
Tying the bells in her ankles

Mira dances and dances in Thy honor.

Lord Naaraayana came to her in dreams,

and she surrendered to His lotus feet.

Brother-in-law sent a cup full of poison

so that Mira dies,

she drank it up and laughed, since it became nectar

due to the divine intervention.

The world and the people said: Mira has gone crazy;

even her father confirmed, she has ruined the family reputation.

Says Mira: O my Lord, who is clever and lifter of mountain

Govardhana on His right hand’s pinky finger,

I am Your entirely Your servant,

as You steal away all the worries of Your devotees.

Dear Reader… Rainy Nights here in Portland… Bucketing, Bucketing Down…

Slept strangely with the noise of it all. Some interesting stuff in store for you all this morning…

Well, I must be flying.

On The Menu

The Links

David Sylvian – Orpheus

Abductions by Modern Neandertals?

Poetry: Mirabai…

Mirabai: A short Biography…




The Links

Chemical Salvation?

Brand new substance created from water

Octopus: Genius of the deep

Why do we exist? Don’t look to the stubborn string theorists


David Sylvian – Orpheus


An odd little article…

Abductions by Modern Neandertals?

Neandertals left their tracks, above, behind. Have they interacted with modern humans in contemporary times, and left behind much more?

Is there a record of human beings being abducted by hairy unknown hominids, perhaps even Neandertals in Europe?

Black Almas

The reported sleeping position of the Ksy-gyik. Did it sleep with humans?

Here is a list of a few possible kidnapping incidents, none of them before published in English, shared by Norwegian cryptozoologist Erik Knatterud:

Spain, Sienra. Probably about 800 years ago. Baby abduction. An infant boy was stolen from his nanny, but a swift rescue party managed to find the boy being “happily sucking one of the tits of the animal;” [the rescue party] chased away the wild woman and retrieved the baby. The serrana (wild woman) was referred to as a “bear.”

France, Savoie, the village of Naves. 1602 Female abduction, cited in writing already in 1605. Seventeen-year-old Anthoinette Culet was herding animals when she disappeared. Later the same year three lumberjacks from the village happened to work in the mountains, where one of them noticed a voice from behind a boulder blocking a cave, a voice that insisted to be the abducted Anthoinette Culet. She told them about the ugly but amorous monster with enormous strength obviously stole and brought her baskets of bread, fruit, cheese, linen and thread. That night the creature intruded the village but was ambushed and shot to death. The creature was a “bear,” but it “had a navel like humans and almost looked like a human.”

Allevard, Dauphine. District of Isère. Late 19th century. Male abduction. The young lumberjack Bourne was about to cross a hill at night to visit his fiancé when he was taken and slung over the shoulders of a hairy giant and brought to a cave with a group of brown longhaired creatures talking a strange language. The biggest hairy man was about 8 feet and “looked almost human” and had long arms and big hands. After several hours Bourne pulled out his pipe which was snatched away. In the following fight over the pipe Bourne managed to escape. Locals called such creatures marfolats. [Comment by Loren Coleman: You will note that this story sounds a great deal like the 1924 B.C. kidnapping account of Swedish immigrant Albert Ostman. Ostman told of his sleeping bag (with him in it) being thrown over a Sasquatch’s shoulder, and how he was brought back to a canyon to a family of four Bigfoot that uttered short phrases that seemed to carry meaning. Ostman eventually escaped when he used a tin of snuff to confuse the guarding Sasquatch.]

France, Briançon, Haute Alpes. Late 19th century. Male abduction. A man missing for days told that he had been abducted by a hairy forest man (homme des bois) and kept in a cave with his family, a female and two kids. He was fed some berries, but eventually they lost interest in him.

Spain, Lézignan (Aude). About 1920. Female abduction. A young couple was tending farm animals in the Sierra Morena when the female was taken by an “ape” when she was washing clothes at a stream. She was kept in a cave and raped, but escaped eventually. The resulting baby girl, Anica known as “the daughter of the orangutan,” had a hairy body, long arms and an ape like mouth. Male wildmen are known as basajaun, master of the forest.

Erik Knatterud also writes that he knows of “three cases from Sweden, not really about abduction, but about having [relationships] with hairy females out in the forest at night. Here the wildwomen are called skograa (master of the forest). In my country [Norway] there are many local anecdotes about abductions, probably very ancient legends. Very strange since I have not been able to find the slightest trace of trolls living here today.”

For a little bit of translation and interpretation for the English-reading audience, Mark A. Hall has pointed out via his past writings that “trolls” are not the “little people” that we know from American children’s stories, but the real Trolls of northern Euroasian hominology are indeed giant unknown hairy hominoids.


