Decidedly French…

“I have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and I dance.” – Arthur Rimbaud
(Ludwig Deutsch – the Scribe)

On the blue summer evenings, I shall go down the paths,
Getting pricked by the corn, crushing the short grass:
In a dream I shall feel its coolness on my feet.
I shall let the wind bathe my bare head.

I shall not speak, I shall think about nothing:
But endless love will mount in my soul;
And I shall travel far, very far, like a gipsy,
Through the countryside – as happy as if I were with a woman.

Arthur Rimbaud – March 1870.

Just ignore the Austrian Ludwig Deutsch for the art of course.
A few bits that have been running around my head for the last couple of days. A newer, compact version I would think, so it is not such a task for the reader to wade through….

Bright Blessings,

On The Menu:
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Arthur Rimbaud Quotes
Poetry of Joachim du Bellay
Serge Gainsbourg je suis venu te dire
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Ginsberg In Chicago
American Thought Police
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The Hum…
Some Of You May Have Seen This Already… “Welcome Back To The Burning Times!”
Arthur Rimbaud Quotes:

“Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge.”
“The Sun, the hearth of affection and life, pours burning love on the delighted earth.”
“I is another.”
“And again: No more gods! no more gods! Man is King, Man is God! – But the great Faith is Love!”
“one single true word: it is, COME BACK. I want to be with you, I love you. If you listen to this you will prove your courage and sincerity. Otherwise, I am sorry for you. But I love you. I kiss you and we’ll see eachother again…”

Poetry of Joachim du Bellay

D’un vanneur de blé aux vents
(The Winnower to the Winds)

To you, fleeting things,
That on passing wings
Through the world fly free,
And with murmuring sigh
The green shade passed by,
Sweetly shake the tree,

I pledge these violets,
Lilies, mignonettes,
And these roses new,
With each crimson rose
Only now disclosed,
And these wild pinks too.

With your breath so sweet
Cool the plain complete,
Cool this space and stray,
While I labour again
As I winnow my grain
In the heat of the day.

‘La nuit froide et sombre’

The night cold and sombre
With dark shadows covers
The earth and the sky,
Like honey, as sweet,
On heavenly feet,
Comes sleep to the eye.

Then day, renewing,
Its labour pursuing,
Discloses the light,
And with glow diverse
Weaves this universe,
A vast poem bright.

‘Quand ton col de couleur rose’

When your neck like a rose
You offer me,
When eyes cloud sweetly,
Eyelids half-close,

My soul melts with desire
Fills with ardour again,
Can scarce suffer such pain
The force of that fire.

When your lips approach mine,
And, close to the bower,
I could gather the flower
Of your breath divine,

When the sigh of that odour,
Where tongues, entwined,
Moistly frolic, and wind,
Fanning my sweet ardour,

It would seem I dine
With the gods, all is gracious,
I drink long, and delicious
Draughts of their wine.

If the good that is near
Greater good, may so take,
Or leave me, why make
Mine forever the greater?

Do you fear that your light
Might make me divine
And without you I’ll climb
To eternal delight?

Sweet, you’ve naught to fear
Wherever you are,
My heaven, afar,
And my paradise is near.

Serge Gainsbourg je suis venu te dire


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