was not an easy embodiment for him, in the repressed 19th century. For a time the book-buying public thought that William Sharp and Fiona Macleod were separate persons. When he came out and admitted to being both, there was a scandal.

The Green Life

The Green Life was his/her term for the faery realm and planetary spirit: as Wilfion (his/her secret name for their true union and spiritual identity) lay dying to the human world, he/she spoke aloud of returning at last to the Green Life.

To me Sharp is an example of someone living their vision, and in a small way, he/she is a forerunner and prophet for some of our work today.

–R J Stewart

(Note: I hope to put a longer version of this article on our Web Pages soon)

You may pass this on freely to other people, but it is forbidden to sell it, to publish it, or to publish extracts from it, in any form whatsoever, be it printed, electronically published, or otherwise without written permission from RJ Stewart who holds worldwide copyright.

Fiona MacLeod

Inability to accept the mystic experience is more than an intellectual handicap, lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination.

-Alan Watts

<img width='458' height='159' border='0' hspace='5' align='left' src='http://www.earthrites.org/turfing2/uploads/59.jpg' alt='' /

Still snow on the ground in Portland. Went on a great walk last night with Rowan, Mary and Sophie. We discovered that Sophie adores the snow, and loves snowballs! Throw a snowball, she chases it and then proceeds to bite it into non-existence… Wild Dog! The weather could go on like this for a few more days from what I understand.

Today we are featuring the writer – poet Fiona MacLeod. More info on her later….

Have a good one!


On the Menu

The Links

Earth, Fire and Water

The Poetry of Fiona MacLeod


The Links:

Sleep paralysis happens all the time

Treadwell’s: next time we are in London…

Medical Breakthrough Could Change Global Politics

Our Goddess Weeps At Our Wars



Earth, Fire, and Water

-Fiona MacLeod

In ‘The Sea-Madness’ I have told of a man – a quiet dull man; a

chandler of a little Argyll loch-town – who, at times, left his

counter, and small canny ways, and went out into a rocky wilderness,

and became mad with the sea. I have heard of many afflicted in some

such wise, and have known one or two.

In a tale written a few years ago, ‘The Ninth Wave,’ I wrote of one

whom I knew, one Ivor MacNeill, or ‘Carminish,’ so called because of

his farm between the hills Strondeval and Rondeval, near the Obb of

Harris in the Outer Hebrides. This man heard the secret calling of the

ninth wave. None may hear that; when there is no wave on the sea, or

when perhaps he is inland, and not follow. That following is always to

the ending of all following. For a long while Carminish put his fate

from him. He went to other isles: wherever he went he heard the call of

the sea. ‘Come,&quot; it cried, ‘come, come away!’ He passed at last to a

kinsman’s croft on Aird-Vanish in the island of Taransay. He was not

free there. He stopped at a place where he had no kin, and no memories,

and at a hidden, quiet farm. This was at Eilean Mhealastaidh, which is

under the morning shadow of Griomabhal on the mainland. His nights

there were a sleepless dread. He went to other places. The sea called.

He went at last to his cousin Eachainn MacEachainn’s bothy, near

Callernish in the Lews, where the Druid Stones stand by the shore and

hear nothing for ever but the noise of the waves and the cry of the

sea-wind. There, weary in hope, he found peace at last. He slept, and

none called upon him. He began to smile, and to hope.

One night the two were at the porridge, and Eachainn was muttering his

Bui ‘cheas dha’n Ti, the Thanks to the Being, when Carminish leaped to

his feet, and with a white face stood shaking like a rope in the wind.

In the grey dawn they found his body, stiff and salt with the ooze.

I did not know, but I have heard of another who had a like tragic end.

Some say he was witless. Others that he had the Friday-Fate upon him. I

do not know what evil he had done, but ‘some one’ had met him and said

to him ‘Bidh ruith na h’Aoin’ ort am Feasda, ‘The Friday-Fate will

follow you for ever.’ So it was said. But I was told this of him: that

he had been well and strong and happy, and did not know he had a

terrible gift, that some have who are born by the sea. It is not well

to be born on a Friday night, within the sound of the sea; or on

certain days. This gift is the ‘Eolas na h’Aoin,’ the Friday-Spell. He

who has this gift must not look upon any other while bathing: if he

does, that swimmer must drown. This man, whom I will call Finlay, had

this eolas. Three times the evil happened. But the third time he knew

what he did: the man who swam in the sunlight loved the same woman as

Finlay loved; so he stood on the shore, and looked, and laughed. When

the body was brought home, the woman struck Finlay in the face. He grew

stange after a time, and at last witless. A year later it was a cold

February. Finlay went to and fro singing an old February rhyme

beginning: Feadag, Feadag, mathair Faoillich fhuair!

(Plover, plover, Mother of the bleak Month.) He was watching a man

ploughing. Suddenly he threw down his cromak. He leaped over a dyke,

and ran to the shore, calling, ‘I’m coming! I’m coming! Don’t pull me –

I’m coming!’ He fell upon the rocks, which had a blue bloom on them

like fruit, for they were covered with mussels; and he was torn, so

that his hands and face were streaming red. I am your red, red love,’

he cried, ‘sweetheart, my love’; and with that he threw himself into

the sea.

More often the sea-call is not a madness, but an inward voice. I have

been told of a man who was a farmer in Carrick of Ayr. He left wife and

home because of the calling of the sea. But when he was again in the

far isles, where he had lived formerly, he was well once more. Another

man heard the sobbing of the tide among seaweed whenever he dug in his

garden; and gave up all, and even the woman he loved, and left. She won

him back, by her love; but on the night before their marriage,

in that inland place where her farm was, he slipt away and was not seen

again. Again, there was the man of whom I have spoken in ‘Iona,’ who

went to the mainland, but could not see to plough because the brown

fallows became waves that splashed noisily about him: and now he went

to Canada and got work in a great warehouse, but among the bales of

merchandise heard continually the singular note of the sandpiper, while

every hour the sea-fowl confused him with their crying.

I have myself, in lesser degree, known this longing. I am not fond of

towns, but some years ago I had to spend a winter in a great city. It

was all-important to me not to leave during January; and in one way I

was not ill-pleased, for it was a mild winter. But one night I woke,

hearing a rushing sound in the street – the sound of water. I would

have thought no more of it, had I not recognised the troubled noise of

the tide, and the sucking and lapsing of the flow in weedy hollows. I

rose and looked out. It was moonlight, and there was no water. When,

after sleepless hours, I rose in the grey morning I heard the splash of

waves. All that day and the next I heard the continual noise of waves.

I could not write or read; at last I could not rest. On the afternoon

of the third day the waves dashed up against the house. I said what I

could to my friends, and left by the night train. In the morning we

(for a kinswoman was with me) stood on Greenock Pier waiting for the

Hebridean steamer, the Clansman, and before long were landed on an

island, almost the nearest we could reach, and one that I loved well.

We had to be landed some miles from the place I wanted to go, and it

was a long and cold journey. The innumerable little waterfalls hung in

icicles among the mosses, ferns, and white birches on the roadside.

Before we reached our destination, we saw a wonderful sight. From three

great mountains, their flanks flushed with faint rose, their peaks

white and solemn, vast columns of white smoke ascended. It was as

though volcanic fires had once again broken their long stillness. Then

we saw what what it was: the north wind (unheard, unfelt where we

stood) blew a hurricane against the other side of the peaks, and,

striking upon the leagues of hard snow, drove it upward like a smoke,

till the columns rose gigantic and hung between the silence of the

white peaks and the silence of the stars.

That night, with the sea breaking less than a score yards from where I

lay, I slept, though for three nights I had not been able to sleep.

When I woke, my trouble was gone.

It was but a reminder to me. But to others it is more than that.

I remember that winter for another thing, which I may write of here.

From the fisherman’s wife with whom I lodged I learned that her

daughter had recently borne a son, but was now up and about again,

though for the first time, that morning. We went to her, about noon.

She was not in the house. A small cabbage-garden lay behind, and beyond

it the mossy edge of a wood of rowns and birches broke steeply in the

bracken and lonroid. The girl was there, and had taken the child from

her breast, and, kneeling, was touching the earth with the small

lint-white head.

I asked her what she was doing. She said it was the right thing to do;

that as soon as possible after a child was born, the mother should take

it – and best, at noon, and facing the sun – and touch its brow to the

earth. My friends (like many islanders of the Inner Hebrides, they had

no Gaelic) used an unfamiliar phrase: ‘It’s the old Mothering.’ It was,

in truth, the sacrament of Our Mother, but in a far, ancient sense. I

do not doubt the rite is among the most primitive of those practised by

the Celtic peoples.

I have not seen it elsewhere, though I have heard of it. Probably it is

often practised yet in remote places. Even where we were, the women

were somewhat fearful lest ‘the minister’ heard of what the young

mother had done. They do not love these beautiful symbolic actions,

these ‘ministers,’ to whom they are superstitions. This old, pagan,

sacramental earth-rite is, certainly, beautiful. How could one be

better blessed, on coming into life, than

to have the kiss of that ancient Mother of whom we are all children?

There must be wisdom in that first touch. I do not doubt that behind

the symbol lies, at times, the old miraculous communication. For, even

in this late day, some of us are born with remembrance, with dumb

worship, with intimate and uplifting kinship to that Mother.

Since then I have asked often, in many parts of the Highlands and

Islands, for what is known of this rite, when and where practised, and

what meaning it bears; and some day I hope to put these notes on

record. I am convinced that the Earth-Blessing is more ancient than the

westward migration of Celtic peoples.

I have both read and heard of another custom, though I have not known

of it at first-hand. The last time I was told of it was of a crofter

and his wife in North Uist. The once general custom is remembered in a

familiar Gaelic saying, the English of which is, ‘He got a turn though

the smoke.’ After baptism, a child was taken from the breast by its

mother, and handed (sometimes the child was placed in a basket) to the

father, across the fire. I do not think, but am not sure, if any signal

meaning lie in the mother handing the child to the father. When the

rite is spoken of, as often as not it is only ‘the parents’ that the

speaker alludes to. The rite is universally recognised as a spell

against the dominion, or agency of evil spirits. In Coll and Tiree, it

is to keep the Hidden People from touching or singing to the child. I

think it is an ancient propitiary rite, akin to that which made our

ancestors touch the new-born to earth; as that which makes some

islanders still baptize a child with a little spray from the running

wave, or a fingerful of water from the tide at the flow; as that which

made an old woman lift me as a little child and hold me to the south

wind, ‘to make me strong and fair and always young, and to keep back

death and sorrow, and to keep me safe from other winds and evil

spirits.’ Old Barabal has gone where the south wind blows, in blossom

and flowers, and green leaves, across the pastures of Death; and I . .

. alas, I can but wish that One stronger than she, for all her love,

will lift me, as a child again, to the Wind, and pass me across the

Fire, and set me down again upon a new Earth.


The Poetry of Fiona MacLeod

The Valley of Silence

In the secret Valley of Silence No breath dothfall;

No wind stirs in the branches;

No bird doth call:

As on a white wall A breathless lizard is still,

So silence lies on the valley

Breathlessly still.

In the dusk-grown heart of the valley

An altar rises white:

No rapt priest bends in awe Before its silent light:

But sometimes aflight Of breathless words of prayer

White-wing’d enclose the altar,

Eddies of prayer.

Thy Dark Eyes to Mine

Thy dark eyes to mine, Eilidh

Lamps of desire.

O, how my soul leaps –

Leaps to their fire.

Sure now if I in heaven,

Dreaming in bliss,

Heard but a whisper,

But the lost echo even of one such kiss –

All of the soul of me would leap afar

If that called me to thee

Aye, I would leap afar

A falling star.

The Rose of the Night

The dark rose of thy mouth

Draw nigher, draw nigher!

The breath is the wind of the south,

A wind of fire!

The wind and the rose and darkness,

O Rose of my Desire!

Deep silence of the night,

Husht like a breathless lyre,

Save the sea’s thunderous might,

Dim, menacing, dire;

Silence and wind and sea,

They are thee,

O Rose of my Desire!

As a winded dying flame

Leaping higher and higher,

Thy soul, thy secret name,

Leaps thro’ Death’s blazing pyre!

