Goodbye, Hello!!!

Welcome Page Gwyllm from The Invisible College on Vimeo.

Alvin Booth: Osmosis, Untitled #9905475, 1999
100 x 50 cm (40 x 20 inch)
Silver Gelatin Photograph, Copper and Glass, Ed. 10



Dear Friends,

So, after 12-13 years and over a 1000 post, I am laying “Turfing” to rest. To be clear, it was a name chosen by William King, a friend down Austin way who first set up Turfing for me on some ancient platform (this place is set up on Word Press). I took the name gladly, it was a gift in his regards for my efforts, and ideas.  He gave me a kick to the butt to get out in the world and it worked! I want to thank William for his efforts on my behalf way back when.

This is part of the process of reinvention that started a couple of years back.  I am a bit like a snake shedding its skin. I have felt this coming on for awhile.  I started to be a collective. Turfing grew out of that. The collective idea kind of withered away, but Turfing grew and went on to do some great things, as example:

1.  It got me to write again
2.  I was able to share my favourite poetry.
3. I was able to share art that I loved.
4. I was able to share music that moved me.
5. My curiosity grew through the searches I performed for material for the blog.
6. Feedback.  It was nice to hear from people, and to know that I touched people with what I had found, shared, and talked about.

Turfing has been more than what most think as a blog, but more of an ongoing magazine, journal, catalog of social events, and it helped build an on line community that is still vibrant in many ways

So, out of Turfing came a creative run that was fever pitched at times.  It got me off of my creative duff, and made me produce daily.  Out of this period, in large part my art was reborn, and The Invisible College Magazine came about.

So, I lay Turfing down now as the juices for it dried up over time. It revived recently, but in preparation for this change.

John Dee At The Court Of Elizabeth The 1st.


I had begun to think along the lines of a different sort of set up, and this will be what I call, “The Hare’s Tale“.  I will be weaving stories and essays that I have written, presenting videos of talks that I am now starting to give, sharing new and varied artist along with galleries of their works. One might ask, why “The Hare’s Tale”? If you have followed me at all on social media, you’d of seen multiple images of Hares & Rabbits over the last few years.  It really isn’t an obsession in the classic sense (well maybe it is 😉 ) Anyway, living in the UK years ago, I used to coarse Hares & Rabbits with my friend John in Devon. He had a beautiful Lurcher, a wonderful dog. 9 out of 10 times though the Hare or Rabbit would get away. Often before diving into the brambles and undergrowth, they would take a celebratory leap, or do a strange dance movement whilst in mid-air. As I recall, standing there, watching that leap, I had always been fascinated by them. It turns out I was born in the year of the Iron Hare (Chinese Calendar), and being born whilst the sun was in Virgo, The correspondence of Hare with Hermes/Mercury, and various Celtic deities.

(This was not hunting for sport, but for food. John had a family to feed, was unemployed at that time, with a weekly benefit of 6 pounds, which would buy you maybe 4 pints at that time…)

Part of the plans includes more book reviews, discussions on art creation including supply suggestions, and more ideas along these lines.

There still will be plenty of poetry, articles, music.  That will never go away, but the field widens now to what I feel are larger cultural concerns.

This really in the Beta Testing Stage…

It is now a wide unexplored field, stretching towards the imaginal horizon. I plan to make the next few years the most productive of my life, and to see where this project takes us. Thank you for being along for the ride.

Bright Blessings,
I’ll Let Maddy Explain:

Now, for a bit of content.

I put this together in response to the current “Administrations” proposed cuts to social spending on such items as “Meals On Wheels”, School Lunches, Housing Vouchers for the Poor, etc. The convoluted logic that it is passed as policy is nothing short of Barbarity. I know that we can come together in our communities to protect and stand with those less fortunate than us, those that are discriminated against, those pursued by unjust, and inhumane laws and policies.

Please visit the link!
For The Resistance

“I abandon myself to the fever of dreams, in search for new laws.”
– Antonin Artaud, from ‘The Death of Satan and Other Mystical Writings’


Roberto Ferri – Vanitas

I posted this painting by Roberto Ferri on Facebook as a contemplation of death, much in the line of “The Vanities” oft portrayed in art.  It turned out to be the straw that broke the camels back.  For posting this image, FB banned me for 30 days.  I want to thank them for reminding me what I was actually here for, and it wasn’t to fit into their concepts of a closed feedback loop, that fed commercial exploitation of information shared on line.

If I had a poem to pick to go with it, it would be this one:


Nor dread nor hope attend
A dying animal;
A man awaits his end
Dreading and hoping all;
Many times he died,
Many times rose again.
A great man in his pride
Confronting murderous men
Casts derision upon
Supersession of breath;
He knows death to the bone
Man has created death.

-W.B. Yeats.
The Links:
Take Care Of Your Art & Writings!
Why God Knows More About Bad Behaviour…
Alien Intelligence
Spider Food?
If you aren’t tuned into Radio EarthRites you might give this a listen.

Thanks For Visiting! More Soon!


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