The Wooing Of Olwen….

How it works…. If I write the intro at night, I have plenty to say… if it is in the morning, well you get something like this. 8o) I draw a blank often for the 1st few hours. Formulating thoughts best done late at night kids…

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On The Menu:

The Links

Terence Interview…

The Wooing of Olwen

Cannabis And Kids…

The Quotes

The Poetry Of Arthur Rimbaud

Art: Lucien Levy-Dhurmer (1865-1953)


The Links;

Judge Bans NYPD Videotaping Of Political Protests

Children used for religion

Moments of Zen

Seizure of LSD stash in ’06 anamoly, police say

Impetuous Man That He Is, Penn Jillette Advertises Chinese Viagra


Terence Interview…


The Wooing of Olwen

Shortly after the birth of Kilhuch, the son of King Kilyth, his mother died. Before her death she charged the king that he should not take a wife again until he saw a briar with two blossoms upon her grave, and the king sent every morning to see if anything were growing thereon. After many years the briar appeared, and he took to wife the widow of King Doged. She foretold to her stepson, Kilhuch, that it was his destiny to marry a maiden named Olwen, or none other, and he, at his father’s bidding, went to the court of his cousin, King Arthur, to ask as a boon the hand of the maiden. He rode upon a grey steed with shell-formed hoofs, having a bridle of linked gold, and a saddle also of gold. In his hand were two spears of silver, well-tempered, headed with steel, of an edge to wound the wind and cause blood to flow, and swifter than the fall of the dew-drop from the blade of reed grass upon the earth when the dew of June is at its heaviest. A gold-hilted sword was on his thigh, and the blade was of gold, having inlaid upon it a cross of the hue of the lightning of heaven. Two brindled, white-breasted greyhounds, with strong collars of rubies, sported round him, and his courser cast up four sods with its four hoofs like four swallows about his head. Upon the steed was a four-cornered cloth of purple, and an apple of gold was at each corner. Precious gold was upon the stirrups and shoes, and the blade of grass bent not beneath them, so light was the courser’s tread as he went towards the gate of King Arthur’s palace.

Arthur received him with great ceremony, and asked him to remain at the palace; but the youth replied that he came not to consume meat and drink, but to ask a boon of the king.

Then said Arthur, “Since thou wilt not remain here, chieftain, thou shalt receive the boon, whatsoever thy tongue may name, as far as the wind dries and the rain moistens, and the sun revolves, and the sea encircles, and the earth extends, save only my ships and my mantle, my sword, my lance, my shield, my dagger, and Guinevere my wife.”

So Kilhuch craved of him the hand of Olwen, the daughter of Yspathaden Penkawr, and also asked the favour and aid of all Arthur’s court.

Then said Arthur, “O chieftain, I have never heard of the maiden of whom thou speakest, nor of her kindred, but I will gladly send messengers in search of her.”

And the youth said, “I will willingly grant from this night to that at the end of the year to do so.”

Then Arthur sent messengers to every land within his dominions to seek for the maiden; and at the end of the year Arthur’s messengers returned without having gained any knowledge or information concerning Olwen more than on the first day.

Then said Kilhuch, “Every one has received his boon, and I yet lack mine. I will depart and bear away thy honour with me.”

Then said Kay, “Rash chieftain! dost thou reproach Arthur? Go with us, and we will not part until thou dost either confess that the maiden exists not in the world, or until we obtain her.”

Thereupon Kay rose up.

Kay had this peculiarity, that his breath lasted nine nights and nine days under water, and he could exist nine nights and nine days without sleep. A wound from Kay’s sword no physician could heal. Very subtle was Kay. When it pleased him he could render himself as tall as the highest tree in the forest. And he had another peculiarity—so great was the heat of his nature, that, when it rained hardest, whatever he carried remained dry for a handbreadth above and a handbreath below his hand; and when his companions were coldest, it was to them as fuel with which to light their fire.

And Arthur called Bedwyr, who never shrank from any enterprise upon which Kay was bound. None was equal to him in swiftness throughout this island except Arthur and Drych Ail Kibthar. And although he was one-handed, three warriors could not shed blood faster than he on the field of battle. Another property he had; his lance would produce a wound equal to those of nine opposing lances.

And Arthur called to Kynthelig the guide. “Go thou upon this expedition with the Chieftain.” For as good a guide was he in a land which he had never seen as he was in his own.

[He called Gwrhyr Gwalstawt Ieithoedd, because he knew all tongues.