Kiss me,

Imperishable Fire,

Dark Rose,

O rose of my Desire!

The Vision

In a fair place Of whin and grass,

I heard feet pass

Where no one was.

I saw a face Bloom like a flower—

Nay, as the rainbow-shower

Of a tempestuous hour.

It was not man, or woman:

It was not human:

But, beautiful and wild,

Terribly undefiled,

I knew an unborn child.


The Lion And The Crane…

On The Music Box: Diaspora Sefardi

<img width="300" hspace="5" height="267" border="0" align="left" src="http://www.earthrites.org/turfing2/uploads/diaspora-sefardi.jpg"

Exquisite. Wonderful music of the Sephardic/Sefardic people.

Most of the music seems to be from Andalusia, but I am sure it wanders quite away from there.

I would imagine Timbuktunes would have this album.

Very relaxing, and it transports you back in time in a lovely way…

We certainly recommend it for your listening pleasure.

We watched The Wind And The Lion…again after several years. I have always enjoyed the film, but often wondered about the story… Well, it does turn out to be a bit more interesting than what Hollywood portrays. When Teddy Roosevelt cried out at the 1904 Republican Convention: ‘Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!’ He had no idea what this whole episode portends for future times.

It seems our history of getting involved in the East/Middle East is not a recent phenomena. Sadly, we still rush in where fools dare to go…

Regardless, it is a great film of the adventure type. Check it out at Netflix, or your local retail outlet for DVD rentals. Sean Connery as the Rasuli, a pretty amazing juxtaposition of a Scotsman into a Berber. (remember the Celts came through North Africa as well!)

Anyway, still cold around here. John Gunn and my nephew Ethan came by yesterday. John is doing some GIS work locally, and we will be seeing him about more often. Ethan stopped by on his way to work. He is on the night shift now, so he goes in around 3:00PM to work…

I ended up giving Mixmaster a ride over to NW Portland to a small pub where he had left his car due to problems with his key in the cold weather. We had a nice time and a good discussion. We are talking about a project in the ‘Blog-asaurus-Sphere… still in the talking vein, but it sounds a bit of fun.

Editing the last of the magazine, and looking about for a few opportunities, which seem few and far between this time of the early year here in Portland.

Time to get the candles out!



On The Menu:

The Links

The Lion and the Crane

Poetry: Symbolist Jean Moréas &amp; Stéphane Mallarmé


The Links:

Goodbye Alice, your beauty will be remembered…

Protection for ‘weirdest’ species

Skull shows possible human/Neanderthal breeding

Drilling ‘boosts Homeric theory’


The Lion and the Crane

The Bodhisatva was at one time born in the region of Himavanta as a white crane; now Brahmadatta was at that time reigning in Benares. Now it chanced that as a lion was eating meat a bone stuck in his throat. The throat became swollen, he could not take food, his suffering was terrible. The crane seeing him, as he was perched on a tree looking for food, asked, &quot;What ails thee, friend?&quot; He told him why. &quot;I could free thee from that bone, friend, but dare not enter thy mouth for fear thou mightest eat me.&quot; &quot;Don’t be afraid, friend, I’ll not eat thee; only save my life.&quot; &quot;Very well,&quot; says he, and caused him to lie down on his left side. But thinking to himself, &quot;Who knows what this fellow will do?&quot; he placed a small stick upright between his two jaws that he could not close his mouth, and inserting his head inside his mouth struck one end of the bone with his beak. Whereupon the bone dropped and fell out. As soon as he had caused the bone to fall, he got out of the lion’s mouth, striking the stick with his beak so that it fell out, and then settled on a branch. The lion gets well, and one day was eating a buffalo he had killed. The crane, thinking ‘I will sound him,&quot; settled on a branch just over him, and in conversation spoke this first verse:

&quot;A service have we done thee

To the best of our ability,

King of the Beasts! Your Majesty!

What return shall we get from thee?&quot;

In reply the Lion spoke the second verse:

&quot;As I feed on blood,

And always hunt for prey,

‘Tis much that thou art still alive

Having once been between my teeth.&quot;

Then in reply the crane said the two other verses:

&quot;Ungrateful, doing no good,

Not doing as he would be done by,

In him there is no gratitude,

To serve him is useless.

&quot;His friendship is not won

By the clearest good deed.

Better softly withdraw from him,

Neither envying nor abushing.&quot;

And having thus spoken the crane flew away.

And when the great Teacher, Gautama the Buddha, told this tale, he used to add: &quot;Now at that time the lion was Devadatta the Traitor, but the white crane was I myself.&quot;



-Jean Moréas

Compagne de l’ether, indolente fumée,

Je te ressemble un peu…

Ta vie est d’un instant, la mienne est consumée;

Mais nous sortons du feu. But we come forth from fire.

L’homme pour subsister, en recueillant la cendre,

Qu’il use ses genoux,

Sans plus nous soucier et sans jamais descendre,



Companion of the ether, indolent smoke,

I slightly resemble you…

Your life lasts a moment, mine is consumed,

Man, in order to exist, must gather aches,

While on his knees.

No longer caring, and never descending to earth,

Let us vanish!


He Leaves The Room And Is Lost On The Stairs

(instead of sliding down the banister)

-Stéphane Mallarmé

The shadow having disappeared into obscurity, Night remained with a dubious perception of a pendulum about to be extinguished and expire there; but by whatever gleams and is about to be extinguished and expire, night sees itself bearing the pendulum; doubtless it was thus the source of the detected beating, whose sounds, complete and ever bare, fell into its past.

If on one hand the ambiguity ceased, on the other a motion persists, marked as more pressing by a double blow which no longer attains its notion or not yet, and whose present brushing, such as must have taken place, confusingly fills the ambiguity or its cessation: as if the complete fall, which the single shock of the tomb doors has been, did not stifle the guest irremediably; and in the uncertainty the affirmative cast probably caused, prolonged by the reminiscence of the sepulchral emptiness of the blow in which clarity is confused, comes a vision of the interrupted fall of the panels, as if it were one who, endowed with the suspended motion, turned it back on itself in the resulting dizzy spiral; and the spiral would have escaped indefinitely if some progressive oppression – a gradual weight of what was not realized although it had on the whole been explicated – had not implied the certain escape in an interval, the cessation; when at the moment the blow expired and oppression and escape were mixed, nothing was heard further: except for the beating of absurd wings of some terrified denizen of the night, startled in his heavy slumber by the brightness, and prolonging his indefinite flight.

For, the gasping which had grazed this place was not some last doubt of the self, which by chance stirred its wings in passing, but the familiar and continual friction of a superior age, of which many a genius was careful to gather all the secular dust into his sepulchre in order to look into a clean self, and so that no suspicion might climb back up the spidery thread – so that the last shadow might look into its proper self and recognize itself in the crowd of its apparitions understood by the nacreous star of their nebulous science held in one hand and by the golden sparkle of the heraldic clasp of their volume held in the other; the volume of their nights; such at present, seeing themselves so that it might see itself, the Shadow, pure and having its last form that it treads on left lying down behind, and then before it in a well, the stretch of layers of shadow, returned to pure night, of all its similar nights, its layers forever separated from them and which they probably did not recognize – which is no other, I know, than the absurd prolongation of the sound of the sepulchral door closing, of which the entrance to this well is reminiscent.

This time, no more doubt; certainty is reflected in the evidence: in vain, the memory of a lie whose consequence was itself, did the vision of a place appear again, such for example as the awaited interval was to be, having in fact for lateral walls the double opposition of the panels, and for the front and back, the opening of a void doubt echoed by the prolongation of the noise of the panels, where the plumage took flight, and doubled by the am-biguity explored, the perfect symmetry of the foreseen deductions denied its reality; no possible mistaking, it was the consciousness of self (for which even the absurd itself was to serve as a place) – succeeding.

It is present equally in one and the other surface of the shining and secular walls, retaining only in one hand the opal brightness of its knowledge, and in the other its volume, the volume of its nights, now closed, of the past and the future which the pure shadow, having attained the pinnacle of myself, perfectly dominates, arid finished, outside themselves. While before and behind is prolonged the explored lie of the infinite, the darkness of all my apparitions gathered together now that time has ceased and divides them no longer, fallen back into a massive, heavy slumber (at the time of the sound first heard), in the void of which I hear the pulsations of my own heart.

I do not like this sound: this perfection of my cer-tainty bothers me; all is too clear, the clarity reveals a desire to escape. Everything gleams too brightly; I should like to return to my anterior uncreated Shadow, and through thought to rid myself of the disguise which necessity has imposed upon me, inhabiting the heart of this race (which I hear beating here) the sole remains of ambiguity.

(whispering) Indeed, the first spiral to come reflects the preceding one: the same rhythmical sound-and the same brushing; but since everything has ended, nothing can any longer frighten me; my fright which had made the first move in the form of a bird is far distant: has it not been replaced by the apparition of what I had been? and which I like to reflect now, in order to disengage my dream from that costume?

Was not this scansion the sound of the progress of my character which now continues it in the spiral, and this brushing the brushing of its duality? Finally, it is not the hairy stomach of some inferior guest within me, whose doubt the light struck and who fled with a flutter, but the velvet bust of an anterior race the light annoyed and who breathes in a stifling air, of a character whose thought has no consciousness of itself, of my last figure, separated from its person by a spider’s ruff and who does not know itself; so, now that his duality is forever separated and I do not even hear any longer through him the sound of his progress, I shall forget myself through him, and dissolve myself in me.

Its impact becomes unsteady once more as it did before having had the perception of itself: it was the scansion of my measure whose memory came back to me prolonged both by the sound in the temporal corridor of the door to my sepulchre, and by hallucination: and just as it was really closed, even so it must open now for my dream to have been explained to itself.

The hour of my leaving has sounded, the purity of the mirror will be established, without this character, a vision of myself – but he will take away the light – the night! Over the vacant furniture, the Dream has agonized in this glass flask, purity which encloses the substance of Nothingness.



-Stéphane Mallarmé

The flesh is sad, alas! and all the books are read.

Flight, only flight! I feel that birds are wild to tread

The floor of unknown foam, and to attain the skies!

Nought, neither ancient gardens mirrored in the eyes,

Shall hold this heart that bathes in waters its delight,

O nights! nor yet my waking lamp, whose lonely light

Shadows the vacant paper, whiteness profits best,

Nor the young wife who rocks her baby on her breast.

I will depart! O steamer, swaying rope and spar,

Lift anchor for exotic lands that lie afar!

A weariness, outworn by cruel hopes, still clings

To the last farewell handkerchief’s last beckonings!

And are not these, the masts inviting storms, not these

That an awakening wind bends over wrecking seas,

Lost, not a sail, a sail, a flowering isle, ere long?

But, O my heart, hear thou, hear thou, the sailors’ song!


The Ice Man Cometh…

Monotheism is the primitive religion which centers human consciousness on Hive Authority. There is One God and His Name is ——- (substitute Hive-Label). If there is only One God then there is no choice, no option, no selection of reality. There is only Submission or Heresy. The word Islam means ’submission’. The basic posture of Christianity is kneeling. Thy will be done.

– Tim Leary

(Louis Welden Hawkins – Mask 1905)

A slow start for Monday… 20 degrees outside, wind chill takes it lower. Argh.

Nothing is moving in Portland, and the weather is a bit unceasing at this time…

Here is the entry for today, with a visit with our dear friend Nels Cline, playing with Mike Watts.

Excellent in MPOV. Nels just gets better as he goes along. He is now with Wilco, but his side

projects are always amazing…!

Covering a bit of old ground with the article, but it is well laid out, and worth a read.

We visit with Willy the Shake, and Mr. Rumi for our poetry outing today.

I discovered the art of Louis Welden Hawkins through a book on Symbolism that Mary bought

me over the holidays. Not a lot of info on him, but his work is very beautiful.

Bright Blessings, and have a great one!


