Love Is For Vanishing

Any eye filled with the vision of this world
cannot see the attributes of the Hereafter,
Any eye filled with the attributes of the Hereafter
would be deprived of the Beauty (Jamal) of (Divine) Oneness.
– Sheikh Ansari – Kashf al_Asrar

Lots in this edition… from a great band (that I just discovered to the wonderful poetry of Farid ud Din Attar (Author of The Council Of Birds, etc). I have included what is called “Classic Turfing” as I have so much there now, some of it should be dug up for examination from time to time. Here is a little story from the early days of Turfing. I hope you enjoy it.

It’s late, and I want to get this out. Lots going on, the world and all.

More Soon,

On The Menu:
Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group Live Los Angeles (WIP) II
How AhH-Ha’-Le Stole The Sun For The Valley People
Classic Turfing: 2 entries from the past
Love Is For Vanishing – Farid ud Din Attar
Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group Live NYC (WIP IV)
Art: Lord Alma-Tadema
Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group Live Los Angeles (WIP) II

Happy Birthday Leon!

We are a bit late for Leon’s birthday and all, but after all, he would be 121 years old now…..

The Quotes:
“England is nothing but the last ward of the European madhouse, and quite possibly it will prove to be the ward for particularly violent cases.”
“Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction.”
“From being a patriotic myth, the Russian people have become an awful reality.”
“Ideas that enter the mind under fire remain there securely and for ever.”
“If we had had more time for discussion we should probably have made a great many more mistakes.”

How AhH-Ha’-Le Stole The Sun For The Valley People
As told by the Mariposa Mewuk

TO’-TO’-KAN-NO the Sandhill Crane was chief of the Valley People and Ah-hā’-le, the Coyote-man lived with him. Their country was cold and dark and full of fog.

Ah-hā’-le was discontented and traveled all about, trying to find a better place for the people. After a while he came to the Foothills Country where it began to be light. He went on a little farther and for the first time in his life saw trees, and found the country dry and warm, and good to look at. Soon he saw the Foothills People and found their village. He was himself a magician or witch doctor, so he turned into one of the Foothills People and mingled with them to see what they had and what they were doing. He saw that they had fire, which made light and became Wut’-too the Sun. He saw also that there were both men and women, that the women pounded acorns and cooked acorn mush in baskets, and that everybody ate food. He ate with them and learned that food was good.

When his belly was full he went home and told the chief To-to’-kan-no that he had found a good place where there were people who had the sun and moon and stars, and women, and things to eat. He then asked To-to’-kan-no, “What are we going to do? Are we going to stay down here in the dark and never eat? The people up there have wives and children; the women make acorn soup and other things; the men have light and can see to hunt and kill deer. We live down here in the dark and have no women and nothing to eat. What are we going to do?”

Chief To-to’-kan-no answered; “Those things are not worth having. I don’t want the Sun, nor the light, nor any of those things. Go back up there if you want to.”

Ah-hā’-le went back to the foothills and did as he had done before, and liked the country and the people. Then he returned and told To-to’-kan-no what he had told him before, and again asked, “What are we going to do? Can’t we buy the Sun? The people up there send the Sun away nights so they can sleep, and it comes back every day so they can see to hunt and get things to eat and have a good time. I like the Sun. Let us buy him.”

To-to’-kan-no answered, “What is the matter with you? What would you do with the Sun; how would you use it?” But Ah-hā’-le was not satisfied. He went back to the Foothills People several times, and the more he saw of the Sun the more he wanted it. But To-to’-kan-no always said The Foothills Country. ”Ah-ha’-le went on a little farther and for the first time in his life saw trees, and found the country dry and good to look at.” he did not want it. Finally however he told Ah-hā’-le that he might go and find out what it would cost.

Ah-hā’-le went and found that the people would not sell it; that if he got it he would have to steal it. And this would be very difficult, for Ah-wahn’-dah the Turtle, keeper of the Sun, was most watchful; he slept only a few minutes at a time and then stood up and looked around; besides, when he slept he always kept one eye open. If Ah-hā’-le moved his foot Ah-wahn’-dah would pick up his bow and arrow. Ah-hā’-le felt discouraged and did not know what to do. He feared that in order to get the Sun he would have to take Ah-wahn’-dah also.

But he decided to try once more, so he went again and turned into a man of the Foothills People. About four o’clock in the afternoon all the hunters went off to hunt deer. Then Ah-hā’-le turned into a big oak limb and fell down on the trail, and wished that Ah-wahn’-dah the Sun’s keeper would come along first. And so it happened, for soon Ah-wahn’-dah came along the trail, saw the crooked limb, picked it up, carried it home on his shoulder, and threw it down on the ground. After supper he picked it up again and threw it against the fire, but it would not lay flat for it was very crooked and always turned up. Finally Ah-wahn’-dah threw it right into the middle of the fire. Then he looked all around, but could not see anybody. Ah-hā’-le who was now in the fire did not burn, but kept perfectly still and wished the keeper, Ah-wahn’-dah, would go to sleep.

Soon this happened and Ah-wahn’-dah fell fast asleep. Then Ah-hā’-le changed back into his own form and seized the Sun and ran quickly away with it.

