Encountering The Other… Then and Now

Dear Readers…

The subject matters of this entry was started by a conversation with Rowan. He was talking about his need to find an idea for a one-act play… I suggested that he look in the realm of mythology… The Tale of Ossian, Suibne, Thomas The Rhymer.

There had also been a conversation on the Earthrites group about lights in the forest i.e. Will O’ The Wisp, as well as other forms of phenomena associated with the ‘Good People’. Our his/her-stories are filled with tales of encounters between humans and… the others. Everywhere you go on this green and tumbling world is found tales of the other ones.

So today’s entry touches on older tales, and some of the newer encounters… I think you may find them intriguing….

Being ill has some interesting dividends: Lucid Dreaming. I had a raging case of it last night. The mind goes in such odd directions at times.

Have To Hop,



On The Menu:

The Links

The ‘I’

Excerpt:The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies

Bee Quotes

Apparent Communication with Discarnate Entities Induced by Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)

Poetry: Thomas The Rhymer


The Links:

Experts reveal ‘ancient massacre’

Strangest Deaths…

Where There Is A Will…

Malaysian monks face ant dilemma



Excerpt:The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies

AMONG other Inƒtances of undoubted Verity, proving in theƒe the Being of ƒuch aerial People, or Species of Creatures not vulgarly known, I add the ƒubƒequent Relations, ƒome whereof I have from my Acquaintance with the Actors and Patients, and the Reƒt from the Eye-witneƒƒes to the Matter of Fact. The firƒt whereof ƒhall be of the Woman taken out of her Child-bed, and having a lingring Image of her ƒubƒtituted Bodie in her Roome, which Reƒemblance decay’d, dy’d, and was bur’d. But the Perƒon ƒtollen returning to her Huƒband after two Years Space, he being convinced by many undenyable Tokens that ƒhe was his former Wyfe, admitted her Home, and had diverƒe Children by her. Among other Reports ƒhe gave her Huƒband, this was one: That ƒhe perceived litle what they did in the ƒpacious Houƒe ƒhe lodg’d in, untill ƒhe anointed one of her Eyes with a certain Unction that was by her; which they perceaving to have acqainted her with their Actions, they fain’d her blind of that Eye with a Puff of their Breath. She found the Place full of Light, without any Fountain or Lamp from whence it did ƒpring. This Perƒon lived in the Countrey nixt to that of my laƒt Reƒidence, and might furniƒh Matter of Diƒpute amongƒt Caƒuiƒts, whither if her Huƒband had been mary’d in the Interim of her two Years Abƒence, he was oblidged to divorƒe from the ƒecond Spouƒe at the Return of the firƒt. There is ane Airt, appearingly without Superƒtition, for recovering of ƒuch as are ƒtolen, but think it ƒuperfluous to inƒert it.

I SAW a Woman of fourtie Years of Age, and examined her (having another Clergie Man in my Companie) about a Report that paƒt of her long faƒting, [her Name is not intyre.] 1 It was told by them of the Houƒe, as well as her ƒelfe, that ƒhe tooke verie little or no Food for ƒeverall Years paƒt; that ƒhe tarried in the Fields over Night, ƒaw and converƒed with a People ƒhe knew not, having wandered in ƒeeking of her Sheep, and ƒleep’t upon a Hillock, and finding her ƒelf tranƒported to another Place before Day. The Woman had a Child ƒince that Time, and is ƒtill prettie melanchollyous and ƒilent, hardly ever ƒeen to laugh. Her natural Heat and radical Moiƒture ƒeem to be equally balanced, lyke ane unextinguiƒhed Lamp, and going in a Circle, not unlike to the faint Lyfe of Bees, and ƒome Sort of Birds, that ƒleep all the Winter over, and revive in the Spring.

IT is uƒuall in all magicall Airts to have the Candidates prepoƒƒeƒƒit with a Believe of their Tutor’s Skill, and Ability to perform their Feats, and act their jugling Pranks and Legerdemain; but a Perƒon called Stewart, poƒƒeƒƒed with a prejudice at that was ƒpoken of the 2d Sight,

and living near to my Houƒe, was ƒoe put to it by a Seer, before many Witneƒƒes, that he loƒt his Speech and Power of his Legs, and breathing exceƒƒively, as if expyring, becauƒe of the many fearfull Wights that appeared to him. The Companie were forced to carrie him into the Houƒe.