On The Menu:

The Links

Nels Cline in Performance…

Paganism in Christianity

Sonnets Three: William Shakespeare

In The Garden of Vision: A Visit With Rumi

Art: Louis Welden Hawkins

Louis Welden Hawkins (1849-1910) Was born in Germany of English parents, he took French nationality in 1895. Studied in Paris, at the Académie Julian. From 1881-91 he exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais; from 1894 with the Societé Nationale, the Rose+Croix Salons and the Libre Esthetique in Brussels. In touch with the Symbolist writers, with Stéphane Mallarmé, Jean Lorraine, Robert de Montparnasse etc. Akin to the Pre-Raphaelites in his dense, highly detailed style combined with strange or exotic subject matter.


The Links:

From Peter Webster: Time to remove a Dictator

Stonehenge Didn’t Stand Alone, Excavations Show

String Theory? Knot!

Campaign to pardon the last witch, jailed as a threat to Britain at war


‘el sexxo’ A video featuring our good friend Nels (currently with Wilco)

Nels played in our band back in the day…

Other players are: Mike Watt of The Minutemen, firehose currently on tour with the Stooges / Banyan is Stephen Perkins of Jane’s Addiction and Panic Channel/Willie Waldman on trumpet and Norton Wisdom performing visual art.


(Louis Welden Hawkins – Priestess)

Paganism in Christianity

Rev Mervin Stoddart

Western Christianity is steeped in paganism just as Western culture is intrinsically pagan and anti-Christian. Intriguingly, most Western countries claim to be Christian and the many churches of the West like to send missionaries to proselytise people from such Eastern places as Africa, Asia and India whose inhabitants are regarded by Western Christians as heathens. The three most celebrated Western holidays provide astounding proofs of the high paganism of Western civilisation.

The new year celebration is the first pagan commemoration in Western countries each year. The month of January was named for Janus, the pagan Roman god of beginnings and endings, who was famous for having two faces, one looking back at the old year and the other seeing into the future new year. In fact, other months got their names from pagan origins. Februus was the old Italian god of festivals (februa) and Roman purifications occurred in that month. March was named for Mars, the Roman god of war and was actually the first month of the Roman calendar. April is more secular than pagan since its Latin name, Aprilis, came from the word aperire, meaning “to open”, perhaps referring to opening buds. May is linked to Maiesta, the Roman goddess of reverence and honour and may be related to the word “majors” or older men, since May was the Roman’s third month and was dedicated to older men with June being dedicated to juniors or younger men. June honours Juno the mother goddess, wife of Jupiter, the supreme Roman god. July borders on idolatry, being named for Emperor Julius Caesar after his assassination in July, 44 BCE. Julius and other Roman emperors were revered as gods. August memorialises the first Roman emperor-god, Augustus Caesar. The names of the other months stemmed from Latin numbers. For example, September was month number seven (septem in Latin) for the Romans; October was month eight (octo); November was month nine (novem) and December was month 10 (decem). Incidentally, the names of the days of the week are also steeped in paganism, with Sunday and Monday honouring sun worship and moon worship, respectively.

On February 24, 1582, Pope Gregory XIII issued a papal bull drastically changing the worldwide calendar from the original Julian calendar to what was named the Gregorian calendar. Time went suddenly from August 5, 1582 to the next day becoming August 15, 1582! For a very long period these two different calendars operated legally among Western nations even while Eastern peoples like the Chinese and Jews (Hebrews) continued, as they do today, to follow their own calendars, a combination of the lunar and solar years. Much confusion reigned in Western Europe regarding the correct dates for certain Christian feasts and other calendar commemorations. Two very significant differences existed between the Gregorian calendar followed by most Western nations today and the original Roman calendar. First, there was a change from March 25 to January 1 for New Year’s Day. Second, there was an arithmetical adjustment to the year length from 354 days (lunar year) to 365 days (solar year). The Julian calendar had recognised the solar cycle to be 365.25 days and did establish leap days and years.

However, the Gregorian calendar more accurately adjusted the solar cycle to 365.2522 days, thus forcing several countries to discard 14 days in the year that they switched from Julian to Gregorian calendars. The main reason for the time adjustments was to ensure a fixed or reasonable date for the spring equinox, once set by the Romans as March 21.

That event coincided with many ancient rituals relating to fertility, such as worship of Oester, the many-breasted Roman fertility goddess, from which originated the Christian Easter holiday.

Easter is the second pagan commemoration of the Western world, although it is called a Christian holy day, supposedly recalling the resurrection of Jesus the Christ. In Acts 12:4 of the King James Version the only biblical reference to Easter occurs but the Greek word thus translated is pascha, which in all other places in the KJV is translated as “Passover”. Much controversy exists as to whether Easter is pagan or Christian in origin. The fact is that Easter eggs, bunnies, sunrise services (sun worship) and other Western practices are all solidly grounded in pagan festivities.

The third Western pagan commemoration is Christmas, reminiscent of a major Roman pagan celebration named “Festival of the birth of the unconquered sun”. December 25 was celebrated as the day of the winter solstice.

Thus, all three major Western pagan holidays commemorate the significance of sun worship. All of these so-called Christian customs come from idol-worship. Easter commemorates the Egyptian cult of Isis, the Syrian and Babylonian cults of Astarte or “Ishtar”. It celebrates the Greek cult of Dionysus and the Roman festivals of Saturnalia.

Christmas honours the cults of the Druids in England, with their “boughs of holly” and other European pagan feasts. Those cults practise witchcraft, ceremonial prostitution, and human sacrificing. Many Christian churches accept that it was rather unlikely for Jesus the Christ to have been born in the dead of winter on December 25, yet Pope Julius I in AD 350 officially declared that day as Jesus’ birthday. In ancient England September 29 or Michaelmas was the official birthday of the Christ. Other Christians celebrated Jesus’ birthday in March or May. New Year’s Day, as we saw earlier, was celebrated on January 1 to honour Janus, the pagan god.

Paganism engulfs and permeates Christianity, thanks to the historical mishap called The Holy Roman Empire when religion and politics were sadly wedded. Consequently, Western holy days have become secular holidays on which to rip off the poor, exhibit the glamour of the wealthy and feed the greed of mankind’s most evil invention called capitalism.

It is rather difficult to say if it is a religious or secular greeting or even a pagan insult for someone to wish you “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.


(Louis Welden Hawkins – Aureole)

Sonnets Three: William Shakespeare

From fairest creatures we desire increase,

That thereby beauty’s rose might never die,

But as the riper should by time decease,

His tender heir might bear his memory:

But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,

Feed’st thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel,

Making a famine where abundance lies,

Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:

Thou that art now the world’s fresh ornament,

And only herald to the gaudy spring,

Within thine own bud buriest thy content,

And, tender churl, mak’st waste in niggarding:

Pity the world, or else this glutton be,

To eat the world’s due, by the grave and thee.


When forty winters shall besiege thy brow,

And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field,

Thy youth’s proud livery so gazed on now,

Will be a totter’d weed of small worth held:

Then being asked, where all thy beauty lies,

Where all the treasure of thy lusty days;

To say, within thine own deep sunken eyes,

Were an all-eating shame, and thriftless praise.

How much more praise deserv’d thy beauty’s use,

If thou couldst answer ‘This fair child of mine

Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse,’

Proving his beauty by succession thine!

This were to be new made when thou art old,

And see thy blood warm when thou feel’st it cold.


Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest

Now is the time that face should form another;

Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest,

Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother.

For where is she so fair whose unear’d womb

Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry?

Or who is he so fond will be the tomb

Of his self-love, to stop posterity?

Thou art thy mother’s glass and she in thee

Calls back the lovely April of her prime;

So thou through windows of thine age shalt see,

Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time.

But if thou live, remember’d not to be,

Die single and thine image dies with thee.


In The Garden of Vision: A Visit With Rumi

Now sleeping, now awake, my hart is in constant fervor.

It is a covered saucepan, placed on fire.

O you! who have offered us from a cup a silencing wine;

Each moment a new tale is shouting to be told in silence.

In his wrath there are a hundred kindnesess,

In his meanness a hundred generosities;

In his ignorance immeasurable gnosis, silently speaking like the mind.

The words of those whom you have silenced,

Cannot hear but those whom you have made unconscious;

I m both silent and fermenting for you like the sea of Aden!

The True Sufi

What makes the Sufi? Purity of heart;

Not the patched mantle and the lust perverse

Of those vile earth-bound men who steal his name.

He in all dregs discerns the essence pure:

In hardship ease, in tribulation joy.

The phantom sentries, who with batons drawn

Guard Beauty’s place-gate and curtained bower,

Give way before him, unafraid he passes,

And showing the King’s arrow, enters in.

The Progress Of Man

First he appeared in the realm inanimate;

Thence came into the world of plants and lived

The plant-life many a year, nor called to mind

What he had been; then took the onward way

To animal existence, and once more

Remembers naught of what life vegetive,

Save when he feels himself moved with desire

Towards it in the season of sweet flowers,

As babes that seek the breast and know not why.

Again the wise Creator whom thou knowest

Uplifted him from animality

To Man’s estate; and so from realm to realm

Advancing, he became intelligent,

Cunning and keen of wit, as he is now.

No memory of his past abides with him,

And from his present soul he shall be changes.

Though he is fallen asleep, God will not leave him

In this forgetfulness. Awakened, he

Will laugh to think what troublous dreams he had.

And wonder how his happy state of being

He could forget, and not perceive that all

Those pains and sorrows were the effect of sleep

And guile and vain illusion. So this world

Seems lasting, though ’tis but the sleepers’ dream;

Who, when the appointed Day shall dawn, escapes

From dark imaginings that haunted him,

And turns with laughter on his phantom griefs

When he beholds his everlasting home.

I am part of the load

Not rightly balanced

I drop off in the grass,

like the old Cave-sleepers, to browse

wherever I fall.

For hundreds of thousands of years I have been dust-grains

floating and flying in the will of the air,

often forgetting ever being

in that state, but in sleep

I migrate back. I spring loose

from the four-branched, time -and-space cross,

this waiting room.

I walk into a huge pasture

I nurse the milk of millennia

Everyone does this in different ways.

Knowing that conscious decisions

and personal memory

are much too small a place to live,

every human being streams at night

into the loving nowhere, or during the day,

in some absorbing work.


(Louis Welden Hawkins – Mme. Severine)

The Human Be-In

New Radio Show On Now!

Radio Free EarthRites: Music For The Heart Of The World

Turn On – Paste Into – Your Internet Radio Player!

-o-o-0-0-O Radio Free Earthrites! O-0-0-o-o-

Now for a wee reflection back, 40 years. I am not one really to dwell on the past, but this is a significant date for the Emerging Culture/Counter Culture. Without the Human Be In, there would of been no Monterey, no Woodstock, and certainly, no Burning Man…..

The Human Be-In

Having for some reason a Utopian bent to my outlook… I look back today with fond memories of an event that to my young mind, explicitly demonstrated that Utopia, Peace and Love were just around the corner…

I have been asked over the years if I had attended The Human Be-In in Golden Gate Park. Alas, it was not so, though I watched friends pack, and caravan away a few days before. I was under the thumb of probation at the time. So all I could do was stand outside of the Folklore Center at 17th and Pearl in Denver, and say goodbye. Michael Sullivan, and others off to stay with friends in the Haight. Some went to the Diggers pads, others to friends in the Pranksters, Michael went off to stay I think with Chet Helm.

Yet, we saw the pictures and heard the stories fairly quickly. The news services picked up on it and by the end of the week, Life and Time magazines had covered the event if I remember rightly. When friends came back they were full of tales of wonder. It made me want to head back to the Bay Area as soon as I could.

Though many of us were not there, it shaped us. It shaped me for the better I think. I became infected with the thought that changing the world was possible, and that we would achieve the goals that we set before us of realizing Peace, Love, Harmony, and merging with the Universe via Psychedelics in our life times… (not yet to late folks!!!!)

This event was pivotal. It brought a blessing and for some a curse. The cat was literally out of the bag with the first heavy media attention. San Francisco City Gov’t went on high alert, and the semi friendly Police no longer were… The die were cast, and The Summer Of Love was not far away…

Allen Ginsberg with Gary Snyder as Gary Blows The Conch at the opening ceremonies…

From an old friend, now past…

This is an excerpt from an essay that Elizabeth wrote, published in

Psychedelic Illuminations Magazine. It is included in

‘Scrapbook of a Haight Ashbury Pilgrim’ by Elizabeth Gips.