He called Gwalchmai, the son of Gwyar, because he never returned home without achieving the adventure of which he went in quest. He was the best of footmen and the best of knights. He was nephew to Arthur, the son of his sister, and his cousin.

And Arthur called Menw, the son of Teirgwaeth, in order that if they went into a savage country, he might cast a charm and an illusion over them, so that none might see them whilst they could see every one.

They journeyed on till they came to a vast open plain, wherein they saw a great castle, which was the fairest in the world. But so far away was it that at night it seemed no nearer, and they scarcely reached it on the third day. When they came before the castle they beheld a vast flock of sheep, boundless and without end. They told their errand to the herdsman, who endeavoured to dissuade them, since none who had come thither on that quest had returned alive. They gave to him a gold ring, which he conveyed to his wife, telling her who the visitors were.

On the approach of the latter, she ran out with joy to greet them, and sought to throw her arms about their necks. But Kay, snatching a billet out of the pile, placed the log between her two hands, and she squeezed it so that it became a twisted coil.

“O woman,” said Kay, “if thou hadst squeezed me thus, none could ever again have set their affections on me. Evil love were this.”

They entered the house, and after meat she told them that the maiden Olwen came there every Saturday to wash. They pledged their faith that they would not harm her, and a message was sent to her. So Olwen came, clothed in a robe of flame-coloured silk, and with a collar of ruddy gold, in which were emeralds and rubies, about her neck. More golden was her hair than the flower of the broom, and her skin was whiter than the foam of the wave, and fairer were her hands and her fingers than the blossoms of the wood anemone amidst the spray of the meadow fountain. Brighter were her glances than those of a falcon; her bosom was more snowy than the breast of the white swan, her cheek redder than the reddest roses. Whoso beheld was filled with her love. Four white trefoils sprang up wherever she trod, and therefore was she called Olwen.

Then Kilhuch, sitting beside her on a bench, told her his love, and she said that he would win her as his bride if he granted whatever her father asked.

Accordingly they went up to the castle and laid their request before him.

“Raise up the forks beneath my two eyebrows which have fallen over my eyes,” said Yspathaden Penkawr, “that I may see the fashion of my son-in-law.”

They did so, and he promised them an answer on the morrow. But as they were going forth, Yspathaden seized one of the three poisoned darts that lay beside him and threw it back after them.

And Bedwyr caught it and flung it back, wounding Yspathaden in the knee.

Then said he, “A cursed ungentle son-in-law, truly. I shall ever walk the worse for his rudeness. This poisoned iron pains me like the bite of a gad-fly. Cursed be the smith who forged it, and the anvil whereon it was wrought.”

The knights rested in the house of Custennin the herdsman, but the next day at dawn they returned to the castle and renewed their request.

Yspathaden said it was necessary that he should consult Olwen’s four great-grandmothers and her four great-grandsires.

The knights again withdrew, and as they were going he took the second dart and cast it after them.

But Menw caught it and flung it back, piercing Yspathaden’s breast with it, so that it came out at the small of his back.

“A cursed ungentle son-in-law, truly,” says he, “the hard iron pains me like the bite of a horse-leech. Cursed be the hearth whereon it was heated! Henceforth whenever I go up a hill, I shall have a scant in my breath and a pain in my chest.”

On the third day the knights returned once more to the palace, and Yspathaden took the third dart and cast it at them.

But Kilhuch caught it and threw it vigorously, and wounded him through the eyeball, so that the dart came out at the back of his head.

“A cursed ungentle son-in-law, truly. As long as I remain alive my eyesight will be the worse. Whenever I go against the wind my eyes will water, and peradventure my head will burn, and I shall have a giddiness every new moon. Cursed be the fire in which it was forged. Like the bite of a mad dog is the stroke of this poisoned iron.”

And they went to meat.

Said Yspathaden Penkawr, “Is it thou that seekest my daughter?”

“It is I,” answered Kilhuch.

“I must have thy pledge that thou wilt not do towards me otherwise than is just, and when I have gotten that which I shall name, my daughter thou shalt have.”

“I promise thee that willingly,” said Kilhuch, “name what thou wilt.”

“I will do so,” said he.

“Throughout the world there is not a comb or scissors with which I can arrange my hair, on account of its rankness, except the comb and scissors that are between the two ears of Turch Truith, the son of Prince Tared. He will not give them of his own free will, and thou wilt not be able to compel him.”

“It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think that it will not be easy.”

“Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get. It will not be possible to hunt Turch Truith without Drudwyn the whelp of Greid, the son of Eri, and know that throughout the world there is not a huntsman who can hunt with this dog, except Mabon the son of Modron. He was taken from his mother when three nights old, and it is not known where he now is, nor whether he is living or dead.”

“It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think that it will not be easy.”

“Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get. Thou wilt not get Mabon, for it is not known where he is, unless thou find Eidoel, his kinsman in blood, the son of Aer. For it would be useless to seek for him. He is his cousin.”

“It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think that it will not be easy. Horses shall I have, and chivalry; and my lord and kinsman Arthur will obtain for me all these things. And I shall gain thy daughter, and thou shalt lose thy life.”

“Go forward. And thou shalt not be chargeable for food or raiment for my daughter while thou art seeking these things; and when thou hast compassed all these marvels, thou shalt have my daughter for wife.”

Now, when they told Arthur how they had sped, Arthur said, “Which of these marvels will it be best for us to seek first?”

“It will be best,” said they, “to seek Mabon the son of Modron; and he will not be found unless we first find Eidoel, the son of Aer, his kinsman.”

Then Arthur rose up, and the warriors of the Islands of Britain with him, to seek for Eidoel; and they proceeded until they came before the castle of Glivi, where Eidoel was imprisoned.

Glivi stood on the summit of his castle, and said, “Arthur, what requirest thou of me, since nothing remains to me in this fortress, and I have neither joy nor pleasure in it; neither wheat nor oats?”

Said Arthur, “Not to injure thee came I hither, but to seek for the prisoner that is with thee.”

“I will give thee my prisoner, though I had not thought to give him up to any one; and therewith shalt thou have my suport and my aid.”

His followers then said unto Arthur, “Lord, go thou home, thou canst not proceed with thy host in quest of such small adventures as these.”

Then said Arthur, “It were well for thee, Gwrhyr Gwalstawt Ieithoedd, to go upon this quest, for thou knowest all languages, and art familiar with those of the birds and the beasts. Go, Eidoel, likewise with my men in search of thy cousin. And as for you, Kay and Bedwyr, I have hope of whatever adventure ye are in quest of, that ye will achieve it. Achieve ye this adventure for me.”

These went forward until they came to the Ousel of Cilgwri, and Gwrhyr adjured her for the sake of Heaven, saying, “Tell me if thou knowest aught of Mabon, the son of Modron, who was taken when three nights old from between his mother and the wall.

And the Ousel answered, “When I first came here there was a smith’s anvil in this place, and I was then a young bird, and from that time no work has been done upon it, save the pecking of my beak every evening, and now there is not so much as the size of a nut remaining thereof; yet the vengeance of Heaven be upon me if during all that time I have ever heard of the man for whom you inquire. Nevertheless, there is a race of animals who were formed before me, and I will be your guide to them.”

So they proceeded to the place where was the Stag of Redynvre.

“Stag of Redynvre, behold we are come to thee, an embassy from Arthur, for we have not heard of any animal older than thou. Say, knowest thou aught of Mabon?”

The stag said, “When first I came hither, there was a plain all around me, without any trees save one oak sapling, which grew up to be an oak with an hundred branches. And that oak has since perished, so that now nothing remains of it but the withered stump; and from that day to this I have been here, yet have I never heard of the man for whom you inquire. Nevertheless, I will be your guide to the place where there is an animal which was formed before I was.”

So they proceeded to the place where was the Owl of Cwm Cawlwyd, to inquire of him concerning Mabon.

And the owl said, “If I knew I would tell you. When first I came hither, the wide valley you see was a wooded glen. And a race of men came and rooted it up. And there grew there a second wood, and this wood is the third. My wings, are they not withered stumps? Yet all this time, even until to-day, I have never heard of the man for whom you inquire. Nevertheless, I will be the guide of Arthur’s embassy until you come to the place where is the oldest animal in this world, and the one who has travelled most, the eagle of Gwern Abwy.”

When they came to the eagle, Gwrhyr asked it the same question; but it replied, “I have been here for a great space of time, and when I first came hither there was a rock here, from the top of which I pecked at the stars every evening, and now it is not so much as a span high. From that day to this I have been here, and I have never heard of the man for whom you inquire, except once when I went in search of food as far as Llyn Llyw. And when I came there, I struck my talons into a salmon, thinking he would serve me as food for a long time. But he drew me into the deep, and I was scarcely able to escape from him. After that I went with my whole kindred to attack him and to try to destroy him, but he sent messengers and made peace with me, and came and besought me to take fifty fish-spears out of his back. Unless he know something of him whom you seek, I cannot tell you who may. However, I will guide you to the place where he is.”