IT is notoriouƒly known what in Killin, within Perthƒhire, fell tragically out with a Yeoman that liv’d hard by, who coming into a Companie within ane Ale-houƒe, where a Seer ƒat at Table, that at the Sight of the Intrant Neighbour, the Seer ƒtarting, roƒe to go out of the Hous; and being aƒked the Reaƒon of his haƒt, told that the intrant Man ƒhould die within two Days; at which News the named Intrant ƒlabb’d the Seer, and was himƒelf executed two Days after for the Fact.

A MINISTER, verie intelligent, but miƒbelieving all ƒuch Sights as were not ordinar, chanceing to be in a narrow Lane with a Seer, who perceaving a Wight of a known Viƒage furioƒlie to encounter them, the Seer deƒired the Miniƒter to turn out of the Way; who ƒcorning his

Reaƒon, and holding him ƒelfe in the Path with them, when the Seer was going haƒtily out of the Way, they were both violently caƒt a ƒide to a good Diƒtance, and the Fall made them lame for all their Lyfe. A little after the Miniƒter was carried Home, one came to tol the Bell for the Death of the Man whoƒe Repreƒentation met them in the narrow Path ƒome Halfe ane Hour before.

ANOTHER Example is: A Seer in Kintyre, in Scotland, ƒitting at Table with diverƒe others, ƒuddenly did caƒt his Head aƒide. The Companie aƒking him why he did it, he anƒwered, that ƒuch a Friend of his, by Name, then in Ireland, threatened immediately to caƒt a Diƒhfull of Butter in his Face. The Men wrote down the Day and Hour, and ƒent to the Gentleman to know the Truth; which Deed the Gentleman declared he did at that verie Time, for he knew that his Friend was a Seer, and would make ƒport with it. The Men that were preƒent, and examined the Matter exactly, told me this Story; and with all, that a Seer would with all his Opticks perceive no other Object ƒo readily as this, at ƒuch a Diƒtance.


Pray for our little sisters, and refuse GMO food products. We are losing them, apparently to our mismanaged dealings with nature…

Bee Quotes:

“The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others”

“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.”

“Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain – grief is an interval between two moments of joy. Peace is the interlude between two wars. You have no rose without a thorn; the diligent picker will avoid the pricks and gather the flower. There is no bee without the sting; cleverness consists in gathering the honey nevertheless.”

“What is not good for the swarm is not good for the bee.”

“Every saint has a bee in his halo”

“If God is a flower, you should feel yourself a bee that sucks its honey;”

“That buzzing-noise means something. If there’s a buzzing noise, somebody’s making a buzzing-noise, and the only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of is because you’re a bee. ….

And the only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey…..

And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it.” So he began to climb the tree.”


Apparent Communication with Discarnate Entities Induced by Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)by Peter Meyer

(With thanks to Erowid for keeping this up on-line!)

DMT Personal Reports –

Personal reports As regards the nature of the DMT experience, we are still at the Baconian, data-gathering, stage. Before going on to offer some generalizations and speculation I shall here present some descriptions of DMT experiences, especially insofar as they relate to the question of contact with discarnate entities. Because the use of DMT is still illegal in certain countries whose governments do not yet recognize a person’s natural right to modify his or her consciousness in whatever way desired, the authors of these reports shall for now remain anonymous.

Subject S (no previous experience with DMT; written communication):

My first attempts with DMT have left me with some serious thoughts… I did less than 10 mg on my second attempt and had a very weird experience. Not only did I have what I can only call a “close encounter,” I was left with two thoughts. First, they were waiting for me, and they were not “friendly.”… ion the] third attempt lit] seemed like they could not wait for me to experiment. In this event, I did not have actual contact, but rather “felt” them wanting to get into my consciousness. The actual experience was far more frightening than any major “trip” previously experienced…. I was profoundly affected.