The first great recognition of how many of us there

really were sharing this mystical, wordless and

magnificent experience of the Rainbow Heart, the

infinitely manifest, the wonder and magic of

being-ness beyond the individual ego, was the First

Human Be-In, January 14, 1967. It was not the speeches

of Ginsburg, Suzuki Roshi, Leary and the other

speakers on the platform or even the music that

touched us with mystic wonder. The wires were cut, and

for a long while there were no speeches, no music.

Only the murmur of 25,000 people, most of them on LSD,

grooving with each other, with the sunshine which had

come in the midst of a rainy month, and with the

manifest presence of Spirit.

It was so quiet. Women in lace table cloths, long dresses of oriental fabric, fantasies from every age and place moved gracefully through the silent crowd. Men in pied patterns smiled at the sky. The Diggers gave out turkey sandwiches. Everybody shared marijuana, apples, LSD and love. We knew that we were witnessing a massive blossoming of a new religion in the literal sense of being tied together again. This religion would never have churches or temples; this was a religion based on individual freedom and respect; we &quot;dug each others vibes&quot; and felt the coming together of an ancient family. Time dwindled to a no-point. Heart reached to heart in an almost soundless outpouring of love.

So when the music and the speeches started, when the mantra and the rock resounded, it was an ecstatic exclamation point on a massive experience. Call it heaven or samadhi; it set the parameters for a whole movement during the Summer of Love. Through the catalyst of LSD we had scratched through the surface of our separateness and recognized ourselves, our surroundings, all things as One. That afternoon, we truly became The Love Generation.


Jefferson Airplane (with Signe) 1966 – ‘It’s No Secret’)


The Poetry of Lenore Kandel

Now, with pleasure I would like to re-introduce you to Lenore Kandel, Poetess and Speaker at The Human Be-In. She had a long association with the Beat and Hippie Movement, being threatened with arrest for her works,(specifically ‘The Love Book’) and being the lover of Lew Welch at one time.

Who is Lenore Kandel?

In 1966, The Love Book was banned and seized similarly to how Allen Ginsberg’s Howl was treated almost a decade earlier. The ban on Howl was overturned at trial and the book can be found at any bookstore; the ban on The Love Book was upheld for 8 years, and the book was never reprinted until now.

Kandel was threatened with arrest if she read her poems at the University of New Mexico, where an assistant English professor defied the ban and gave the poems to his class to read. She read anyway, and the audience was so supportive that the cops were afraid to arrest her, for fear of sparking a riot.

She read at the San Francisco Be-in, sharing the stage with Jefferson Airplane.

She bridged the chasm between the Beats and the Hippies, and matched Kerouac, Ginsberg, Richard Brautigan, and Lew Welch for passion and intensity.

She was immortalized in Kerouac’s Big Sur as &quot;Romana Schwartz&quot;.

Maxine Hong Kingston, in Tripmaster Monkey, wrote of her: &quot;There were two wake-robins: Diane Wakowski and Lenore Kandel; the latter wailed out sex-challenge poems larger and louder than the men, who were still into cool.&quot;

Do you believe me when I say / you’re beautiful

I stand here and look at you out of the vision of my eyes

and into the vision of your eyes and I see you and you’re an


and I see you and you’re divine and I see you and you’re a

divine animal

and you’re beautiful

the divine is not separate from the beast; it is the total crea- ture that

transcends itself

the messiah that has been invoked is already here

you are that messiah waiting to be born again into awareness

you are beautiful; we are all beautiful

you are divine; we are all divine

divinity becomes apparent on its own recognition

accept the being that you are and illuminate yourself

by your own clear light


there are no ways of love but / beautiful /

I love you all of them

I love you / your cock in my hands

stirs like a bird

in my fingers

as you swell and grow hard in my hand

forcing my fingers open

with your rigid strength

you are beautiful / you are beautiful

you are a hundred times beautiful

I stroke you with my loving hands

pink-nailed long fingers

I caress you

I adore you

my finger-tips… my palms…

your cock rises and throbs in my hands

a revelation / as Aphrodite knew it

there was a time when gods were purer

/ I can recall nights among the honeysuckle

our juices sweeter than honey

/ we were the temple and the god entire/

I am naked against you

and I put my mouth on you slowly

I have longing to kiss you

and my tongue makes worship on you

you are beautiful

your body moves to me

flesh to flesh

skin sliding over golden skin

as mine to yours

my mouth my tongue my hands

my belly and my legs

against your mouth your love


our bodies move and join


your face above me

is the face of all the gods

and beautiful demons

your eyes…

love touches love

the temple and the god

are one



to fuck with love

to love with all the heat and wild of fuck

the fever of your mouth devouring all my secrets and my alibis

leaving me pure burned into oblivion

the sweetness UNENDURABLE

mouth barely touching mouth

nipple to nipple we touched

and were transfixed

by a flow of energy

beyond anything I have ever known


and two days later

my hand embracing your semen-dripping cock


the energy


almost unendurable

the barrier of noumenon-phenomenon


the circle momentarily complete

the balance of forces


lying together, our bodies slipping into love

that never have slipped out

I kiss your shoulder and it reeks of lust

the lust of erotic angels fucking the stars

and shouting their insatiable joy over heaven

the lust of comets colliding in celestial hysteria

the lust of hermaphroditic deities doing

inconceivable things to each other and

SCREAMING DELIGHT over the entire universe

and beyond

and we lie together, our bodies wet and burning, and

we WEEP we WEEP we WEEP the incredible tears

that saints and holy men shed in the presence

of their own incandescent gods

I have whispered love into every orifice of your body

As you have done

to me

my whole body is turning into a cuntmouth

my toes my hands my belly my breast my shoulder my eyes

you fuck me continually with your tongue you look

with your words with your presence

we are transmuting

we are as soft and warm and trembling

as a new gold butterfly

the energy


almost unendurable

at night sometimes I see our bodies glow..


Permit me the concept of the rose

the perfumed labyrinth

that leads one petal at a time

into oblivion’s heart

There are visions within the silence of the rose

…and I not only see but am all possibilities

of time and space and change


“Hard Core Love”

the divine is not separate from the beast; it is the total creature that

transcends itself

the messiah that has been invoked is already here



Praise be to Eros who loves only beauty

and finds it everywhere

…sharing his own soft wanton grace

with all who let his presence enter in

faithless as flowers, fickle as the wind-borne butterfly


“Joy Song,”

“Joy Song,”

my beloved wields his sex

like a hummingbird

poised on the delicate brink

What pleasure to be a honey plant


open wide


I am the god-animal, the mindless cuntdeity, the he-god animal

is over me, through me we are become one total angel

united in fire united in semen and sweat united in lovescream

sacred are our acts and our actions

sacred are our parts and our persons


to fuck with love

to love with all the heat and wild of fuck

…leaving me pure burned into oblivion

…SCREAMING DELIGHT over the entire universe

and beyond

…the energy


almost unbearable


I want to fuck you

I want to fuck you all the parts and places

I want you all of me

…I am not sure where I leave off, where you begin

is there a difference, here in the soft permeable membranes

…and the taste of your mouth is of me

and the taste of my mouth is of you

and moaning mouth to mouth

…I want you to explode that hot spurt of pleasure inside me

and I want to lie there with you

smelling the good smell of fuck that’s all over us

and you kiss me with that aching sweetness

and there is no end to love


Jefferson Airplane – ‘Come Up The Years’

Adios Robert…

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.—William Pitt

Well, Robert Anton Wilson has exited to stage right, into the Western Lands.

He was perhaps one of the most influential persons of the latter half of the 20th century.

I discovered his writings in a series of events… The Realist, Ralph Ginzburg’s fact,

Playboy, various Science Fiction publications. .. It wasn’t until some 20 years from

my first encounter with his work did I realize that I had been reading this amazing body

of work and it came from the mind and hand of one person.

His greatest influence on me came in the late 80′s when I started reading his novels.

Amazing stuff, and it was like opening a door into a wide pavilion of related

His passing was as his life, with humour and a sense of grace. Robert, you will be missed!


Everything one way or the other in this edition touches on Robert Anton Wilson…

On The Menu:

View and Despair…

The Daily Link…

3 articles by Robert Anton Wilson

Horseman, Pass By

Joyce and Tao – By Robert Anton Wilson

he Meeting Of Science And Mysticism

Poetry: Robert Anton Wilson


Qui veut gagner des millions ? – On en douterais presque…


The Daily Link:

Robert Anton Wilson: My Favourite Religion


Horseman, Pass By – by Robert Anton Wilson

[Editor’s Note: This Winter marks the one year anniversary of Robert Shea’s Cross­ing. In fond memory of his entertaining and heretical writings, we bring you the following article:]

In a procedure that had grown habitual in the last year, I made my coffee as soon as I woke up (grinding my own gourmet beans: a ritual in honor of Epicurus) and then carried it to the phone alcove. I dialed Bob Shea’s hospital num­ber and recited a bawdy limerick to make him laugh. But his voice sounded weaker than ever, and I had that terrible feeling again, the feeling that I just didn’t know how to do enough to really help.

We talked about NYPD Blue, a new TV show we both liked.

&quot;I’m feeling better,&quot; he finally said in a near-whisper. &quot;A lot better, but I’m tired now.&quot; In retrospect, I don’t know if he wanted to sell some optimism to his own suffering body – to rebuild its immuno­logical defenses with the potent neurochemistry of hope – or if he only said it to spare me further worry and pain, to relieve my anxiety.

The next time I called the Bob Shea Information Line on Voicemail, the message told me he had gone into coma and no more phone calls should be made to the hospital. Even then, I didn’t believe, didn’t want to believe, the truth. When the voicemail message finally changed, after about three more days, and said simply that Bob Shea had died, I went into shock. I should have expected the news, but I didn’t. I had tried to instill hope into Shea and, by contagion, had instilled so much into myself that I had come to expect a miracle.

I sat at the table like a cartoon cat who just got hit with a hammer but doesn’t know it yet and doesn’t know he should fall over. I slowly put down the phone, still unable to believe the truth, still in shock. Shea had seemingly beaten the Big Casino (no new tumors in six months); how could he go and die of the side effects? I looked out the widow. The sun had barely ap­peared – I rise early, with only cinnamon and tangerine streaks coloring the east – but already the breakfast crowd, as I call them, had arrived in my patio. House finches, blackbirds and sparrows hopped and flapped about, pecking at my bird feeder. A mourning dove made its usual grieving sound in a tree, as if it didn’t believe things would ever become less depressing, and a car drove past, invisible behind the patio wall. I still could not make the concepts &quot;Bob Shea&quot; and &quot;death&quot; fit together in my head.

I thought of a grave in Sligo, the wild west of Ireland:

Cast a cold eye

On life, on death.

Horseman, pass by.

Another car rumbled in my street, and the mourning dove complained about life’s injustice again. I became abnormally con­scious of Nature outside my glass patio door. Then another damned noisy car went by, racing: some guy late for work maybe.

Bob Shea and I had never seen birds and flowers and trees in the first years when we knew each other, but we had heard a hell of a lot of noisy cars. Our friendship grew in Chicago, amid the rattle and scuttle of industry, the blood-and-shit smell of the stockyards: I remember it as Dali’s (or Daly’s) asphalt purgatory. The friendship became closer when Bob and I inhaled the haze of tear-gas and Mace dur­ing the 1968 Democratic Convention, the one they held behind barbed wire because Mayor Richard P. Daly (emphatically not Dali, although the idea sounds surrealist) decided to prevent Americans from med­dling in their own government.

The protesters chanted, &quot;ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, We don’t want your fucking war! Five, six, seven, EIGHT: Organize to smash the State!&quot; Another canister of tear gas exploded nearby and, eyes streaming, Shea and I ran down Michi­gan, cut into a side street, and evaded the clubbing administered to those who couldn’t run as fast as we did. If you want to know what happened to those less fleet of foot than us, you don’t need to call some archive to dig out the 1968 footage; just look at the Rodney King tape again. Cops have simple ideas of fun, which do not change much over the generations.

