
Lucid: (as in dreams)

I have been having astounding lucid dreams as of late. They are almost visionary in their message, it seems like I am entering a new phase. Life is good, and sweet. My dreams talk about a wondrous approach to life, taking nothing granted but being prepared for greater beauty, greater challenges and freedom. They speak of a new experience unfolding.

I hope you enjoy this entry. I put it together last week, and I was awaiting inspiration for this introduction. Life gets so busy, then I realized the dreams were the events that I needed to mention. I hope that you listen to yours. My dreams brought me to Mary, I went to London on the urge of the dream, and my life, and hers changed forever. Dreams are the language of the Gods. It doesn’t matter if you believe in them or not, they aren’t to sure about us as well… I think we have another life at least running parallel to this one, in the Dreamtime. In the dreaming, we talk to beings we never see here. We see sights never seen, and find love and teaching unreachable perhaps here.

Take the time, dream.

Big Love,



On The Menu:

Hamza el Din – Water Wheel
Bibi Hayati – Poetry
Rabia al Basri – Poetry
Lucid Dreaming – The Omni Experience
Hamza el Din – Muwashshah

Hamza el Din – Water Wheel


Bibi Hayati – Poetry

Before there was a hint of civilization

Before there was a hint of civilization
I carried a memory of your loose strand of hair,
Oblivious, I carried inside me your pointed tip of hair.
In its invisible realm,

Your face of sun yearned for epiphany,
Until each distinct thing was thrown into sight.
From the first instant time took a breath,
Your love lay in the soul,

A treasure in the secret chest in the heart.
Before the first seed shot up out of the rose bed of the possible,
The soul’s lark took wing high above your meadow,
Flying home to you.

I thank you one hundred times! In the altar
Of Hayati’s eyes, your face shines
Forever present and beautiful.


How can I see the splendor of the moon
How can I see the splendor of the moon
If his face shines over my heart,
Flaming like the sun?

The Turks in his eyes charge through my soul,
While untrue curling hair
Defeats faith.

Yet if he lifted the veil from his face,
The world would be undone,
The universe astounded.

He walks through the garden
With grace, erect,
His exquisite posture mocking even the straight cypresses.

He charges, riding his gnostic horse
Into the holy space of divinity,
The sacred sphere.

Tonight the Saki with its red-stained ruby lips
Pours wine for the luxury of every drunk,
And sates every reveler’s taste.

As Hayati has drunk his ecstasy,
Her soul now satisfied by the wine of his pure heart,
How can she drink any other nectar?


Is it the night of power

Is it the night of power
Or only your hair?
Is it dawn
Or your face?

In the songbook of beauty
Is it a deathless first line
Or only a fragment
copied from your inky eyebrow?

Is it boxwood of the orchard
Or cypress of the rose garden?
The tuba tree of paradise, abundant with dates,
Or your standing beautifully straight?

Is it musk of a Chinese deer
Or scent of delicate rosewater?
The rose breathing in the wind
Or your perfume?

Is it scorching lightning
Or light from fire on Sana’i Mountain?
My hot sigh
Or your inner radiance?

Is it Mongolian musk
Or pure ambergris?
Is it your hyacinth curls
Or your braids?

Is it a glass of red wine at dawn
Or white magic?
Your drunken narcissus eye
Or your spell?

Is it the Garden of Eden
Or heaven on earth?
A mosque of the masters of the heart
Or a back alley?

Everyone faces a mosque of adobe and mud
When they pray.
The mosque of Hayati’s soul
Turns to your face.

Rabia al Basri – Poetry

“Eyes are at rest, the stars are setting.

Hushed are the stirrings of birds in their nests,
Of monsters in the ocean.
You are the Just who knows no change,
The Balance that can never swerve,
The Eternal which never passes away.

The doors of Kings are bolted now and guarded by soldiers.
Your Door is open to all who call upon You.

My Lord,
Each love is now alone with his beloved.
and I am alone with You.”


If I Adore You

If I adore You out of fear of Hell, burn me in Hell!
If I adore you out of desire for Paradise,
Lock me out of Paradise.
But if I adore you for Yourself alone,
Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty.



In love, nothing exists between heart and heart.
Speech is born out of longing,
True description from the real taste.
The one who tastes, knows;
the one who explains, lies.

How can you describe the true form of Something
In whose presence you are blotted out?
And in whose being you still exist?
And who lives as a sign for your journey?

With My Beloved

With my Beloved I alone have been,
When secrets tenderer than evening airs
Passed, and the Vision blest
Was granted to my prayers,
That crowned me, else obscure, with endless fame;
The while amazed between
His Beauty and His Majesty
I stood in silent ecstasy
Revealing that which o’er my spirit went and came.
Lo, in His face commingled
Is every charm and grace;
The whole of Beauty singled
Into a perfect face
Beholding Him would cry,
‘There is no God but He, and He is the most High.’


Lucid Dreaming – The Omni Experience


Release Date: Thursday, 19 March 1987

(Adam Scott Miller)

A number of techniques facilitate lucid dreaming. One of the simplest
is asking yourself many times during the day whether you are dreaming.
Each time you ask the question, you should look for evidence proving
you are not dreaming. The most reliable test: Read something, look
away for a moment, and then read it again. If it reads the same way
twice, it is unlikely that you are dreaming. After you have proved to
yourself that you are not presently dreaming, visualize yourself doing
what it is you’d like. Also, tell yourself that you want to recognize
a nighttime dream the next time it occurs. The mechanism at work here
is simple; it’s much the same as picking up milk at the grocery store
after reminding yourself to do so an hour before.

At night people usually realize they are dreaming when they experience
unusual or bizarre occurrences. For instance, if you find yourself
flying without visible means of support, you should realize that this
happens only in dreams and that you must therefore be dreaming.
If you awaken from a dream in the middle of the night, it is very
helpful to return to the dream immediately, in your imagination. Now
envision yourself recognizing the dream as such. Tell yourself, “The
next time I am dreaming, I want to remember to recognize that I am
dreaming.” If your intention is strong and clear enough, you may find
yourself in a lucid dream when you return to sleep.

Even if you’re a frequent lucid dreamer, you may not be able to stop
yourself from waking up in mid-dream. And even if your dreams do
reach a satisfying end, you may not be able to focus them exactly as
you please.

During our years of research, however, we have found that spinning
your dream body can sustain the period of sleep and give you greater
dream control. In fact, many subjects at Stanford University have
used the spinning technique as an effective means of staying in a
lucid dream. The task outlined below will help you use spinning as a
means of staying asleep and, more exciting, as a means of traveling to
whatever dream world you desire.

Before retiring, decide on a person, time, and place you would like to
visit in your lucid dream. The target person and place can be either
real or imaginary, past, present, or future. Write down and memorize
your target person and place, then visualize yourself visiting your
target and firmly resolve to do so in a dream that night.
To gain lucidity, repeat the phrase describing your target in your
dream, and spin your whole dream body in a standing position with your
arms outstretched. You can pirouette or spin like a top, as long as
you vividly feel your body in motion.

The same spinning technique will help when, in the middle of a lucid
dream, you feel the dream imagery beginning to fade. To avoid waking
up, spin as you repeat your target phrase again and again. With
practice, you’ll return to your target person, time, and place.
When spinning, try to notice whether you’re moving in a clockwise or
counter-clockwise direction.

– Stephen LaBerge and Jayne Gackenbach

Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D., of the Stanford University Sleep Research

Center, is also the author of LUCID DREAMING, Ballantine Books, New

York, (C) 1985.


Hamza el Din – Muwashshah

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