So they went thither, and the eagle said, “Salmon of Llyn Llyw, I have come to thee with an embassy from Arthur to ask thee if thou knowest aught concerning Mabon, the son of Modron, who was taken away at three nights old from between his mother and the wall.”

And the salmon answered, “As much as I know I will tell thee. With every tide I go along the river upwards, until I come near to the walls of Gloucester, and there have I found such wrong as I never found elsewhere; and to the end that ye may give credence thereto, let one of you go thither upon each of my two shoulders.”

So Kay and Gwrhyr went upon his shoulders, and they proceeded till they came to the wall of the prison, and they heard a great wailing and lamenting from the dungeon.

Said Gwrhyr, “Who is it that laments in this house of stone?”

And the voice replied, “Alas, it is Mabon, the son of Modron, who is here imprisoned!”

Then they returned and told Arthur, who, summoning his warriors, attacked the castle.

And whilst the fight was going on, Kay and Bedwyr, mounting on the shoulders of the fish, broke into the dungeon, and brought away with them Mabon, the son of Modron.

Then Arthur summoned unto him all the warriors that were in the three islands of Britain and in the three islands adjacent; and he went as far as Esgeir Oervel in Ireland where the Boar Truith was with his seven young pigs. And the dogs were let loose upon him from all sides. But he wasted the fifth part of Ireland, and then set forth through the sea to Wales. Arthur and his hosts, and his horses, and his dogs followed hard after him. But ever and awhile the boar made a stand, and many a champion of Arthur’s did he slay. Throughout all Wales did Arthur follow him, and one by one the young pigs were killed. At length, when he would fain have crossed the Severn and escaped into Cornwall, Mabon the son of Modron came up with him, and Arthur fell upon him together with the champions of Britain. On the one side Mabon the son of Modron spurred his steed and snatched his razor from him, whilst Kay came up with him on the other side and took from him the scissors. But before they could obtain the comb he had regained the ground with his feet, and from the moment that he reached the shore, neither dog nor man nor horse could overtake him until he came to Cornwall. There Arthur and his hosts followed in his track until they overtook him in Cornwall. Hard had been their trouble before, but it was child’s play to what they met in seeking the comb. Win it they did, and the Boar Truith they hunted into the deep sea, and it was never known whither he went.

Then Kilhuch set forward, and as many as wished ill to Yspathaden Penkawr. And they took the marvels with them to his court. And Kaw of North Britain came and shaved his beard, skin and flesh clean off to the very bone from ear to ear.

“Art thou shaved, man?” said Kilhuch.

“I am shaved,” answered he.

“Is thy daughter mine now?”

“She is thine, but therefore needst thou not thank me, but Arthur who hath accomplished this for thee. By my free will thou shouldst never have had her, for with her I lose my life.”

Then Goreu the son of Custennin seized him by the hair of his head and dragged him after him to the keep, and cut off his head and placed it on a stake on the citadel.

Thereafter the hosts of Arthur dispersed themselves each man to his own country.

Thus did Kilhuch son of Kelython win to wife Olwen, the daughter of Yspathaden Penkawr.


Cannabis And Kids…


The Quotes:

“Wine makes a man more pleased with himself; I do not say that it makes him more pleasing to others.”

“The power of hiding ourselves from one another is mercifully given, for men are wild beasts, and would devour one another but for this protection.”

“The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything.”

“I grew up in Europe, where the history comes from.”

“Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to.”

“Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm.”

“If little else, the brain is an educational toy.”



The Poetry Of Arthur Rimbaud

Drunken Boat

I drifted on a river I could not control,

No longer guided by the bargemen’s ropes,

They were captured by howling Indians

Who nailed them naked to colored stakes.

I cared no more for other boats or cargoes:

English cotton, Flemish wheat, all were gone.

When my bargemen could no longer haul me

I forgot about everything and drifted on.

Through the wild splash and surging of the tides

Last winter, deaf as a child’s dark night,

I ran and ran! And the drifting peninsulas

Have never known such conquering delight.

Lighter than cork, I revolved upon waves

That roll the dead forever in the deep,

Ten days, beyond the blinking eyes of land!

Lulled by storms, I drifted seaward from sleep.

Sweeter than children find the taste of sour fruit,

Green water filled my cockle shell of pine.

Anchor and rudder went drifting away,

Washed in vomit and stained with blue wine.