I counted back, sipping my coffee, and decided Shea and I had known each other for just a few months less than thirty years. A human can grow up in thirty years, from diaper to the first tricycle, to the first orgasm and even to a Ph.D. A human can learn to work at a regular job or learn how to beg on the streets, or court and marry and become a parent, or join the army and get a leg blown off. Most humans in his­tory, before 1900, did not live longer than 30 years. A friendship that long becomes more than friendship. Shea meant as much as any member of my family.

Way back in ’65, when Shea and I both started working for The Playboy Fo­rum/Foundation, we drifted into the habit of lunching together. Soon, we developed the tradition of going to a nearby bar every second Friday (read: payday), and drink­ing a half-dozen Bloody Marys after work while discussing books, movies and every major issue in civil and criminal law, logic, philosophy, politics, religion, and fringe science – insofar as one can distinguish between those two topics or any of the others, which explains why each of us found the other’s ideas so stimulating, and why, in our years, the Playboy Forum dis­cussed more far-out notions than it has before or since.

I remember our WHO OWNS ERIK WHITETHORN? series, in which we pub­licized a woman, Mrs. Whitethorn, who had sued the government for trying to draft her son, Erik, 18. She claimed she owned Erik until he reached 21, and that the gov­ernment could not take him from her. Shea and I gave that case all the coverage we could, since we wanted people to really think about whether an 18-year-old be­longs to himself, to his mother, or to the President (Richard Nixon, in that case.)

Alas, Erik, like many young people, didn’t want to become a tool of his mother’s idealism, and finally ended the debate by willingly enlisting in the Army. (Madalyn Murrary’s son also rebelled against be­coming a battering ram in her assault on Organized Religion.) We had to drop the debate after Erik donned his uniform and went off to napalm little brown people. I like to hope that some Playboy readers of those years still occasionally wonder whether humans belong to themselves, to their parents, or to the State.

Mostly, in the Playboy Forum, we fol­lowed the ACLU’s positions, which Shea and I passionately share (as does Hefner, or he wouldn’t have started the Forum and the Foundation) but often, as in the Whitethorn case, we pushed a bit further and sneaked in some anarcho-pacifist pro­paganda-never in Playboy’s voice, of course, but as the voice of a reader. Some of those &quot;readers&quot; later became more re­nowned as characters in three novels we wrote…

Among my sins, I turned Shea on to Weed. I turned a lot of people on to Weed in those days. I had a Missionary Zeal about it, but now that I think back, so did a lot of others at Playboy in those days. Maybe I should say that I helped turn Bob on to the Herb.

On one gloriously idiotic occasion we got our hands on some super pot from Thailand and had the dumbest conversa­tion of our lives.

&quot;What did you say?&quot; Shea would ask. I’d grapple with that, but amid mil­lions of new sensations and a rush of Cosmic Insights, I’d lose it before I could find an answer. &quot;What did you say?&quot; I would ask slowly, trying to deal with the problem reasonably.

&quot;I asked… uh… what did you just ask?&quot;

And so on, for what seemed like Hindu yugas or maybe even kalpas. That night inspired the &quot;Islands of Micro-Amnesia&quot; in Illuminatus. Maybe a similar night in­spired the Lotus Eaters in the Odyssey?

One payday Friday, when Bob and I sat in our favorite bar consuming our usual Bloody Marys and gobbling our usual pea­nuts, a priest at a near-by table struck up a conversation. Soon he had joined us and I quickly became convinced that I under­stood why the conversation persistently veered toward the Platonic ideal of true love between (male) philosophers. I then pulled one of my nastier pranks. I said I had to get home early, and left Bob to navigate for himself. A half-hour after I arrived home and got out of my shoes, the phone rang. Shea had called and asked me, with awe-as if some­body had killed a goat in the sacristy – &quot;Do you think that priest was a homosexual?&quot;

I admitted the sus­picion had crossed my mind.

&quot;My God,&quot; Shea said. &quot;You really think it’s possible?&quot;

He became much less naive in only a few months after that, since a lot of our Forum/ Foundation work in­volved consultations with the Kinsey Insti­tute. I regard this incident as atypical, and hope it doesn’t make Shea seem ob­tuse, even for a time almost thirty years ago (when the Church brazenly denied all priestly shenanigans and bullied the media into not even printing the cases that got to court). But this adventure had something strangely typical of Bob Shea also, in show­ing a kind of innocence that, in some respects, he never lost.

Shea probably, at that time – still young, remember – would not have be­lieved that Roy Cohn, who made a career of driving Gay men out of government, himself led an active Gay life. Shea took a long time to learn how much deception exists in this world, because he himself always acted honestly. He accordingly thought clergymen who preach celibacy will practice celibacy, and even that politi­cians who call themselves liberals will act and think liberally.

Anyway, that cruising priest caused enough Deep Thought, for Shea and then for me, that he finally became transformed and immortalized as Padre Pederastia in Illuminatus.

Around the time we met the priest, Shea told me that he had remained Catho­lic until the age of 28 (if I remember correctly after all these years. Maybe he said 27 or 29?) Aside from his shock at the thought of gay clerics, he did not seem like somebody newly escaped from Papist thought-control and I never did understand how he had stayed in that church so long.

(Having quit Rome at 14, like James Joyce, I had assumed all intelligent people go out at around that age…) Shea never did ex­plain why he stayed in so long, but he once told me, in bitter detail, why he finally bailed out.

His first wife, it appears, went totally mad shortly after the wedding. After a lot of agony and psychiatric consultation, Bob finally accepted the verdict that he had married an incurable schizophrenic. He found it more than he could handle, and sought an annulment, which led to a meet­ing with a monsignor.

To Shea’s horror, neither psychiatric evidence nor any other evidence nor church law itself had anything to do with the monsignor’s conversation. The monsignor only wanted to know how much cash money Bob could pay for an annulment. Shea offered as much as he could afford, as a young man beginning at the bottom of the magazine industry, in a cheesy imita­tion of Playboy. The monsignor told him to go home and think hard about how to raise more money. End of interview.

Shea got a civil divorce and never went into a Catholic church again. Still, when I first knew him (only five or six years after he quit the Church) he consid­ered abortion a criminal act – and didn’t know that gay priests existed. He learned a lot, in those wild last years of the ’60s, and he learned it fast. His Kennedy liberalism got gassed to death by Daly’s storm troop­ers and he became another fucking wild anarchist, like me.

I remember one night when we got stoned together (Bob and his wife, Yvonne, and Arlen and me) and looked at Franken­stein Meets the Wolf Man on TV. They still had cigarette commercials in those days and one of them, that night, showed a guy and a gal walking in a woodland and passing a lovely waterfall etc. As they lit up their ciggies, the slogan said, &quot;You can take Salem out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of Salem.&quot; I guess they wanted us to get the association &quot;Smoking Salems = breathing good fresh country air.&quot; As soon as the commercial ended, Lon Chaney Jr. came back on screen and started suffering acutely (remember his expressive eyes?) as he turned into a wolf. &quot;You can take the man out of the jungle,&quot; I said with stoned solemnity, &quot;but you can’t take the jungle out of the man.&quot; Like most of my marijuana whimsies, that went down my Memory Hole and I forgot it immediately.

Imagine my astonishment when the complex Darwin/Wolf Man, Salems and all, showed up in Illuminatus. Shea hadn’t forgotten.

In 1971, after we finished Illuminatus, I quit Playboy in the midst of some mid­life hormone re-adjustment. I didn’t understand it that way at the time; I just decided that I could not live out the second half of my life as an editor (read wage slave) who only wrote occasionally; I had to become a full-time-free-lance writer, or bust.

Instead, I became a full-time writer and busted. It took 5 years to get the Shea-Wilson opus into print and meanwhile Arlen and I and our children damned near starved: but that’s another story. While we wandered about, looking for the least hor­rible place to live in poverty, Shea and I started writing to each other almost every week. Later, as we both became more &quot;commercial&quot; and hence busier, the letters dropped to two a month or fewer, some­times; but for 23 years we wrote about every important idea in the world and filled enough paper for several volumes. I hope some of that will get published some day.

When Playboy fired him, Shea en­dured terrible anxiety about keeping his house, and dashed off a few novel outlines while looking for another job. He sold his first novel before finding a job and never stopped writing again. I still treasure his comment on why the Bunny Warren cast him out. &quot;I worked hard and was loyal to the company for ten years.&quot; he wrote. &quot;I guess that deserves some punishment.&quot;

Whenever I had a lecture gig in or near Chicago, Shea invited me to stay at his house. Yvonne always went to bed early and Shea and I talked and talked and talked for hours, just the way we did in the early days of our friendship. I always felt that Yvonne didn’t like Shea’s literary friends, but I never took it personally.

And then, suddenly, Yvonne left him for a much younger man, and I don’t know (or really want to know) about the details. I worried for a while that Bob would die of depression, and I shared in empathy the vast waste-land he must have felt around him, 60 years old, alone in a big house, and dumped by a wife who ran off with a young stud who might call him &quot;Gramps.&quot; Maybe I project too much here. At 62 myself, I perhaps see in Bob’s desolation the deepest anxieties of all aging males.

Oh, well, Yvonne just split the scene. She didn’t Bobbitize the poor bastard on her way out.

Then, at a Pagan festival where we both had lecture gigs, Shea met Patricia Monaghan. I saw what happened: a kind of magic, real love at first sight. Pat gave Shea’s last two years a transfinite boost of TLC and almost youthful joy. The day before he lapsed into coma, he arranged to marry her. I think of the wedding cer­emony as the last thing he could do for Pat, and the last thing she could do for him.

For years and years, in many places – in Ireland, in Germany, in Cornwall, in Switzerland, on the central coast of Cali­fornia – I often found myself wishing Shea could visit me and see the panoramic views that I found so wonderful. I still feel that at times, and find it hard to understand that he will never visit me now. Never.

Shakespeare made the most powerful iambic pentameter line in English out of that one word, repeated five times: &quot;Never, never, never, never, never.&quot; I first realized how much pain that line contains when my daughter died. Now I realize it again.

The birds have all flown away and the patio stands empty. Empty? Could an old­time acid-head like me believe that? I looked again and realized anew that every plant and vine pulsed with passionate life in it, millions of cells joyously copulating. I started to remember a line from Dylan Thomas but couldn’t quite get it: &quot;The force that through the green shoot drives the flower, drives my something some­thing.&quot; I grinned, remembering Shea’s wit. Once I had written, in one of our disputes, &quot;I find your position amusingly rigid.&quot;

&quot;I’m glad you find me amusingly rigid,&quot; he wrote back. &quot;Many women have paid me the same compliment.&quot;


Joyce and Tao – By Robert Anton Wilson

From The James Joyce Review, vol. 3, 1959, pp. 8-16

Throughout the long day of Ulysses the thoughts of Stephen Dedalus and Mr. Bloom repeatedly return to the East; and this is not without reason. Ulysses is so profoundly Oriental in mood and conception that Carl Jung has recommended it as a new Bible for the white race. Molly Bloom’s fervent &quot;Yes&quot; mirrors the author’s acceptance of life in its entirety – an acceptance that transcends the dualisms of light and dark, good and evil, beautiful and sordid.

But every sensitive reader of Ulysses knows that this &quot;acceptance&quot; involved only part of the author’s sensibility. The agony, the misanthropy, the (at times) neurotic satire, all testify to Joyce’s incomplete realization of what his instincts were trying to tell him. Only in Finnegans Wake does the true Oriental note sing uninterruptedly from beginning to end. The morbid rebel against the most morbid Church in Christendom had to go the long way round to reach the shortest way home. The affirmation of Ulysses is forced (not &quot;insincere&quot; any more than the neurotic’s desire to be cured is &quot;insincere&quot;); the affirmation of the Wake engages every level of the author’s sensibility, from cortex to cojones – the whole man affirms, as in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra.

The purpose of this present brief essay is to show that the Chinese philosophy of the Tao contributed largely to the shape of Joyce’s affirmation. &quot;Laotsey taotsey&quot; (page 242), or Lao-Tse’s doctrine of the Tao, explains a great many things about Finnegans Wake: the river -woman symbol, the Shem-Shaun dualism, the special quality of Joyce’s humor, the &quot;time&quot; philosophy underlying its form.

Chapter 6 of the Tao Te Ching says:

The valley spirit never dies

It is called the Eternal Female.