Poetry: Mirabai…

” Mirabai was a devotee of the high, higher, highest order. Among the saints of India, she is absolutely unparalleled. She composed many, many bhajans, which are prayerful songs to God. Each song Mirabai wrote expressed her inspiration, aspiration and sleepless self-giving. “

– Sri Chinmoy

The Plums Tasted

The plums tasted

sweet to the unlettered desert-tribe girl-

but what manners! To chew into each!

She was ungainly, low-caste, ill mannered and dirty,

but the god took the fruit she’d been sucking.

Why? She knew how to love.

She might not distinquish

splendor from filth

but she’d tasted the nectar of passion.

Might not know any Veda,

but a chariot swept her away-

now she frolics in heaven, esctatically bound

to her god.

The Lord of Fallen Fools, says Mira,

will save anyone who can practice rapture like that-

I myself in a previous birth

was a cowherding girl

at Gokul.

O My Mind

O my mind,

Worship the lotus feet of the Indestructible One!

Whatever thou seest twixt earth and sky

Will perish.

Why undertake fasts and pilgrimages?

Why engage in philosophical discussions?

Why commit suicide in Banaras?

Take no pride in the body,

It will soon be mingling with the dust.

This life is like the sporting of sparrows,

It will end with the onset of night.

Why don the ochre robe

And leave home as a sannyasi?

Those who adopt the external garb of a Jogi,

But do not penetrate to the secret,

Are caught again in the net of rebirth.

Mira’s Lord is the courtly Giridhara.

Deign to sever, O Master.

All the knots in her heart.

That Dark Dweller

That dark Dweller in Braj

Is my only refuge.

O my companion,

Worldly comfort is an illusion,

As soon you get it, it goes.

I have chosen the Indestructible for my refuge,

Him whom the snake of death

Will not devour.

My Beloved dwells in my heart,

I have actually seen that Abode of Joy.

Mira’s Lord is Hari, the Indestructible.

My Lord, I have taken refuge with Thee,

Thy slave.


Nothing is really mine

Nothing is really mine except Krishna.

O my parents, I have searched the world

And found nothing worthy of love.

Hence I am a stranger amidst my kinfolk

And an exile from their company,

Since I seek the companionship of holy men;

There alone do I feel happy,

In the world I only weep.

I planted the creeper of love

And silently watered it with my tears;

Now it has grown and overspread my dwelling.

You offered me a cup of poison

Which I drank with joy.

Mira is absorbed in contemplation of Krishna,

She is with God and all is well!


Mirabai (also known as Meera) was born in 1504 A.D. at Chaukari village in Merta District of Rajasthan. As a young child Mirabai would spend her time playing with a small image of Krishna. Nobody understood her infatuation. But to Mirabai this doll was a living embodiment of Krishna. From an early age Mirabai dedicated her life to the worship and praise of her beloved Krishna. However, depsite her life of intense devotion, she faced great difficulties from her family who didn’t respect the amount of time she would spend in devotion to Krishna.

Her father, Ratan Singh, was the second son of Rao Dudaji, a descendent of Rao Jodhaji Rather, the founder of Jodhpur. Meera’s mother died when she was ten year old. She then came to live with her grandfather who died in 1515. Her father’s elder brother Vikram Deo who succeeded to the throne arranged her marriage with Prince Bhol Raj, the eldest son of Rana Sanga of Chitter. This marriage raised Meera to a very high social status as the ruler of Chitter was considered to be the leader of the Hindu princes. But luck didn’t favor Princess Meera. By 1527 A.D. she had lost her father, her husband and her fatherin-law as well. Meera, who dedicated her life to Lord Krishna, accepted these bereavements as a matter of course

At the lime Meera was born there was widespread political and social turmoil in India. Bloody conflicts for petty selfish gains, disrespect for human life and hatred for others was a norm. Meera was bewildered and at a loss to understand all that was going on all around. She was in search of peace which she found in Chaitanya’s Vaishnav Panth and dedicated her life to the love of Lord Krishna.

Mirabai began to devote most of her time in prayer and worship and did not pay any attention to the etiquettes of a royal household. This led her to be subjected to great hardships and punishments. These physical hardships became intolerable and after praying to Krishna, she left the palace for good and went to the pilgrimage of Mathura, Vrindavana and finally to Dwarika.

Mirabai was a born poetess. She expressed in a beautiful style her intense and deep love of God. She composed hundreds of poems in a simple, unpretentious style. They are full of vivacity and feelings. No poetess in the history of India enjoys a greater respect than Meera. Her poems have gained a unique popularity and are sung by the rich and the poor alike, even to this day. She spent her life dancing In trance and singing the attributes of her Beloved Krishna till she left this mortal world in 1550 to be united with Him. She was a great Hindu woman saint and will always be remembered.

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