Subject O (description of first DMT experience; written communication):

Remember to breathe. Recline and get into position, subsumed by the momentum; before me I see an irridescent membrane, taut and gently pulsating, something stretching and pushing towards me, on the other side, straining to emerge. fissure rends, tears and inside I glimpse the existence of something/place consisting of a dense whirling body of brilliantly multicolored primordial life/thought stuff, seeping and beckoning… I breathe and return into the plexus, center of my being, to witness myself as an outline-constructed 2-0 diagramatic shell of many coherent light-points, revolving quadrated vortices, large central to smaller and then tiny outer, phosphorescent green and I… enter into utter emptiness, space matrix…. [I]mpression of basic colors, unmuted blue, yellow and red, shimmering into being depth imperceptible yet defined within the space, endlessly recurring back from/into the corner when, slowly, from around the edges they peer towards me, watching eyes bright and watching in small faces, then small hands to pull themselves, slowly, from behind and into view; they are small white-blond imp-kids, very old in bright, mostly red, fogs and caps; candy-store, shiny, teasing and inquisitive, very solemn and somewhat pleased (ah, here you are!) watching me as I meet only their eyes bright and dark without any words (look!) or any idea remembered they only want to convey (look!) through their eyes that I must know that THIS is what they/we are doing…

Subject O (second DMT experience; written communication):

…I found myself once again in the company of the “elves, ” as the focus of their attention and ministrations, but they appeared much less colorful and altogether preoccupied with the task at hand, i.e., pouring a golden, viscous liquid through a network of long, inter- twining, transparent conduits which led into the middle of my abdomen…

Subject G (very experienced with DMT; Gracie [44], #5):

We each had taken 150 mg of pure MDA…. About hour 4, 1 decided to try smoking some DMT…. This time I saw the “elves” as multi– dimensional creatures formed by strands of visible language; they were more creaturely than I had ever seen them before…. The elves were dancing in and out of the multidimensional visible language matrix, “waving” their “arms” and “limbs/hands/fingers?” and “smiling” or “laughing, ” although I saw no faces as such. The elves were “telling” me (or I was understanding them to say) that I had seen them before, in early childhood. Memories were flooding back of seeing the elves: they looked just like they do now: evershifting,, folding, multidimensional, multicolored (what colors!), always laughing weaving/waving, showing me things, showing me the visible language they are created/creatures of, teaching me to speak and read.

Subject T (several previous DMT experiences; verbal communication):

I saw a tunnel, which I flew down at great speed. I approached the end of the tunnel, which was closed by two doors on which was written: THE END. I burst through these and was carried up through seven heavens, breaking through each one in turn. When I emerged at the top I was flying over a dark landscape (it seemed to be Mexico). I felt that this was all so weird that I should be scared (perhaps I had died), but I did not feel scared. I continued to fly on, over a ravine, leading up to a mountainside, and eventually saw a campfire. As I approached this, cautiously, I saw that on the other side of the fire was a human figure wearing a sombrero, whom I intuitively knew to be Don Juan. He invited me to come closer, and spoke to me.

Subject V (very experienced with DMT; verbal communication):

I was in a large space and saw what seemed to be thousands of the entities. They were rapidly passing something to and fro among themselves, and were looking intently at me, as if to say “See what we are doing” … I noticed what seemed to be an opening into a large space, like looking through a cave opening to a starry sky. As I approached this I saw that resting in the opening was a large crea- ture, with many arms, somewhat like an octopus, and all over the arms were eyes, mostly closed, as if the creature were asleep or slumbering. As I approached it the eyes opened, and it/they became aware of me. It did not seem especially well-disposed towards me, as if it did not wish to be bothered by a mere human, and I had the impression ! wasn’t going to get past it, so I did not try.

Subject M (several previous DMT experiences; written report; each of the following paragraphs in this section is a description of a separate experience):

(i) It was not until my fifth DMT trip that I became aware of alien contact. I took two inhalations from a mixture of 75 mg of DMT wax (less than 100″/0 pure) and mullein. The visual hallucination was experienced as overwhelming, totally amazing, incredible and unbelievable. I could only surrender to the experience, reminding myself that I would survive and attempt to deal with the sense that what I was seeing was completely impossible. I wondered whether this was what dying was like and reassured myself, through noting my breathing, that I wits still alive. What I was experiencing was happening too quickly to comprehend. At one point I suddenly became aware of beings,, who were rapdily flitting about me. They appeared as dark, stick-like beings silhouetted against a rapidly- changing kaleidoscopic background. Although I could not make out much detail, I definitely feIt their presence.