Some Sinologists trace this &quot;Eternal Female&quot; back to a Chinese &quot;Urmutter&quot; myth of pre-Chou times, but Lao-Tse was far beyond primitive mythology. He was using this myth as a pointer, to indicate the values that must have been in the society which created the myth. The distinction between Patrist and Matrist cultures made in such books as Ian Suttie’s The Origins of Love and Hate and G. Rattray Taylor’s Sex in History (not to mention Robert Graves’ The White Goddess ) places the Taoists as representatives of a Matrist social-ethical system living in Confucian Patrist China. The &quot;Golden Age&quot; of the Taoists did actually exist, whether or not it deserves to called Golden: it was the Matriarchal. pre-Feudal China destroyed by the Chou State and official Confucian philosophy. Chapter 28 of the Tao Te Ching defines the psychology and ethics of Taoism:

He who knows the male, yet clings to the female,

Becomes like a valley, receiving all things under heaven

The female qualities of receptivity, acceptance, passivity, etc. are preferred to the masculine ethical rigor of Confucianism. Kuan Tzu explains this in its simplest terms: &quot;The sage follows after things, therefore he can control them.&quot; Every married man knows how typically feminine – and how effective – this is. What is not so obvious is that this is, really, the philosophy of modern science. Bacon says: &quot;We cannot command nature except by obeying her.&quot; (Cf. the Marxian &quot;freedom as the recognition of necessity.&quot;) A letter by – of all people – Thomas Henry Huxley drives home the point, showing the innate connection between religious humility and scientific method.

Science seems to me to teach in the highest and strongest manner the great

truth which is embodied in the Christian conception of entire surrender to the

will of God. Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every

preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses Nature

leads, or you shall learn nothing.

The Taoists saw this attitude represented most clearly by women and by water, and made these the chief symbols of their religion. Orthodox Christians can understand why this approach is valuable to the scientist, but that it is the highest form of religion also, is certainly difficult for anyone conditioned to dogmatisms to accept. The Taoists put &quot;acceptance&quot; where the West puts &quot;faith.&quot;

The female also stands, in Taoist thought, for those two forces regarded with most suspicion in Patrist societies: sex and love. The orthodox Freudians have said enough to familiarize us all with the neurotic illness that has come into Western culture with the triumph of anti-sex religions; what is not so obvious is how love, also, is under a pall in our society – see the chapter on &quot;The Taboo on Tenderness&quot; in Ian Suttie’s The Origins of Love and Hate.

Water is, as we have said, the second great symbol of Taoism. It is, of course, the receptivity and yieldingness of water that recommends it to Lao-Tse and Chuang Chou. The philosophy of Judo (a Taoist invention) has come out of the observation of water, it is said. Judo co-operates with the attacking force, as water molds itself to its environment. Water and the Judo student bend and survive where bamboo and the ordinary man stand firm and break.

The values that Taoism sees in woman and water are their harmony with the Tao. I have not translated this key term, and I do not intend to; but Ezra Pound’s translation – &quot;the process&quot; – seems to me more adequate than &quot;the Way,&quot; &quot;the Path&quot; and most of the other attempts. Students of General Semantics might understand if I say that the &quot;Tao&quot; comes very close to meaning what they mean when they say &quot;the process-world.&quot; The Tao is the flux, the constant change, amid which we live and in the nature of which we partake; or it is the &quot;law&quot; of this change. (But, of course, the &quot;law&quot; and the &quot;change&quot; itself are not different in reality, only in our grammar and philosophy.) A Zen master asked how to get in harmony with the Tao, replied, &quot;Walk on!&quot; Water and woman represent adjustment to the Law of Change, which &quot;man, proud man, dressed in his little brief authority,&quot; and his abstract dogmas, tries to resist.

Anna Livia Plurabelle, the water woman, represents the values of the Tao in Finnegans Wake . The very first word of the book, &quot;riverrun&quot; – not the river and the running of the river, but &quot;riverrun&quot; – places us firmly in the &quot;process-world&quot; of modern physics, which is the world of the Tao. As Molly Bloom in Ulysses, Anna gets the last word in Finnegans Wake, and it is a word that transcends the dualisms (Bloom and Stephen, Shem and Shaun, Mookse and Gripes) and affirms the unity behind them.

The parable of the Mookse and the Gripes expresses this characteristic Taoist attitude with a quite characteristic Taoist humorous exaggeration. Adrian, the Papal Mookse, takes his stand on space, dogma and aristotelian logic; the mystic Gripes verbally affirms time, relativity and the flux; but both are equally emneshed in abstractions and both wither away in futile opposition to each other. Both, in short, are caprives of the dualistic System they ahve themselves created. Nuvolettam the avatar of ALP in this episode, is the Taoist female, unimpressed by the &quot;dogmad&quot; behaviour of the male. With Molly Bloom’s resignation, she says:

—I see…there are menner. (page 158)

It is important to grasp the distinction between the Gripes and Nuvoletta. Seemingly, they represent affirmation of the same cluster of things: time, the river, flux, mysticism, relativity, sex, love, the earth, Nature. Actually, the Gripes’ affirmation is verbal only, whereas Nuvoletta’s affirmation is anything but verbal. None of Joyce’s great Earth-Mother figures are given to philosophizing about &quot;affirmation of Nature,&quot; etc. – they just do it. This is a crucial difference. As Lao-Tse says:

Those who speak do not know;

Those who know do not speak.

Shem is a &quot;sham and a low sham&quot; because he is a &quot;forger.&quot; Stephen Dedalus wanted to &quot;forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race;&quot; but Shem merely seeks &quot;to utter an epochal forged cheque on the public.&quot; Shem is one of those who speak but do not know; that his career is a satire on Joyce’s own is the kind of irony implied in Christ’s &quot;Why callest thou me good? None is good but the Father,&quot; or the Sixth Patriarch’s &quot;I do not understand Buddhism.&quot; Probably everyone who ever gains any experience with the Tao begins by faking a little; it is really so much easier to verbalize about this affirmation that to live it. Joyce’s portrait of the artist as a young forger is a self-confession that does penance for the whole race; &quot;you and I are in him.&quot;

ALP, the river-woman, does not have any such confession to make. Like the hen Belinda in Chapter Four, who &quot;just feels she was kind of born to lay and love eggs&quot; (p.112), ALP lives in the Tao without question and without making a fuss about it (wu-shih). Her polar opposite is that figure whom Joyce describes as &quot;Delude of Israel,&quot; &quot;Gun, the Father,&quot; or &quot;Swiney Tod, ye Demon Barber&quot; – the &quot;phallic-destructive&quot; Hangman God whose &quot;criminal thumbprint&quot; on the rock hangs over Ulysses and makes one realize that Molly Bloom’s affirmation was something Joyce had not yet quite experienced when he wrote that saturnine masterpiece. In Finnegans Wake the Hangman God is securely put in his place and from the first word, &quot;riverrun,&quot; to the last dying murmur &quot;a way a lone a last a loved a long the,&quot; the female figure of affirmation dominates the book.


Putting the Hangman God in his places does not mean abolishing him; it means transcending him, in sweat and blood, rising above the dualistic delusion that makes Him seem credible. Nietzsche’s &quot;I write in blood, I will be read in blood,&quot; is testimony as to the superhuman effort required for an Occidental to make this transcendence.

Earwicker, as typical a product of Western dualism in its advanced stages as was Melville’s Ahab, is, like Ahab, split down the middle by his own dualistic thinking. Joyce does not symbolize this as Melville did – by the scar from crown to toe that disfigures Ahab – but by projecting the two sides of Earwicker as Shem and Shaun, the Mookse and the Gripes, Butt and Taff, the Ondt and the Gracehoper. The Taoist orientation of Joyce’s treatment of these dualities is indicated, on page 246, by the distortion of &quot;Shem and Shaun&quot; to &quot;Yem and Yan.&quot; Yin and Yang are the Taoist terms for the paired opposites whose innate connectedness generates the entire world-process. Yin is feminine, dark, intuitive, etc.; Yang is masculine, light, rationalistic, etc. Neither can exist without the other, and both are parts of the Tao, and hence parts of each other.

The identity of the opposites, a central theme of Taoist thought, is indicated early in Finnegans Wake. The very first appearance of Shem and Shaun is as &quot;the Hindoo, Shimar Shin,&quot; (p.10) a single figure. Through the rest of the book they are split into two figures, but they are constantly changing roles and merging into each other (for instance, in the &quot;Geometry Lesson&quot; chapter, where the Shem-type notes, left side of the page, leap suddenly to the right side, and the Shaun-type notes leap from right to left.) Again, in the Mercius and Justius dispute, Shem and Shaun are picked up at the end and carried off together by ALP. &quot;Sonnies had a scrap,&quot; she says with feminine equanimity.

The two philosophers most frequently mentioned in the Wake, Nicholas of Cusa and Bruno of Nola, taught a dialectic of resolution of opposites. Joseph Needham in his monumental Science and Civilization in China, repeatedly mentions both Bruno and Nicholas as the only two Occidental philosophers before Liebnitz to have a basically Taoist outlook.

Every sensitive reader has noted the difference between the humor of Ulysses and the humor of Finnegans Wake . In writing Ulysses, Joyce’s intention seems to have still contained a large element of the motive expressed to this publisher when describing Dubliners: &quot;to show Ireland its own ugly face in a mirror.&quot; The humor in Ulysses is mostly satiric and negative, Swiftian; the joyous, Rabelaisian element is comparatively small. But in Finnegans Wake the humor is not only Rabelaisian, but Carrollian: it has that element of nonsense and childishness which only the well-integrated can sustain for long.

But this humor is also Taoistic. It is now suspected by scholars that the chapter of the Confucian Analects (Lun Yu) which contains a description of the Taoists as a band of madmen was interpolated by a Taoist writer! The mad, jolly, very un-selfconscious parody of Joyce himself in the &quot;Shem the Penman&quot; chapter has the same type of humor. Probably only an Irishman could understand that text about making oneself a fool for Christ’s sake as a Taoist would understand it. Joyce, bending his incredible genius to the concoction of place names like &quot;Wazwollenzie Haven&quot; and &quot;Havva-ban-Annah&quot; (not to mention &quot;the bridge called Tilt-Ass&quot;) is exemplifying something that exists outside the Wake only in Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear and the Sacred Scriptures of the Taoists.

(&quot;The Tao is in the dung,&quot; said Chuang Chou.)

To the Taoists, humor was what paradox is to Chesterton: a manifestation of divinity. Tao fa tsu-jan: &quot;The Tao just happens.&quot; (Footnote to this: The entire passage reads: Jen fa ti, ti fa ti’en, ti’en fa Tao, Tao fa tsu-jan. &quot;Man is subject to earth, earth is subject to heaven, heaven is subject to Tao, Tao is subject to spontaneity.&quot; In short, determinism on one level results from chance on another level, as in thermodynamics.) Whether you call this Organicism and wax as self-consciously profound as Whithead, or call it Materialism and get as self-righteously priggish as the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, you still miss the point. That the Tao just happens, that it has no purpose or goal, no regard for man’s self-importance (&quot;Heaven treats us like straw dogs,&quot; Lao-Tse says) – this is not a gloomy philosophy at all. When one understands this fully, on all levels of one’s being, the only possible response is to have a good laugh. Taoist humor results from realization that the recognition of the most joyous truth of all seems to the egocentric man (you and I) frightening and gloomy.

Joyce is nowhere more thoroughly Taoist then when he answers all the paradoxes and tragedies of life with the brief, koan-ish &quot;Such me.&quot; Genial bewilderment (&quot;Search me!&quot;) and calm acceptance (&quot;Such I am&quot;) meet here as they meet nowhere else but in Taoism, and its intellectual heirs, Zen and Shinshu Buddhism and the neo-Confucianism of Chu Hsi. We cannot understand; neither can we escape – &quot;Such me.&quot; (page 597)

It is this attitude – which women seem to be able to grasp much more easily than men – that gives Finnegans Wake its air of goofy impartiality. The Buddhist (outside of the Zen school) labors strenuously to rise over the opposites; the Taoist dissolves them into a good horse-laugh. Joyce’s method is Taoistic. &quot;Sonnies had a scrap;&quot; &quot;Now a muss was the little face;&quot; &quot;You were only dreamond, dear&quot; – the tolerant, existentialist female voice, vastly unimpressed by masculine abstractions and ideologies, breaks in at every point where a Big Question is being debated. The Zen Patriarch who said, when he was asked for religious instruction, &quot;When you finish your meal, wash your plates,&quot; had this attitude.