Now I drift through the Poem of the Sea;

This gruel of stars mirrors the milky sky,

Devours green azures; ecstatic flotsam,

Drowned men, pale and thoughtful, sometimes drift by.

Staining the sudden blueness, the slow sounds,

Deliriums that streak the glowing sky,

Stronger than drink and the songs we sing,

It is boiling, bitter, red; it is love!

I watched the lightning tear the sky apart,

Watched waterspouts, and streaming undertow,

And Dawn like Dove-People rising on wings

I’ve seen what men have only dreamed they saw!

I saw the sun with mystic horrors darken

And shimmer through a violet haze;

With a shiver of shutters the waves fell

Like actors in ancient, forgotten plays!

I dreamed of green nights and glittering snow,

Slow kisses rising in the eyes of the Sea,

Unknown liquids flowing, the blue and yellow

Stirring of phosphorescent melody’

For months I watched the surge of the sea,

Hysterical herds attacking the reefs;

I never thought the bright feet of Mary

Could muzzle up the heavy-breathing waves’.

I have jostled-you know ?-unbelievable Floridas

And seen among the flowers the wild eyes

of panthers in the skins of mien! Rainbows

Bridling blind flocks beneath the horizons!

In stinking swamps I have seen great hulksi

A Leviathan that rotted in the reeds!

Water crumbling in the midst of calm

And distances that shatter into foam.

Glaciers, silver suns, waves of pearl, fiery skies,

Giant serpents stranded where lice consume

Them, falling in the depths of dark gulfs

From twisted trees, bathed in black perfume!

I wanted to show children these fishes shining

In the blue wave, the golden fish that sing

A froth of flowers cradled my wandering

And delicate winds tossed me on their wings.

Sometimes, a martyr of poles and latitudes,

The sea rocked me softly in sighing air,

And brought me shadow-flowers with yellow stems

I remained like a woman, kneeling . . .

Almost an island, I balanced on my boat’s sides

Rapacious blond-eyed birds, their dung, their screams.

I drifted on. Through fragile tangled lines

Drowned men, still staring up, sank down to sleep.

Now I, a little lost boat, in swirling debris,

Tossed by the storm into the birdless upper air

-All the Hansa Merchants and Monitors

Could not fish up my body drunk with the sea;

Free and soaring, trailing a violet haze,

Shot through the sky, a reddening wall

Wet with the jam of poets’ inspiration,

Lichens of sun, and snots of bright blue sky;

Lost branch spinning in a herd of hippocamps,

Covered over with electric animals

An everlasting July battering

The glittering sky and its fiery funnels;

Shaking at the sound of monsters roaring,

Rutting Behemoths in thick whirlpools,

Eternal weaver of unmoving blues,

I thought of Europe and its ancient walls!

I have seen archipelagos in the stars,

Feverish skies where I was free to roam!

Are these bottomless nights your exiled nests,

Swarm of golden birds, 0 Strength to come?

True, I’ve cried too much; I am heartsick at dawn.

The moon is bitter and the sun is sour …

Love burns me; I am swollen and slow.

Let my keel break! Oh, let me sink in the sea!

If I long for a shore in Europe,

It’s a small pond, dark, cold, remote,

The odor of evening, and a child full of sorrow

Who stoops to launch a crumpled paper boat.

Washed in your languors, Sea, I cannot trace

The wake of tankers foaming through the cold,

Nor assault the pride of pennants and flags,

Nor endure the slave ship’s stinking hold.

Drunken Morning

Oh, my Beautiful! Oh, my Good!

Hideous fanfare where yet I do not stumble!

Oh, rack of enchantments!

For the first time, hurrah for the unheard-of work,

For the marvelous body! For the first time!

It began with the laughter of children, and there it will end.

This poison will stay in our veins even when, as the fanfares depart,

We return to our former disharmony.

Oh, now, we who are so worthy of these tortures!

Let us re-create ourselves after that superhuman promise

Made to our souls and our bodies at their creation:

That promise, that madness!

Elegance, silence, violence!

They promised to bury in shadows the tree of good and evil,

To banish tyrannical honesty,

So that we might flourish in our very pure love.

It began with a certain disgust, and it ended –

Since we could not immediately seize upon eternity –

It ended in a scattering of perfumes.

Laughter of children, discretion of slaves, austerity of virgins,

Horror of faces and objects here below,

Be sacred in the memory of the evening past.

It began in utter boorishness, and now it ends

In angels of fire and ice.

Little drunken vigil, blessed!

If only for the mask you have left us!