(ii) On the sixth occasion I took two inhalations of about 35 ms of pure DMT in a glass pipe. Immediately upon closing my eyes I was overwhelmed by visual hallucination. This seemed to last but briefly, whereupon I passed abruptly through to another realm, los- ing all awareness Of my body. II was as if there were alien beings there waiting for me, and I recall that they spoke to me as if they had been awaiting my arrival, but I cannot remember exactly what was said. This time, rather than (or as well as) flitting about me, the entities approached me from the front, rapidly and repeatedly, appearing to enter and pass through me. I could make no sense of what was happening. I opened my eyes and made contact with my companions, locating myself once move in the room from which had begun. Immediately I completely forgot what I had just experienced. The contents of the room appeared stable but weirdly distorted. I was able to recognize and to talk to my companions, but I felt and appeared very disoriented. …. The memory of this experience came back only when, Inter that evening, I smoked the remainder of what was left in the pipe — not enough to break through, but enough for me to remember….

(iii) …I got deeply into the visual hallucination. I was barely able to remind and to reassure myself that “DMT is safe,” though I had some difficulty recalling tire name “DMT. With eyes closed, I experienced intense, overwhelming visual imagery. I was seeing a large, extremely colorful surface, like a membrane, pulsating toward and away from me. …I recalled that I had seen this before, on previous DMT trips, but had forgotten it. During this experience I was aware of my breathing and heartbeat, and was careful to continue breathing deeply. The pattern was in intense hues, and its parts seemed to have meaning, as if they were letters of an alphabet, but I could not make sense of it. I was quite amazed. I felt that I was being shown something, and I tried to understand what I was seeing, but could not. I also heard elf-language, but it was not meaningful to me. Eventually the visions subsided with no breakthrough and no overt alien contact.

(iv) ! smoked at around 2 a.m. with little effect and some vaguely unpleasant visual hallucination (harlequin-like gargoyles?). This might have been due to being tired and to having eaten substantially a few hours before. There was a sense of alien presence. Upon awakening next morning I noticed that my electronic alarm clock, while obviously still “ticking,” had stopped at the time I had been smoking the previous night. I have never known the clock to stop in this way before or since.

(v) Smoked 40-50 mg of DMT wax. …An overwhelming and con- fusing experience. My heart rate seemed to go way up, which caused me some concern. I had to remind myself that one does not die from smoking DMT. The experience was disjointed and erratic. There were white flashes, like subtitles in a film, except that they were not verbal but rather like a white-energy-being rushing quickly through the scene from left to right (what I now think of as “the white lightning being”). There was a strange, incomprehensible auditory hallucination. Confusing and unpleasant. I reflected that this is what hell might be like (good practice for hell: stay calm and try to observe what is happening).

(vi) Upon lying back I became aware of brightly colored, moving patterns, which I remembered having seen before on DMT (but having forgotten about — indeed even now, a half-hour later, I cannot recall them clearly). I was then immersed in a totally weird state, like being in a large multicolored hall whose walls (if it had walls) were moving incomprehensibly. …Apart from occasional awareness of my breathing I was hardly aware of my body at all. I seemed to be in another world, disembodied, and feeling flabbergasted. I seemed to be aware of the presence of other beings in the same space, but had only fleeting glimpses of them, as if they were shy about appearing to me. In this state I did not know what to do. It was as if I was offered a wish by the dragon but dill not understand what was being offered — or even that there was a dragon at all. Throughout there was elf-music, and elf-language in the background. I did not attend much to this since the visual effects were so overwhelming. As the influence of the DMT wore off I felt myself losing contact with this state and I knew that I would forget what was happening. It felt as if there were beings “waving goodbye. “

(vii) I smoked 40 mg of pure DMT mixed with some marijuana. …I quickly entered into the trance state without noticing any great amount of the usual patterned visual hallucination. …I seemed to be falling away, spiraling into some large, black void, after which I seemed to be in a bright, open space in the presence of two other beings. Their forms were not very clear, but they seemed to be like children, as if we were together in a playground. They appeared to be moving very rapidly….The two beings seemed to be frying to attract my attention, and to communicate something to me, but I could not understand. It was as if they were trying to make me understand where I was. One even seemed to be holding up a sign, like a speech balloon, but, as I recall, the sign was blank. I attended to my breathing, and with this came an increased sense of serf- identity, and with this a lessening of contact with the two beings.