Wyndham Lewis saw in Ulysses an implicit acceptance of Bergson’s time-philosophy and denounced Joyce, in his Time and Western Man, for contributing to what he called &quot;the Time Cult&quot; (other members: Einstein, Ezra Pound, Picasso, Whitehead, the Futurist painters, Gertrude Stein.) Lewis, a classicist, set up the dualism of space philosophies (aristotelian, rational, conservative, masculine, etc.) against time philosophies (oriental, intuitive, radical, feminine, etc.) Joyce wrote the Wake from &quot;the Haunted Inkbottle, no number Brimstone Walk, Asia in Ireland&quot; (page 182) placidly, even eagerly, accepting the non-aristotelian position Lewis had attributed to him.

As is well known, the events of the Wake occur &quot;at no spatial time&quot; and cannot be sharply defined because &quot;every parson, place and thing in the chaosmos anywhere at all connected with it was moving and changing all the time&quot; (page 118). In short, we are within the Einsteinian universe; and Joyce realizes, as did Alfred Korzybski, that the aristotelian &quot;laws of thought&quot; cannot hold in such a universe: &quot;The sword of certainty which would identified the body never falls&quot; (page 51). The Law of Identity, that is, cannot hold in a process-world &quot;where,&quot; as the mathematical physicist says, &quot;every electron has a date and is not identical to itself from one second to another.&quot;

The Taoists were familiar with these relativistic considerations long before Einstein.

Chuang Chou writes:

There is nothing under the canopy of heaven greater than the tip of an autumn

spikelet. A vast mountain is a small thing. Neither is there any age greater than

that of a small child cut off in infancy. P’eng Tsu himself died young. The universe

and I came into being together; and I, and everything therein, are one.

A better description anywhere of the &quot;inner logic&quot; of Finnegans Wake can hardly be found. To ask what &quot;is really happening&quot; on any page is like asking a physicist whether light &quot;is really&quot; waves or particles. Shaun’s sermon to the leap-year girls is confession of Earwicker’s incestuous desires; is a barrel rolling down the Liffey river; is a postman making his rounds. Anna Livia Plurabelle is a woman, and she is also a river. Earwicker is a man, a mountain, an insect, the current Pope, the Urvater of Freudian theory, Finn MacCool, and he is also both Shem and Shaun. He is, as a matter of fact, every person, place and thing in the Wake – just as every man &quot;is&quot; the sum total of his own perceptions and evaluations. Earwicker is finally able to accept and affirm his world, Joyce is finally able to accept and affirm his world, because they recognize that &quot;I, and everything therein, are one.&quot; &quot;Such me.&quot; (Footnote to this: Physics, psychology, semantics an several other sciences have entirely rejected the view which sees the universe as a collection of block-like entities. WE now think in terms of relations and functions: iron rod A has no absolute &quot;length,&quot; but only length = 1, length = 2, length = 3, etc., as it moves through the space-time continuum. Smith has no absolute &quot;self&quot; but only a succession of roles in a succession of socio-psychological fields. A world of such inter-related processes is a seamless unity, and every perceiver is that unity at every second. That is why Emerson could write – and Joyce could demonstrate – that &quot;The sphinx must solve his own riddle. All of history is in one man.&quot;)

To the space-consciousness of a Wyndham Lewis a chair is a static &quot;thing&quot; out there, apart from the observer; given, concrete, identifiable. To the time-mind of Joyce, the chair is revealed as a process, a joint phenomenon of observer and observed, a stage in the transmutation of energy: &quot;My cold cher’s gone ashley,&quot; he writes, (page 213) seeing the future ashes in the present object. (Cf. Hiu Shih’s paradox, &quot;Ann egg has feathers.&quot;) Zen Buddhist teachers make this point, somewhat obliquely, by pointing to a picture of Bodhidharma (who was bearded), and asking the puzzled student, &quot;Why doesn’t that fellow have a beard?&quot;

The answer of the witty Gracehoper to the conservative Ondt: (page 419)

Your genus is worldwide, your spacest sublime,

But Holy Saltmartin, why can’t you beat time?

is Joyce’s answer to Wyndham Lewis and the entire Western Tradition back to Aristotle which backs him up. The Gracehoper had &quot;jingled through a jungle of life in debts and jumbled through a jingle of love in doubts&quot; but, as the rhythm and vocabulary suggest, he had vastly enjoyed himself doing so. Time, which strikes him down, will eventually strike down the &quot;anal-acquisitive&quot; Ondt also. All the abstractions man invents to give himself control over events and stave off doubt, all the preparations man makes to stay out of debt, are as nothing before the inscrutable workings-out of the Tao; the search for security, Alan Watts has frequently observed, is the main cause of insecurity. As Nuvoletta says, &quot;Ise so silly to be flowing, but I no canna stay.&quot; (page 159) The secret of Taoism, the secret of Finnegans Wake, is very simply expressed in Poe’s &quot;Descent Into the Maelstrom,&quot; whose hero saved himself by &quot;studying the action of the whirlpool and co-operating with it.&quot;

This is the trick that explains Judo. It also explains Anna Livia Plurabelle’s calm acceptance of her own end as she flows out to sea:

The keys to. Given. Lps. A way a lone a last

a loved a long the

The only word that can possibly complete that sentence is the &quot;riverrun&quot; at the beginning. We can find ourselves only by losing ourselves, all mystics testify. Anna loses herself into the ocean, but what she becomes is the true self she has always been: &quot;riverrun,&quot; the process.

-New York City

copyright: Robert Anton Wilson


The Meeting Of Science And Mysticism – By Robert Anton Wilson

New theories in physics suggest that “no man is an island” and “the greatest is within the smallest”

In 1964 Dr. John Stewart Bell, an Irishman working at CERN nuclear research centre (Switzerland) published a mathematical paper that staggered the scientific world. The central idea of the paper-now Called Bells Theorem – suggested new views about reality so hair-raising that even Dr. Bell himself repudiates most of the interpretations by other physicists about what his mathematics imply.

Bell’s Theorem seems to portray a universe far weirder than science has previously realized – so weird, in fact, that it hauntingly resembles many “mystical” and “superstitious” ideas of the past. For instance, I shook hands with the editor of a Berlin magazine a month ago. Since our hands touched, according to Bell, some particles in my hand remain, and always will remain, in a kind or correlation or “union” with some particles in the editor’s hand. Mystics have talked about such linkages all through history, of course, but science never took such ideas seriously – until Bell came along.

Since so much dispute rages about Bell’s demonstration, we should use careful language in discussing it.

What Bell’s math showed was that 1) if we accept an objective universe separate from our ideas, and 2) if the equations of quantum (sub-atomic) physics accurately describe that universe, then 3) any two particles that once contacted each other continue to “influence” each other, or remain “parts of a unified system,” no matter how far apart they subsequently move in space or in time-even if they move to opposite ends of the universe.

Bell’s math thus suggests that space and time only exist on some levels of the universe-or only in our minds-or that we must assume a level of reality where space and time don’t exist at all. “Here is there,” says physicist Dr. Nick Herbert, when explaining Bell’s Theorem.” There is no difference between anything,” he adds with a twinkle in his eye.


To visualize what this means, and how it differs from all previous science, imagine an ordinary billiard table.

In Newtonian physics, if a ball (let’s call it B), moves, it’s because it is hit by another ball (which we can call A).This accords with the standard mechanical picture of the universe, which most people still identify with “science” with a capital S.

However, in field physics (pioneered in the 19th century by James Clerk Maxwell), ball B might move and ball A along with it, not because of mechanical collisions, but because a magnet below the table has created an electromagnetic field, which causes the balls to jump in a certain direction. Field theories, while in a sense less “materialistic” than mechanical collision theories, still involve connection, interaction and causality. They still live in “the same ball park” as mechanical theories.

In Einstein’s General Relativity, we find a third kind of causality. The balls might move because of the seeming flatness of the table, which we see, only appears on the small scale. On a larger scale the table actually curves. (In the Einstein universe the planets orbit the sun because space itself curves, even though we can’t see the curvature directly and have to deduce it mathematically.) This moves us even further from collision models than the field theories do, but Einstein remains in a ball park we can visualize-with a little extra effort. Einsteinian space-time involves connections, interaction and a kind of determinism-geometric determinism. The mass of matter determines the curvature of space, and the curvature of space determines the movement of matter.

In all these kinds of scientific explanations-the mechanical, the field theory and the geometric (curvature) Theory-the cause of the movement of the billiard balls can be pictured in a mental image and, once we understand the theory, it makes sense to us.

In Bell’s universe, however, ball A and ball B might moves without any of these three types of causes (the only types of causes science recognizes) -and perhaps without any cause at all! In other words, A moves because B moves or B moves because A moves and we seemingly cannot say anything more about the movements. Maybe we can’t even say the much since the word “because” doesn’t really seem to fit this case.

Imagine yourself in a room with such a billiard table. Ball A at one end of the table suddenly turns clockwise and exactly at that moment ball B at the other end turns counter-clockwise. You observe carefully that nobody pushed the balls or fired another ball at them. You check under the table and find no hidden magnets to create field effects. You then think of Einstein and geometry, but when you check, the table has no curvature of any sort. You look at the table again and ball A turns counter-clockwise while ball B turns clockwise. That sort of thing usually only happen in movies about haunted house.


At this point you would probably say, “spooks!” or something similar. James Randi would shout “Fraud!” or “Flim-flam!”

That’s just about what most physicists said when Bell’s Theorem was published. The math was absolutely irrefutable, but the conclusion seemed impossible to believe.

Several experiments, however – most notably, those by Dr. Clauser of the University of California at Berkeley and Dr Aspect at the optical institute in Orsay, France – have shown that atomic particles behave exactly as Bell said they should. For instance, in Aspect’s most recent experiment two photons (particles of light) ejected from a common source (a mercury atom) acted just as Bell predicted, or just like the billiard balls in our illustration. Whenever the photon manifested the mathematical state called “spin up,” the other photon measured “spin down.” This happened despite the total absence of any form of connection or cause known to science.


To be even clear about how “mystical” this seems, let me paraphrase a life – size model once used by Dr. Bell in a lecture.

Imagine two men who live in Paris and Mexico City. Imagine that we keep them under observation continually and discover that every time the man in Paris wears red socks, the man in Mexico City wears Blue socks. Now suppose we check every possible communication system and prove that no way exists for the two men to send messages to each other – they can’t get near a phone or shortwave radio or telegraph or any similar device. Then we take the red socks of the man in Paris and put blue socks on him. Immediately – with not a fraction of a second of time delay – the man in Mexico City sits down, takes of his red socks and puts on blue socks.

Even stranger, this would happen every single time we tried the experiment if the man behaved like the atomic particles in Bell’s Theorem and the experiments of Clauser and Aspect.


What the deuce can this mean? Physicists remain in violent disagreement with each other about the question, but all the answers are equally astounding to ordinary folks.

According to Dr. David Bohm of the University of London, “It may mean that everything in the universe is in a kind of total rapport, so that whatever happens is related to everything else; or it may be that there is some kind of information that can travel faster than the speed of light: or it may mean that our concepts of space and time have to be modified in some way that we don’t now understand.” (London Times, February 20, 1983.)


Consider the first alternative. If “what happens is related to everything else,” we live in the kind of holistic Universe described by the mystics of the East, especially the Hindus and Buddhists. In the humorous metaphor of Charles Fort, a a bear coughs at the north pole, a bottle of Ketchup will fall out of a wind on in New York City. In the more grim metaphors of Buddhism, if a single angry or cruel act (or thought) occurs anywhere, every sentient being in the universe will feel the effects. In the poetic language of the Englishman, John Donne: No man is an island…if a clod of Spain be washed away, Europe is the less…Each man’s death diminishes me, for I am involved in humanity.