Method, we believe in you! We never forgot that yesterday

You glorified all of our ages.

We have faith in poison.

We will give our lives completely, every day.



It is recovered.

What? Eternity.

In the whirling light

Of sun become sea.

Oh my sentinel soul

Let us desire

The nothing of night

And the day on fire.

From the applause of the World

And the striving of Man

You set yourself free

And fly as you can

For out of you only,

Soft silken embers

Duty arises

Nor surfeit remembers.

Then shall all hope fail

No orietur.

Science with patience

The torment is sure.

It is recovered.

What? Eternity.

In the whirling light

Of sun become sea.


Water, clear as the salt of children’s tears.

Suddenly in sunlight, women’s bodies, all white;

Streams of silk, pure lilies, bright banners

Beneath ramparts where an armed Maid appeared.

Diversion of angels; Northern current carries gold

And loads its heavy, black, cool arms with grass,

Sinking beneath its canopy of sky . . . and the arch

And shadows of the hill, like curtains, unfold.


Watch! This wet square of stream moves in soft swirls,

In endless glassy gold pavilioning its bed;

Like willow trees where birds hop unhindered

Are the green gauzy dresses of the little girls.

Flowers brighter than coin, warm yellow eyes

That trouble waters-O Wife, your conjugal love!

-The rosy Sun at noon burns sullenly above

This dark mirror, reflected through hazy skies.


MADAME in the open field stands too straight

In a swirl of snowy threads, her parasol

Unsheathed; she snaps flower tops to watch them fall

Her children read their red-backed book, and wait,

Wait, in the flowering grass. Alas!

He Like a thousand bright angels scattering in flight

Scales the mountaintops and fades from sight!

Behind him runs the black, unbending SHE!


Regret for the thick young arms of virgin grass!

Gold of April moonlight in the sacred bed!

joy Of abandoned boat docks on the riverbank, prey

To the August nights that bred this rottenness !

Now let her weep beneath these walls!

The breath of towering poplars is the only breeze.

And then this water, sourceless, somber, gray,

And a man who drags the bottom in a motionless barge.


Toy for this dull eye of water, I cannot reach

-0 motionless boat! Too short, my arms!

These flowers: the yellow one that bothers me

There, nor the blue, friend to water the color of ash!

From wing-shaken willows a powder drifts;

The roses in the reeds have long since dried.

My boat, still motionless; and its chain pulled

Deep in this edgeless eye of water..into what mud?


A Prince was annoyed that he had forever devoted himself

Only to the perfection of vulgar generosities.

He foresaw astonishing revolutions in love,

And suspected that his wives were capable of more

Than an agreeable complacency,

Compounded of luxury and air.

He desired to see the Truth, the time of essential desire

And satisfaction.

Whether this would be an aberration of piety or no,

He desired it. And he possessed extensive human power,

All women who had known him were slaughtered.

What destruction in the garden of beauty!

Beneath the ax, they blessed him.

He ordered no new ones brought …

but women reappeared.

He killed all his followers, after the hunt,

Or his drinking bouts …

But everyone followed him.

He amused himself by slaughtering rare animals.

He put the torch to his palaces.

He came down upon the people, and tore them to pieces …

The crowd, the golden roofs, the beautiful beasts

Were still there.

Is ecstasy possible in destruction ?

Can one grow young in cruelty?

The people made no sound. No one opposed his views.

He was riding one evening proudly alone, and a Genie appeared.

His beauty was ineffable … even inexpressible.

In his face and his bearing shone the promise

Of a complex and many-layered love!

Of happiness unbelievable, almost too much to bear,

The Prince and the Genie were lost in each other – disappearing, probably,

Into essential health.

How could they not have died of this?

Together then, they died.

But the Prince expired in his place, at an ordinary age…

The Prince was the Genie.

The Genie was the Prince


Our desire lacks the music of the mind.


Black A, white E, red I, green U, blue O- vowels,

Some day I will open your silent pregnancies:

A, black belt, hairy with bursting flies,

Bumbling and buzzing over stinking cruelties,

pits of night; E, Candor of sand and pavilions,

High glacial spears, white kings, trembling Queen Anne’s lace;

I, bloody spittle, laughter dribbling from a face

In wild denial or in anger, vermilions;

U… divine movement of viridian seas,

Peace of pastures animal-strewn, peace of calm lines

Drawn on foreheads worn with heavy alchemies;

O… supreme Trumpet, harsh with strange stridencies,

Silences traced in angels and astral designs:

0 … OMEGA … the violet light of His Eyes!


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