(viii) Smoked 40 mg spread over mint leaves, in three tokes, sifting upright. 1Lly intention was to see what spirits, if any,, are currently about me. As the experience came upon me I managed to keep that intention, or at least, “What spirits…’” and also remembered to breathe regularly. A strange state of mind ensued, one of dynamic, patterned energy, in which I was not sure whether I was perceiving a scene, with a moving being, or not. I finally realized that the answer to my question regarding spirits was that there were indeed many around me, and that they were merry, hiding and playing a joke on me. However, I did not specifically see or hear any.

(ix) Smoked 40 mg of DMT wax spread over mint leaves as usual, sifting up leaning against a pillow….As the trance came on I was overwhelmed with visual imagery that I did not even attempt to make sense of. I struggled to remember who I was…..[I]] turned my attention to the visual component, and what I saw was an incredible amount of stuff coming at me in waves, sort of rolling toward me. There were two beings in the scene, and they were doing the rolling, definitely throwing all this stuff at me — I don’t know why. The scene changed, and there was more visual hallucination, but I don ‘t remember the details — all happening very quickly.


Thomas the Rhymer

True Thomas lay on Huntlie bank;

A ferlie he spied wi’ his e’e;

And there he saw a ladye bright

Come riding down by the Eildon Tree.

Her skirt was o’ the grass-green silk,

Her mantle o’ the velvet fyne;

At ilka tett o’ her horse’s mane,

Hung fifty siller bells and nine.

True Thomas he pu’d aff his cap,

And louted low down on his knee

‘Hail to thee Mary, Queen of Heaven!

For thy peer on earth could never be.’

‘O no, O no, Thomas’ she said,

‘That name does not belang to me;

I’m but the Queen o’ fair Elfland,

That am hither come to visit thee.

‘Harp and carp, Thomas,’ she said;

‘Harp and carp along wi’ me;

And if ye dare to kiss my lips,

Sure of your bodie I will be.’

‘Betide me weal; betide me woe,

That weird shall never daunten me.’

Syne he has kiss’d her rosy lips,

All underneath the Eildon Tree.

‘Now ye maun go wi’ me,’ she said,

‘True Thomas, ye maun go wi’ me;

And ye maun serve me seven years,

Thro’ weal or woe as may chance to be.’

She ‘s mounted on her milk-white steed,

She ‘s ta’en true Thomas up behind;

And aye, whene’er her bridle rang,

The steed gaed swifter than the wind.

O they rade on, and farther on,

The steed gaed swifter than the wind;

Until they reach’d a desert wide,

And living land was left behind.

‘Light down, light down now, true Thomas,

And lean your head upon my knee;

Abide ye there a little space,

And I will show you ferlies three.

‘O see ye not yon narrow road,

So thick beset wi’ thorns and briers?

That is the Path of Righteousness,

Though after it but few inquires.

‘And see ye not yon braid, braid road,

That lies across the lily leven?

That is the Path of Wickedness,

Though some call it the Road to Heaven.

‘And see ye not yon bonny road

That winds about the fernie brae?

That is the Road to fair Elfland,

Where thou and I this night maun gae.

‘But, Thomas, ye sall haud your tongue,

Whatever ye may hear or see;

For speak ye word in Elfyn-land,

Ye’ll ne’er win back to your ain countrie.’

O they rade on, and farther on,

And they waded rivers abune the knee;

And they saw neither sun nor moon,

But they heard the roaring of the sea.

It was mirk, mirk night, there was nae starlight,

They waded thro’ red blude to the knee;

For a’ the blude that ‘s shed on the earth

Rins through the springs o’ that countrie.

Syne they came to a garden green,

And she pu’d an apple frae a tree:

‘Take this for thy wages, true Thomas;

It will give thee the tongue that can never lee.’

‘My tongue is my ain,’ true Thomas he said;

‘A gudely gift ye wad gie to me!

I neither dought to buy or sell

At fair or tryst where I might be.

‘I dought neither speak to prince or peer,

Nor ask of grace from fair ladye!’—

‘Now haud thy peace, Thomas,’ she said,

‘For as I say, so must it be.’

He has gotten a coat of the even cloth,

And a pair o’ shoon of the velvet green;

And till seven years were gane and past,

True Thomas on earth was never seen.

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