This “non-local connection” (as some call it) may mean that if you have touched a pair of dice your brain can then exercise some control over them, just as most gamblers think. This sounds some wild, science-fiction elaboration of Bell, but it has been seriously proposed by Dr. Evan Harris Walker, an American physicist who deduced, from Bell’s math and the math of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle* just how the human brain should be able to affect the dice.

In The Complete Quantum Anthropologist, Dr. Walker demonstrates that this mathematically theoretical limit of control – “mind over matter” – corresponds exactly to the degree of control demonstrated by Hakoon Forwald, a retired electrical engineer, in a long-running series of experiments on “psychokinesis.” Forwald’s subjects in the years between 1949 and 1970 tried to influence dice by brain power and score just as far above chance as Walker’s math says they should have scored.

It does not seem far from this “psychokinesis” to the traditional belief that if a sorcerer gets a hold of a strand of your hair, anything he does will eventually affect your hair.


Before we get spooked too much by this line of thought, let us look at Dr. Bohm’s second alternative:”

Information that can travel faster than the speed of light,” Since no energy can travel faster than the speed of light, this means information without energy. Another physicist, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, has called it “information without transportation.” Such ghostly information moving around without energy or transportation to carry it might explain the kind of things that parapsychologists call telepathy or precognition or ESP.

This sounds a medieval as the sorcerer working magic on a lock of hair, doesn’t it? Nonetheless, two physicists from Stanford Research International (now SRI International), Dr. Harold Puthoff and Dr. Russell Targ, in their book Mind Reach, offer it as an explanation of “distant viewing” (telepathy across thousands of miles.)


Even more bizarre, as Dr. Sarfatti has pointed out in many lectures, “information without transportation: could travel into the past. You see, in Relativity Theory, going faster than the speed of light seems impossible because it means going backwards in time. Some interpretations of Bell, however, suggest that information can indeed go backwards in time. This leads to speculations that have previously only appeared in science fiction, not in science.

For instance, it leads to the “Grandfather paradox.” Thus: if I had a time machine, went back to the 1890’s, and for some perverse reason murdered my grandfather before he could marry my grandmother, then when I came back to 1992 I wouldn’t find myself here, would I? Where would I exist, if I existed at all? It seems from a theoretical mathematic basis I would dwell in a parallel universe – one in which I remained sane enough not to go back in time to kill my granddad. But this universe, where poor old granddad, would still exist – except that my father and I wouldn’t live in it.

The same logic that governs such a sci-fi time machine applies to “information that moves faster than light.” If I could send Bell’s kind of information into the past, my grandfather might receive it. He might alter his actions in such a way that I wouldn’t get born in this universe anymore. I would have sent the information from the universe next door, so to speak.

If that doesn’t boggle your mind, consider a further development suggested by Dr. John Archibald Wheeler, often called the father of the Hydrogen bomb. In the Science Digest of October 1984, Dr. Wheeler suggests that the current and recent scientific experiments on atomic energy literally created this universe (or “selected” it out of all possible universes).

In other words, every time we meddle with an atomic system, according to Dr. Wheeler, the “non-local” effects go every which way into space and time, and some of them affect the nature of the Big Bang from which the universe emerged. You see, Dr. Wheeler has often argued that many, many universes emerged from the Big Bang – more than 10,000-million-million-million-million-million-million-million-million-million-million
-million-million-million-million-million-million-million-million of them, at least – all of them stacked up in parallel to ours in “super-space,” a geometrical construct he invented to solve some of the problems with General Relativity. Dr. Wheeler now argues, in the light of Bell’s Theorem, that we have, through our experiments, “fine-tuned” the Big Bang to produce the kind of universe in which we can exist and can conduct such experiments. Zillions and Zillions of other universes, without our meddling, evolve in different ways, and most of them collapse inward again very shortly after the Big Bang and thus never produce human beings.


Then we have Dr. Bohm’s third alternative: “Our concepts of space and time will have to be modified in some way we do not understand. “Many philosophers have examined this idea in the past – especially the Buddhists in the East and Bishop Berkeley and Immanuel Kant in Europe. All come to the same conclusion, basically. Space and time don’t exist “out there,” apart from us. The human brain just invented them to have a filing system for its impressions.

Dr. Nick Herbert presents a scientific form of this theory in his book, Quantum Reality. According to Dr. Herbert, all experience remains “local” (bound by space and time) but reality itself exists “non-locally” (not bound by space and time, or “transcendental”) in exactly the sense of all mystic teachings.

Dr. Bohm states the same idea in a more precise way. As he sees it, the universe may consist of an implicate order much like the software (programs) of a computer and an explicate order, much like the hardware – what we can see and experience – has locality. It remains here, not there, and now, not then. The implicative order or software, however – which we cannot see or experience but only deduce from our experiments and math – has total non-locality. It exists both here and there, both now and then.

In this model we do not need to posit information without transportation or any of the spook stuff. The information does not travel without a medium because it does not travel at all; it exists already, always, everywhere. In every electron, in every atom, in every molecule, every stone, every animal or person, every planet, every galaxy, however different their locations in space and time, the basic information, or universal blueprint (Bohm’s implicate order) remains the same.

This sounds very much like the Hindu concept of God or the Chinese Tao. In fact Bohm’s implicate order exactly fits Lao-Tse’s paradox of the Tao: “The greatest is within the smallest.” It also strikingly resembles the major axiom of Hermetic mysticism in the West: “That which is above is reflected in that which is below.”


There remains one way to avoid all of these shocking and bizarre sounding interpretations of John S. Bell’s discovery. That way is to deny the first step of the argument – that we can posit an objective universe separate from our ideas. This path, thus far, has appeared only in the works of Dr. David Mermin of Columbia University. In two astounding papers – “Quantum Mysteries for Everyone” and “ Is the Moon There When Nobody Looks?”- Dr. Mermin argues that quantum physics (the physics of small particles, from which Bell began) finally makes sense if we assume the universe only exists when we look at it. If you don’t look at your automobile, and nobody else looks at it, it ceases to exist until somebody looks at it again. Then it pops back into reality – presto!

This theory, known as “solipsism,” has never appealed to scientists or philosophers, although a few cynics have always argued in favor of it, just to annoy the orthodox. Nobody seems to have ever taken it seriously – until now. Dr. Mermin soberly claims that solipsism leads to less absurd results than any other way of interpreting Bell’s math.

I don’t think Dr. Mermin intends to make a joke. He truly fins solipsism less unthinkable than ghostly information moving every which way in space and time with no medium to carry it, or parallel universes being created out of nothing whenever an atomic measurement is made, or the other alternatives that physicists are considering in trying to understand Bell’s theorem.


In summary, Bell’s theorem does not prove the truth of the basic ideas of mysticism, but it definitely makes them seem more plausible than any previous scientific discovery did. Any alternative explanation of the non-local reality described by Bell does not bring us safely home to “common sense.” The other explanations sound even stranger than anything that mystics have ever claimed. We can only conclude, as the great biologist J.B.S. Haldane did after experimenting with yoga, that “The universe may be, not only queerer than we think, but queerer than we can think.”

For five years(1966-1971) Robert Anton Wilson was Associate Editor of Playboy, Since 1971 he has worked as futurist, novelist, playwright, poet, lecturer and stand up comic. He has 25 books in print, including the Illuminatus trilogy. His latest work, Reality Is What You Can Get Away With, will be published in May by Dell books. Wilson’s play Wilhelm Reich in Hell, was performed at the Edmund Burke Theatre in Dublin in 1986, in Portland, Maine and Long Beach, California, in 1989. The play was read on WBAI (New York) in March, 1989. Wilson is featured in the video Borders, which has been shown on many PBS TV stations and won the first prize in “visions of the future” at the Whole Life Expo IN San Francisco in 1989.

+ Editor’s note: The Uncertainty Principle is that “the accurate measurement of one or two related, observable quantities, as position and momentum or energy and time, produce uncertainties in the measurement of the other, such that the product of the uncertainties of both quantities is equal to or greater than h / 2 pi, where h equals Plank’s constant. “ [ – from The Random House Dictionary of the Englaih Language]. Simply put, the principle means that you can know either the position or motion of a particle, but not both.


Poetry: Robert Anton Wilson

Green plants, alive, like

the stone Buddha — rock solid –

— as twilight descends

Dove sta memora

You have not snared her,

Scarecrow Death:

She’s in my pulse,

My heart, my breath.

Eye sees only

Local hardware;

Brain conceives

Nonlocal software;

Brain knows more

Than eye can see:

Brain can scan


Old Man On A Balcony: Views Of Monterey Bay

Dogen saw thousands

of miracles each morning:

I see a dozen

The number of birds–

And of different bird songs–

Midwinter Mozart

Minor Mystery

Southern Pacific

train goes by an hour before

its usual time

Brother Raven, you

ain’t no song-bird. You wusser

than the kiss of death

Fractal Miracle

The lines of the beach,

the bay and the lowest cloud

All seem parallel!

Two For Bishop Berkeley

Clouds (visible) float

above hills (invisible);

Are the hills still there?

At this hour of night

I see more &quot;dolphins&quot; than at

Any other time.

Biggest damned raven

I ever saw flies howling

caw caw caw Lord Lord

A moon in the sky

After sunrise [a rare sight];

Seen it before, but –

A squiggly fractal–

the line of Monterrey’s hills–

floats above the fog

The cat licks its paws:

I watch, three floors above: it

Looks up straight at me

Gay flamingo sings:

&quot;The sun rises and the world

Is ablaze with Dawn&quot;

&quot;Weep, weep!&quot; cries a bird

Lost somewhere in fog and mist.

Sunrise with no sun.

Fire on the mountain?

No, the deer are still, tranquil:

It must be sunlight

The orange cloudbank:

One bright touch in the grey sky

Above a grey bay

Dolphins in the bay

Playing, sporting, having fun–

World without money!

The weather bureau

predicted a sunny day:

All I see is fog

After the fog lifts,

A naked beauty: blue sky

With buttermilk clouds

Bay ablaze with light–

Tin-flash; silver; clear as gin–

After weeks of fog!

Flock of gulls appears

And suddenly — disappears

Going God-knows-where…

White on white: bay lost,

Mountains lost, bleached into white:

A clean-cotton mist

Pre-dawn, silence, then –:

Out of unpulsating dark

An unknown bird chirps.

Bay like blackboard grey

Monterrey lost in white fog

Shortest day draws nigh

While I slept they came:

Two unexpected flowers

Sprouting on the vine.

Grey and pastel pink –

A water-color painting –

This light before dawn.

Midnight Haiku

Mottled blueblack sky.

A sudden moon — briefly! Then:

Blueblack mottled sky…

Midnight Haiku #2

Black darkness only:

I see nothing but I hear

Rain and wind and waves

Midnight Haiku #3

Dancing in the bay–

Dolphins again? No, better:

Reflected moonlight.

Gray sky and gray bay

No division between them

A dead dreary dawn

Misty mountain tops

Floating on nothing, it seems..

&quot;Empty&quot; space is full!

Midnight Haiku #4

Dark, dark: no waves splash,

no barking dogs, no wind. Just

the sound of no sound

No blue: just white-grey,

Like dirty ice, the bay sneaks

Out from under fog.

&quot;Sweet! Sweet!&quot; sings a bird–

Old Ez in Virginia

Heard one cry &quot;Tulip!&quot;

The stone Buddha sits

Still as the Eiger: silent…

The waves crash and splash

Lights across the bay

White jewels scattered, shattered

In a deep black box

Purple, vermilion:

Each part of the bay glitters

And none is just blue

&quot;Chirp? Churp?&quot; &quot;Oot?&quot; &quot;Cheep!&quot; &quot;Oot!&quot;

Birds unseen, bickering –&quot;Sweep?&quot; –

Above, on the roof.

I see just one tree

The bay is invisible

Fog, fog, endless fog

Some waves cry &quot;Terror!&quot;

Hitting the beach like boulders:

Dark night: darker thoughts.

Botticelli sky:

No fog, no Chinese touches–

A Rennaisance day

All is cloaked in fog

The world seems empty, until –

Far off, a gull shrieks.

Federal Crime

Clear blue bay at sunset

And I am stoned and placid–

Free of grief, almost.


Count The Fetishes…