Ah-wahn’-dah awoke and saw that the Sun was gone and called everybody to come quick and find it, but they could not for Ah-hā’-le had taken it down through the fog to the Valley People.

But when the Valley People saw it they were afraid and turned away from it, for it was too bright and hurt their eyes, and they said they could never sleep.

Ah-hā’-le took it to the chief, To-to’-kan-no, but To-to’-kan-no would not have it; he said he didn’t understand it; that Ah-hā’-le must make it go, for he had seen how the Foothills People did it.

When To-to’-kan-no refused to have anything to do with the Sun, Ah-hā’-le was disappointed, for he had worked very hard to get it.

Still he said, “Well, I’ll make it go.”

So he carried the Sun west to the place where the sky comes down to the earth, and found the west hole in the sky, and told Wut’-too to go through the hole and down under the earth and come up on the east side and climb up through the east bole in the sky, and work in two places–to make light over the Foothills People first, then come on down and make light over the Valley People, and then go
The Valley People shrinking from the Light. ”Ah-ha-le stole the Sun and brought it down through the fog and darkness to the Valley People, but they were afraid and turned from it.” through the west hole again and back under the earth so the people could sleep, and to keep on doing this, traveling all the time.

Wut’-too the Sun did as he was told. Then To-to’-kan-no and all the Valley People were glad, because they could see to hunt, and the Foothills People were satisfied too, for they had the light in the daytime so they could see, and at night the Sun went away so all the people could sleep.

After this, when the Sun was in the sky as it is now, all the FIRST PEOPLE turned into animals.

(Taboose (Nut Grass tuber) Howard)

Classic Turfing:
These Two Entries… from July 2005. They are tied together by one story. As time goes by, we will be featuring Classic Turfing entries as we clean up the old entries! (Lots of strange coding left over from the software days of Serendipity)

Teeming With Gods
The Story Finally Told (39 years ago)
Love Is For Vanishing – Farid ud Din Attar

The whole world is a marketplace for Love,
For naught that is, from Love remains remote.
The Eternal Wisdom made all things in Love.
On Love they all depend, to Love all turn.
The earth, the heavens, the sun, the moon, the stars
The center of their orbit find in Love.
By Love are all bewildered, stupefied,
Intoxicated by the Wine of Love.

From each, Love demands a mystic silence.
What do all seek so earnestly? “Tis Love.
Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts,
In Love no longer “Thou” and “I” exist,
For self has passed away in the Beloved.
Now will I draw aside the veil from Love,
And in the temple of mine inmost soul
Behold the Friend, Incomparable Love.
He who would know the secret of both worlds
Will find that the secret of them both is Love.
Intoxicated by the Wine of Love.
From each a mystic silence Love demands.
What do all seek so earnestly? ‘Tis Love.
What do they whisper to each other? Love.
Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts.
In Love no longer ‘thou’ and ‘I’ exist,
For Self has passed away in the Beloved.
Now will I draw aside the veil from Love,
And in the temple of mine inmost soul,
Behold the Friend; Incomparable Love.
He who would know the secret of both worlds,
Will find the secret of them both, is Love.
Strive to discover the mystery before life is taken from you.
If while living you fail to find yourself, to know yourself,
how will you be able to understand
the secret of your existence when you die?
Looking For Your Face

Your face is neither infinite nor ephemeral.
You can never see your own face,
only a reflection, not the face itself.

So you sigh in front of mirrors
and cloud the surface.

It’s better to keep your breath cold.
Hold it, like a diver does in the ocean.
One slight movement, the mirror-image goes.

Don’t be dead or asleep or awake.
Don’t be anything.

What you most want,
what you travel around wishing to find,
lose yourself as lovers lose themselves,
and you’ll be that.
The Moths And The Flame

Moths gathered in a fluttering throng one night
To learn the truth about the candle light,
And they decided one of them should go
To gather news of the elusive glow.
One flew till in the distance he discerned
A palace window where a candle burned –
And went no nearer: back again he flew
To tell the others what he thought he knew.
The mentor of the moths dismissed his claim,
Remarking: “He knows nothing of the flame.”
A moth more eager than the one before
Set out and passed beyond the palace door.
He hovered in the aura of the fire,
A trembling blur of timorous desire,
Then headed back to say how far he’d been,
And how much he had undergone and seen.
The mentor said: “You do not bear the signs
Of one who’s fathomed how the candle shines.”
Another moth flew out — his dizzy flight
Turned to an ardent wooing of the light;
He dipped and soared, and in his frenzied trance
Both self and fire were mingled by his dance –
The flame engulfed his wing-tips, body, head,
His being glowed a fierce translucent red;
And when the mentor saw that sudden blaze,
The moth’s form lost within the glowing rays,
He said: “He knows, he knows the truth we seek,
That hidden truth of which we cannot speak.”
To go beyond all knowledge is to find
That comprehension which eludes the mind,
And you can never gain the longed-for goal
Until you first outsoar both flesh and soul;
But should one part remain, a single hair
Will drag you back and plunge you in despair –
No creature’s self can be admitted here,
Where all identity must disappear.

Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group Live NYC (WIP IV)

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